Avocado Plant Care – Can I grow avocado at home?

Avocado Plant Care – Can I grow avocado at home?

Avocado Plant Care - Can I grow avocado at home?

Avocado Plant Care is not as easy as it looks on the internet. This guide will help you succeed. If you have failed to grow avocados from seeds, don’t despair! Here are some tips to help you get started and keep the plant alive indoors.

Avocado plant care can be difficult because the “alligator Pear” can grow leggy quickly without bright sunlight. However, it can also burn in full sun if not properly foliated. It is a beautiful, glossy-leaved houseplant if its needs are met.

If you are wondering how to grow avocados from a pit, remember that plants that were started this way don’t always “come true” from seed. They rarely bear fruit indoors. A grafted clonal plant is best if you don’t think your garden has the right conditions.

How tall do avocado plants grow?

  • Full-grown avocado trees can reach 60 feet in height outdoors. However, they will not exceed 10 feet indoors if properly pruned. The range of outdoor hardiness depends on the cultivar. It can be found in USDA zones 8b-12.
  • In winter and spring, the tree produces leathery, pointed leaves of 4 to 12 inches in length. It also bears panicles of small greenish-yellow blossoms in panicles. These will be followed in summer by lime-green, pear-shaped, or round fruits. Each fruit contains one large seed and weighs 6 ounces to 4 lbs. The skin of avocados ripens eventually to dark green or black and the flesh turns yellow.

Is avocado a stone fruit?

Is avocado a stone fruit? 

It is not a stone fruit because of the fleshiness of its seed covering, which makes it a single-seeded fruit. Avocado seeds are sometimes called avocado pits because they lack the hard shell of pits.

Avocado growers have a wide variety of avocado varieties. This is important because it allows them to choose the best fruit for their production. These are the three varieties you might like to grow indoors.

  • Day – The easiest avocado varieties to fruit in a container as a small plant, can reportedly start producing at 3 feet.
  • Mexicola – This type of black avocado bears smaller fruits and leaves than most avocados. This makes it a better choice for indoor gardening.
  • Wurtz – Sometimes called Little Cado. This dwarf self-pollinating variety rarely exceeds 10 feet indoors. It is also great for container gardening.

Soil for Avocado Plants

Avocado is susceptible to root rot so make sure it’s kept in soil that drains well and has a pH of 6 to 6.5. One possibility is a citrus potting mixture that includes sand. One part peat moss, one portion perlite, and one part standard-sized potting mix is another possible combination.

A container that “breathes” is also important, such as a Terra-cotta pot, or – if the plant grows very large – a wooden half-barrel. Make sure the container has drainage holes to keep soil from getting too wet and it is light enough to be moved indoors in winter.

Do avocado plants need a lot of sun?

Avocado trees mature in full sun need to be planted near a large, south-facing window, or in a sunroom. Young trees can get sunburned if they aren’t covered by leaves. It’s best to keep young trees under one year old in indirect, bright light until they have full “heads of leaves”. Then, gradually expose them to full sunlight.

To protect older trees from the sun, you can whitewash trunks and branches if you have to prune them. Whitewash can be done with 1 part white latex interior paint, diluted with 1 to 3 parts water or organic white kaolin clay crop protector.

Watering Avocado Plants – How often should I water my avocado plant?

How often should I water my avocado plant?

During the spring and summer, keep your avocado’s soil moist but not too dry. When root rot is more prevalent in winter and autumn, do not water your avocado again until the potting mix has dried an inch below the surface.

Hard water can raise the pH of the soil and sometimes cause zinc and iron deficiency in avocados–indicated by green-veined Yellowing leaves. If your tap water is too hard, water with rainwater and spring water.

To remove calcium and fertilizer salts, water the pot well enough to make sure that any excess water runs into a saucer. Then, throw away the extra water. Your plant may also need to be given chelated iron or zinc once per month until it turns green again.

Fertilizing Avocado Plants – What is the best fertilizer for avocados?

Your avocado plant should be fed in spring and summer using an avocado and citrus fertilizer according to the instructions. Avoid overfeeding your avocado plant in winter as it can reduce the number and quality of the buds.

Avocados grow quickly so they need to be fed frequently. After your tree reaches 1 foot in height, trim 2 inches from the tip to encourage it to grow. After it has reached 2 feet tall, pinch it again.

Temperature & Humidity – What temperature is best for avocados?

What temperature is best for avocados?

Avocados prefer temperatures between 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit. They also like humid conditions. If the temperature drops suddenly, it can cause damage to its leaves.

If you have moved your avocado tree outside for the summer, it is important to bring it back inside before temperatures drop below 50 degrees and indoor air dry out due to central heating.

The tree also likes cooler nights. It thrives on a temperature of 68 degrees at night and a 10-degree increase to 77 in the daytime. Keep it in the shade to increase humidity.

Propagating Avocado Plants – How do you propagate avocado in water?

How do you propagate avocado in water?

  • Avocado seed-in-water is a method of growing avocados from seeds. It involves a glass filled with water and using toothpicks to secure the seed. This is a popular choice for beginners. When planting avocado seeds, it is actually easier to start with soil than to transplant the little sprout to a container later.
  • Let the seed soak in warm water for at least one night. Then, take the parchment-like skin off and fill a 6-inch container with damp potting mixture. Next, place the seed in the soil. The pointy end should be pointed upwards and the one marked with a lighter circle should be down.
  • Place the seed in a place that receives indirect, bright light. Cover the exposed part of the seed with a transparent cup. The roots may begin to develop after 2 to 3 weeks. However, you may not see a sprout until a month later.

Avocados Potential Diseases and Pests

Avocados Potential Diseases and Pests

Avocado is susceptible to sunburn and root rot, although it’s not often harmed by pests.

  • Root rot can be identified by pale, undersized leaves, and possibly brown leaf tips. All the leaves will eventually wilt.
  • Sometimes, you can save a plant by taking it out of its pot and trimming the mushy roots. Then, repot it in a new, faster-draining potting mixture and less frequent watering.
  • Sunburn can cause yellowed leaves, but the veins remain green. These yellow areas will eventually turn brown and dry.
  • Sunburn is often accompanied by crackled and purple branches.
  • Root rot is often accompanied by burning, which can be caused by many leaves falling off and leaving the bark exposed.
  • Place the plant in a shaded area until it has enough foliage to shade itself.


Although avocados can be eaten by humans, the green parts of the tree as well as its fruits can be fatal to poultry and livestock. Persin, a fungicidal poison found in the plant, can cause respiratory or cardiac problems as well as colic and mastitis in animals.

Colorado State University states that caged birds are particularly vulnerable. You’ll need to keep your pet away from them, your aquarium, and other pets like rabbits, guinea pigs, and pet rats. Persin can also cause diarrhea and vomiting in dogs, although they are less likely to be affected.

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