Why does my aloe plant not stand up! Aloe vera plant care problems and solutions

Why does my aloe plant not stand up! Aloe vera plant care problems and solutions

Why does my aloe plant not stand up?

This is the perfect houseplant, but if you have Aloe vera plant problems you might be panicking and not know how you can get it back on track. Aloe vera plants that are healthy have beautiful shades of mid-green and long, sculptural foliage. They can be used indoors or outdoors depending on the climate.

Aloes generally require little maintenance. However, if you notice brownish leaf tips, drooping, or any other signs that your plant is unhappy, it’s best to act quickly.

To enjoy the amazing succulents’ benefits, it is important to understand how to take care of Aloe vera plants. Garden experts and horticulturalists share their most common problems and tips on how to avoid them.

Caring for houseplants is about getting the water and light levels right. Certain plants will be more obvious than others when they are indicating an imbalance. Your aloe vera’s leaves should feel stiff and a little swollen. To avoid problems with your aloe vera, you should give it more water.

Sun exposure and light levels

Our Aloes love the sun, no matter if they are kept in an indoor or outdoor plant. They don’t like to be scorched. Place your Aloe Vera indoors, indirect sunlight or semi-shade. When aloe vera is taken out in the summer, it can cause sun scorch. Aloe vera can be grown indoors.

Although explains that potted Aloe veras can handle stints outside. Your aloe vera can be placed outside during the summer if it is in a sunny, warm spot. It is important to bring it inside when the weather turns colder.

Overwatering – Pictures of overwatered aloe plant

You may notice the stem of your plant becoming soft. As the cells absorb water, Aloe plants can develop blisters on their leaves. You will likely also notice a swamp-like smell if you take the plant out of its pot. If the roots are rotting, you can examine them. Pictures of overwatered aloe plant.

The biggest mistake that people make when caring for aloe vera plants is overwatering them, or not letting the soil dry out completely inbetween waterings. This is because winter water doesn’t evaporate nearly as fast.

  • Water-stressed succulents can lead to disaster. Aloe veras are not fond of wet feet, as is the case with all succulents. They prefer a well-drained, loose soil that is not kept moist. The plant should dry completely before being watered again. Otherwise, it can become rotted.
  • If you overwater it, the leaves can turn a paler shade and may begin to split from all the liquid in them. This is because aloe veras are unable to regulate their water intake. They don’t know when it’s time to stop drinking.
  • You might also notice brown spots or marks around the base of the leaves. The ends of the leaves could turn brown or yellow. The roots may eventually cause the plant to pull out of its pot. If you feel the plants have been given too much water, you can lift them up and ensure they are not in direct contact with water. Allow the soil to dry.

Underwatering Aloe

There are other signs of underwatering. When aloe vera plants are in trouble, they often turn a brownish-auburn color. This is an aloe vera plant survival strategy. It pulls back the photosynthesis chemical chlorophyll from the plant in order to conserve energy. This happens often in high summer in the Arabian Peninsula, where these plants are found. When water levels are normal, the green color should return.

Pot size and Pot type

  • Aloe vera plants are often sold in plastic pots. However, a natural material would be more appealing. It’s okay to store your aloe vera plant in a plastic container with drainage holes in an outer decorative pot as long as it is not sitting in water.
  • A terracotta container is a better choice because it allows the soil to breathe. A terracotta container helps prevent soil from getting too wet by allowing excess moisture to seep through the sides.
  • You choose a large pot. ‘Aloe Vera thrives in larger pots and loves spreading and growing, so if moving it out of its original pot, pick a pot that is three times as large as the root ball.

Nutrient Levels

  • Aloes do not require a lot of nutrients so it is a good idea to use special compost such as Miracle Gro Cactus or Bonsai peat-free Compost.
  • Shop-bought plants often arrive in poor compost. When you receive a new aloe vera, gently tip it out of the pot to see what its potting mix looks like.
  • Peaty compost is often used for house plants. This retains water. Aloe vera is a water-retaining, free-draining soil.
  • You can repot your house plants in either a specially-formulated succulent fertilizer (described above) or your own mix of three parts peat-free and one-part horticultural grit (opens in new window).
  • Use builder’s soil if there is no grit. However, it can be dangerous and can cause damage to your plants.
  • You cover the soil with grit, pebbles, and rocks to create an aloe vera environment. This will help prevent the soil from rotting.

How to get rid of pests on aloe vera plant?

Indoor Aloe veras are susceptible to pests and insects, but it is more common for plants that grow outside.

  • The Mealy bugs nest between the leaves and in the top of the rosette. They can then appear as white fluffiness.
  • They will need to be removed from the outer, dry leaves in order to prevent them from hiding under.
  • Aphids can also be found in flower spikes. However, you can easily blast them off with a hose.
  • Scale insects are another pest that can harm aloe veras. They look like tiny greenish-yellow circles and turn brown as they age, much like scabs. Scale insects won’t harm your plant but can make it look unattractive so wipe them off with an old towel.

To remove bugs from your aloe vera outdoor plant, you can either buy it as a concentrated or ready-to-use spray.

Aloe vera plant turning brown and soft?

Aloe vera is normally a vibrant, greenish hue. However, it’s possible for the color to change. The leaves may become yellow, mushy, or brown if they have been neglected. Yellowing leaves could also indicate that the plant doesn’t get enough sunlight.

  • Overwatering is the most common problem.
    • Overwatering your Aloe plants can cause them to die. Before watering, let the soil dry completely.
    • Brown spots and lesions can be signs of overwatering. Brown tips around the base can also indicate this.
    • Don’t leave the plant in water and allow it to dry before watering again.
    • You can also repot it by cutting away any rotten areas.
  • Sun scorch is another problem that can occur to Aloes. This is when the leaves turn red. When Aloe vera is exposed to direct sunlight during summer, it can cause this problem. Aloe vera can be grown indoors.

Brown dry tips on aloe vera plant – Should I cut the brown tips off my aloe plant?

Brown spots and lesions can be signs of overwatering. Brown tips around the base can also indicate this. He advises that you don’t leave the plant in water and allow it to dry before watering again. You can also repot it by cutting away any rotten areas.

So, should you cut the brown tips off my aloe plant? There are many reasons your Aloe vera might have brown tips.

  • If the brown tips are due to a fungal disease, you should cut them off with a pair of secateurs. This will allow you to see the extent of the damage.
  • If it is only for aesthetic purposes, you can snip off the tip, but the leaf will not grow back to its original point. It will callus over.

Don’t forget to use the gel-like flesh for cooling sunburns and soothing insect bites.

Even if your Aloe vera has started to rot from overwatering, it can still be saved.

  • The rosette should be left in dry conditions for at least a few days so that the stem can callous (seal).
  • After that, repot it in a new container of succulent compost. Although it may seem extreme, you have nothing to lose.

If your aloe vera plant is in pain, it’s best to revive it. You might even find that your plant grows stronger and is more vibrant.