Begonia plant care – A complete guide
Begonias are tropical and subtropical plants that we see in homes and in the shade of your summer gardens. Some are cultivated for their asymmetrical, variety of leaves, along with different patterns while others are grown for their vibrant flowers that add color to shady garden areas. Despite their small size, Begonia plants provide a big punch of color and appeal. Begonias are among the easiest plants to grow in containers. However, as with every other, begonia also needs specific care and effort.
So this is how you may care for the begonia plant-
Common begonia types
Begonia variants are almost infinite. Begonias come in a variety of colors, sizes, and shapes, with over 100 species and countless variations and hybrids. The four basic types are fibrous, tuberous, canes, and rhizomatous.
Wax begonias
The most popular are Begonia varieties, sometimes known as wax, annual, or bedding begonias. These shade-loving plants add a splash of color when planted beneath trees or when you place them beside your work/study desk. Wax begonias are frequently grown as annuals, with heights and widths ranging from 6 to 12 inches.
Tuberous begonias
Tuberous begonias are another popular variety with beautiful multicolored flowers that look great in hanging baskets or containers. They also grow more quickly than wax begonias, reaching heights of 12 to 18 inches as houseplants and 3 feet or more in outdoor containers.
Cane Begonia
Because of its upright growth habit and segmented stems, cane varieties have attractive foliage and bloom in a range of colors. Angel wing begonias, so named because of their wing-shaped leaves, also fall into this group. They are popular as houseplants, but they may also be grown outdoors. Their sizes range from 6- to 12-inch houseplants to bushy plants up to 5 feet tall, depending on the growing conditions.
Rhizomatous begonias
The most common form is rhizomatous begonias, which are distinguished by relatively thick stems, or rhizomes, that grow horizontally towards the soil surface and produce new roots and leaves. They also have some of the most unusual leaves and stems and are commonly grown as houseplants. Plants can grow to be several inches tall and three feet wide.
Rex Begonias
Rex begonias are widely available all year round and grow to be 12 to 18 inches tall and wide. Although they might be a slight temperature vary, they are popular houseplants due to their unique leaves. In the summer, they look lovely in flower beds or pots.
Begonias are among the most visually appealing plants you can cultivate indoors. They may be demanding light and water, making them an excellent beginner-level plant project.
Here’s what you should know about begonia plant care-
Planting Begonias
When to plant begonia: Plant them after all frost danger is nowhere near, as they are highly frost-susceptible and can die in low temperatures.
Planting Location: Choose a site with partial shade, with early morning sun and afternoon shade being ideal, especially in hot weather. Try a dark-leaved variety or one that specifies enhanced sun tolerance for sunny regions.
How to plant begonia: Plant wax begonia plants around 6 inches apart. Tubers may start indoors by placing in a small dish of moist potting mix. Place the tray in a dark location and water it just enough to keep the potting mix moist but not soggy. Tubers should sprout in 4 weeks and you can move them to a brightly lit environment when they are about one inch tall. Plant only when there is no risk of winter.
Watering the begonias
The most challenging component of growing begonias is determining the proper watering routine. Because begonias are particularly susceptible to overwatering and can develop root rot quickly, the soil should be somewhat damp but not saturated at all times.
- Test the soil with your finger before watering—the top inch should feel dry.
- Water the soil directly while keeping the leaves dry.
Begonias also require high humidity to grow, making indoor cultivation problematic. Rex begonias are more humidity sensitive than other types. You might keep your begonia in the bathroom or kitchen, where the air is moister.
Soil requirements of begonias
When planting directly in the ground, find a moist, well-drained location and mulch to protect the roots. Make sure to incorporate drainage holes in your containers. A peat-based potting mix is ideal for containers. Light, healthy soil is suitable for Rex begonias.
Temperature and humidity for begonias
Begonias are winter intolerant, most of them. They may be a better option as houseplants in the winter, much like other delicate winter flowers. Because these plants require high humidity, more than 50%, for example, maintaining rex begonias indoors throughout winter may be difficult.
Sunlight requirements for begonias
Cane begonias require strong, indirect sunshine. Rhizomatous and rex begonias love the shade. If your plant’s leaves appear to be dry, move it to a less sunny spot.
Planting and potting of begonias – Although they love to be in a pot and thrive in it, you should repot them in spring. Rotating the rex begonias in pots keeps plants healthy and beautiful.
Pests problems with begonias – Bacterial leaf spots, mildew, and other infections may occur if the leaves remain moist. Root rot may be a problem in damp areas. Plant your begonias in well-drained soil and water them sparingly to avoid these issues. Growing begonias in a container allow you to bring them inside when it rains if you live in a flood-prone area.
Fertilization of begonias – To foster bigger leaves and flowers, apply a liquid houseplant fertilizer according to package guidelines every two weeks. Fertilize the begonias as you do to your other plants.
Tips for begonia plant care-
- Wax begonias thrive in flower beds as border plants.
- Trailing and mounding varieties are perfect for pots, bedside windows, balcony hanging pots, etc.
- Mix and match plants with contrasting leaf colors, shapes, and textures to create a healthy yet attractive begonia garden. They benefit from other plants and vice-versa.
So, begonias are particularly popular because of their little maintenance. In warm climates, they may bloom all year. Pruning is done in the spring in this climate. They can be brought indoors in cooler temperatures and kept as houseplants throughout the winter. Annual begonias can be cut back before frost and used as a houseplant all winter. Keep the soil moist, add humidity with a small stone tray, and place inside in bright, filtered light. So you know you are good to go!