Fall flowering plants for the landscape

Landscape flowers plantings for fall

Fall is a beautiful time to enjoy chrysanthemums and pansies as well as flowering kale, flowering cabbage, and flowering rye. They can withstand light frost and cool temperatures. Plan ahead to get rid of old, worn out annuals and decorate for fall. You can bring them to your patio or door by growing them in pots.


Chrysanthemums come in a wide range of colors and flower types. There are many colors available. There are many flower colors available: yellow, white orange-peach and maroon-red, bright red, coral, rose-pinks, coral, purple, pinks, lavender, bronze, and red. You can extend the bloom time in your garden by planting multiple varieties. Chrysanthemums can bloom between August and November, depending on their variety.

  • There are two types of chrysanthemum flowers. The first is single or daisy-like, which has one or two rows of petals around a central eye. The second form is decorative. It appears to consist of all petals but does not have an eye. Sometimes flowers will have petals that look like small spoons or tubes.
  • If possible, buy chrysanthemums that have only a few open flowers. Although it is tempting to purchase plants in full flower, plants with only a few open flowers will offer a longer display than plants in full blossom.

  • Planting Chrysanthemums in sunny, well-drained areas is a good idea. If the soil is not well-drained, they will rot quickly, particularly in winter.
  • Some chrysanthemum cultivars can withstand more extreme climates than others. They are worth growing even though they might not return next year.


The pansy is another flower that can be planted now. The pansies are annuals that flower in spring and make a beautiful display in the garden. They come in a variety of colors, including red, yellow, purple and brick red. You may find the same flowers or a different color blotch at the center. Depending on the cultivar, flowers can measure 1.5 to 3 inches in diameter.

  • Pansies perform best under cool temperatures. In December, I had pansies that were blooming in my backyard.
  • Fall-planted pansies are able to overwinter and then bloom again in the spring or late winter. The pansies that are planted in fall are stronger and larger than those that were planted in spring.
  • Many pansies start to lose their shape and become brittle as the summer heat increases.

Transplants of pansies are possible during this season. They should be planted in full sunlight. To give pansies time to establish roots before soil temperatures drop, they should be planted by September end.

  • You can plant pansies in between the summer annuals. The summer annuals can be taken out when they start to fade and replaced with the next flower. You can get rid of the summer annuals and plant pansies if you’re ready for something new.
  • To add color to your porch, deck, window box, or patio for fall, you can use pansies in containers. I’ve enjoyed pansies in a container right next to my front door. My pansies have survived winter and blossomed in the spring because the pot is protected from freezing.


The annuals flowering kale or flowering cabbage are sun-loving, unique varieties. The heads can be as big as 12 inches depending on the variety. The plants can grow to a height of 12-24 inches. The leaves within the head can be either white or red, and are surrounded by green or light leaves. The color of the center leaves becomes more intense as the temperature drops.

  • Some varieties of kale may have feather-like leaves, which can be finely-cut or deeply notched. Smooth-edged leaves may be found on flowering cabbage.
  • You can also buy transplants of cabbage and flowering kale for your garden. Watch out for the larvae that may be living on your leaves. Many of the harmful larvae can be controlled by products containing bacillus.
  • Planting cabbage, chrysanthemums and pansies in groups is a great landscaping idea. The impact of color is greater when there are several plants in a group than if they are scattered throughout the garden.
  • Three to five plants, depending on the size of your chrysanthemums or flowering kale, are sufficient for a great show. These plants should be spaced 18 inches apart.
  • Pansies love to be grouped with eight or more plants. Place pansy plants 8-12 inches apart within the group.

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