Favorite Low-Water Plants
Lawns and greenery are starting to look a little less green due to drought-induced water restrictions. Outdoor watering is limited to two days per week, and can only be done at eight minutes per station.
More people are choosing drought-tolerant landscaping to keep their front yards from turning brown while conserving water.
- Plants such as rosemary, westringia shrubs, kangaroo-paws, lavender and echeveria succulents. (Sometimes called coast rosemary due to the similarities between the plants).
- During the design phase, map out the yard’s ‘rooms’ and then sprinkles in drought-tolerant plants to soften the feeling. Synthetic turf is a good choice because it gives the yard a lush green appearance and makes it a great place for kids to play and hang out.
- Along with choosing low-water-use plants like variegated “Meerlo” lavender, Skyscraper Senecio (an upright blue-leaved succulent) and cream-and-green-striped Lomandra “Platinum Beauty,” first steps can include planting trees to create more shade and using drip irrigation.
- Despite its popularity, gravel is not an ideal solution. While many people believed that removing plants and placing gravel in their place was a good idea, it can actually generate a lot of heat. Place it under the shade of a tree or in an area where there is natural shade.
Stress the importance of investing in drought-tolerant landscapes long-term, when the climate crisis persists.
- There have been many requests for low-water plants for years. Use low-water options such as the grassy Lomandra, Whale’s Tongue Agave and purple Penstemon instead of lawns.
- If possible, take the chance to see which plants do well in your garden this summer, provided you adhere to the restrictions.
- Be creative using permeable surfaces or low-water plant materials; otherwise, artificial turf and plastic plants will be your options. Embrace the yearly cycles and change the paradigm about what you consider beautiful.
Sago Palm
It is difficult to water plants that have been around since the dinosaurs walked this earth. Sago Palm is very water-ssing and can suffer from overwatering. Sago Palm should be placed in a sunny area and water only when the soil is dry. You can fertilize Sago Palm several times each spring and summer to keep it in tip-top shape. Sago Palm is toxic and should be kept out of reach from pets and children.
Snake Plant
This is a true classic. Snake plant This plant, also known as Sansevieria (or mother-in-law tongue), thrives when it is neglected. It can survive in either low or moderate light conditions and can grow for long periods of time without needing to be hydrated. This plant is ideal for frequent travelers, who might be traveling for long periods. Snake plant is available in many shapes, sizes, colors, which add interest to any room.
Let’s face facts: Many gardeners don’t know how to grow vegetables. Orchids Because they believe the plants are difficult to grow. Nothing could be further from the truth. Orchids are now not only abundant, but also easy to care for and last a long time. Some moth orchids can keep their flowers for up to five months without needing water for as little as a week or ten days. Bright indirect light is preferred by orchids. They also prefer protection from heating ducts and drafty windows. They aren’t fussy at all, so give them the chance.
Ponytail Palm
It is easy to see exactly where you are. ponytail palm ( Beaucarnea recurvata The other common name for elephant’s feet is ). Each plant has a gray, fattened base that looks almost like a pachyderm’s foot. This base is what makes ponytail palm one the most useful plants for people who lose the watering can. These fattened stems store water, so that the plant can draw water from it during droughts. Ponytail palm loves bright light, but it doesn’t need to take over your living space.
Spider Plant
It is prized for its grasslike, bright green, or variegated leaves. Spider plant ( Chlorophytum comosum You can live for up to a week without drinking. When spider plant matures, it produces arching stems which produce many baby plants. These miniature versions of its parent look very similar to their parents. Spider plant can be displayed in a tall urn or hanging basket that allows for easy viewing of the babies. Spider plant prefers bright indirect light.
ZZ Plant
ZZ plant is a houseplant almost unstoppable. ZZ plant can withstand a variety of light conditions and can live without water for long periods. ZZ plant is the perfect addition. Zamioculcas zamiifolia It has bright, waxy leaves that are held high on stiff stems that have thickened bases to conserve water. This is the perfect plant for frequent travelers who can’t keep other plants alive.
The Devil’s Backbone
Do not let the name fool you The backbone of the devil (Pedilanthus tithymaloides) Don’t let this fool you. This plant is easy to grow and has variegated leaves that grow in a zigzag pattern. The upright appearance of devil’s Backbone is stunning when it is grown in tall vertical pots. It loves bright light and needs to be watered only when the soil is dry.
Red Aglaonema
It is as beautiful and difficult as it can be. Red Aglaonema This is the perfect choice for anyone looking for a stylish and easy-to-maintain houseplant. Red Aglaonema has beautiful red-and-green leaves and can thrive in low to bright light. It can also go for up to a week without needing water.
These dark green leaves are made with cream, yellow, and white. Pothos ( Epipremnum aureum This is one of the most sought-after houseplants in the United States. This vine is fast-growing and looks great in a pot or combined with other houseplants in an aquarium or planter. Pothos is tolerant of darker conditions, but prefers indirect, bright light. Pothos is not a big drinker, and needs to be watered only when the soil has dried out.
A neglected houseplant is the most heartbreaking thing. Most indoor plants are forced to live in dry conditions and wilt, yellow or die. But Succulents are different. These plants can be found in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. They also have the ability to survive on very little water. Many have shallow roots that allow you to mix and match in your dish or trough garden. Succulents love full sun.