How to Grow Brussels Sprouts
This superfood is healthy and easy to grow, so long as you have time with plant care. If tomatoes are the stars of the summer garden then brussels sprouts will be the kings and queens of cool-season crops. They are not only visually appealing additions to the autumn vegetable garden but they are also incredibly healthy. They are high in antioxidants, which help protect cells from damage, as well as fiber-rich in vitamins K and C and B6 and iron, thiamine, and magnesium. They are a good source of ALA omega-3 fatty acids.
These lovely members of the cabbage family like cooler temperatures so they thrive in fall and early winter. This will allow you to enjoy your winter garden in the winter. These tips will help you grow brussels sprouts in no time.
- Although they are often called “brussel sprouts”, the common name for Brassica Oleracea from the Gemmifera cultivar category is actually brussel sprouts. They are a distant relative to wild mustard that was once cultivated by the Romans. Their name comes from Brussels, Belgium where they were first cultivated around 16 century.
- Most brussels sprigs need 3 to 4 months of growth time starting from the seed. This is why timing is so important.
- Your climate will determine the brussel sprouts’ growing season. They are cool-season vegetables because they can’t withstand heat. They prefer temperatures between 45-80 degrees Fahrenheit. However, they can tolerate lower temperatures.
- According to the University of Minnesota Extension, brussels sprouts are able to stay in their garden as long the temperature is above 20 degrees. Many varieties taste better and have a richer flavor after being harvested from the garden.
- The brussels sprouts are seen in a fall garden with vining autumn squash and compact salad. They add some drama to the food scene. They can grow to a height of 2 to 3 feet and produce miniature cabbage-like buds.
Brussels Sprout Varieties
- Green Gems Hybrid is 34- to 36 inch tall plants that produce a lot of sprouts. They’re frost and cold-tolerant which means they can be harvested for a longer period. The ‘Green Gems Hybrid’ matures in 85 to 95 days.
- Red Rubine – An attractive red variety that is even sweeter if picked after the frost. They look stunning at Thanksgiving because they retain their ruby color even after being cooked. They will mature in 90 days and reach maturity at 36 inches.
- Long Island Improved – This heirloom market variety of brussels sprouts was introduced in the late 1800s. It is one of the most popular. It can reach its maximum height of 24 inches within 90 days.
- Groninger – One of the easiest brussels sprouts varieties to grow. They are very tolerant to frost and their flavor is enhanced by light frost. They mature in 100 days and are shorter than other varieties, at just 18-24 inches.
- Catskill – An heirloom variety, ‘Catskill’ was introduced in 1941 and is well-known for its rich flavor and prolific yields of 2-inch sprouts. It matures between 85 and 110 days, with sturdy stalks that measure 20 to 24 inches.
- Jade Cross Hybrid – They are easy to grow and heat-tolerant and reach 24 to 30 inches in height and mature in 90-days.
- Redarling Hybrid: This beautiful purple variety is slightly sweeter and retains its jewel-tone color after cooking. It matures between 40-45 inches in height and takes 140-145 days to mature.
Planting Brussels Sprout
There are many plants that can cause problems when brussels sprouts are around. Fennel is a foe to most veggies in the garden since it’s allelopathic–meaning it releases compounds into the soil around it that will inhibit the growth of other plants. strawberries can also stunt the growth of Brussels sprouts. If tomatoes, potatoes, or other nightshade members are planted too close to brussels sprout crops, they can suffer stunted growth.
Many plants make great companion plants to brussels sprouts. These include marigolds and nasturtiums which are believed to repel cabbage worms. You can also use companion plants such as spinach, aromatic herbs, and sunflowers.
When is it best to plant Brussels sprouts?
The first autumn frost date is the time you should plant. Use the seed packet to determine the best time. Most brussels sprouts mature between 80-90 days. You can use the days to maturity of the seed variety to determine when you should plant them. It usually takes 4 months to reach the fall frost date.
Winter climate can affect the stages of growing Brussel sprouts. For a fall harvest or early winter, seeds should be planted in the middle to late summer. For a mid-to-late-winter harvest, seeds may be planted later in the summer if winters are mild (rarely below freezing).
Where are brussels sprouts grown?
Brussels sprouts need soil that drains quickly, is rich in nutrients and is easy to work with. Before planting, add compost. Raised beds are a good way to maintain a consistent soil temperature. Mulching the beds in summer will prevent the soil from becoming too hot. You should ensure they get at least 6-8 hours of sunshine per day.
What amount of space do brussels sprouts require to grow? If not stated otherwise on the seed packet or the growing instructions, brussels sprouts should be spaced 18-24 inches apart. This will give them ample room to grow.
How to plant Brussels sprouts.
It is easy to plant brussels sprouts. You can either direct sow the seeds or plant them once they reach 6 inches in height.
- Plant seeds 1/2 inch deep, spaced 2 to 3 inches apart.
- Get water well.
- When seedlings reach 6 inches tall, thin them to 12-24 inches apart.
- Fertilize immediately after thinning and every 4 to 6 weeks thereafter.
- You can grow Brussels sprouts from seeds by starting them indoors with a high-quality seed starter mix.
Follow the steps above to plant directly from seedlings.
Can you grow brussel sprouts in a container?
You can grow Brussels sprouts in containers. How to grow Brussels sprouts in pots? Find a container at least 1 foot across and as deep as possible with drainage holes. You can use a large pot or a 5-gallon container with holes in the bottom. To ensure that the soil drains quickly, use potting soil with additional compost. A dwarf variety, such as “Long Island” or “Catskill”, is best to grow for maximum success.
To ensure that your plants get enough nutrients, fertilize them every four weeks. Remember to water regularly, as the soil in pots dries out quicker than the soil in the ground. Also, ensure that the pots are located where they will receive sufficient sunlight.
Watering Brussels Sprout – How often should I water my brussel sprout plants?
For strong sprout development, ensure that your brussels sprout plants are given a regular watering schedule. Although brussels sprouts don’t like soggy soil, they need it to be evenly moist. They need about 1 inch of water per square foot of soil per week. However, they may require more water if the soil is hot or dry.
Because brussels sprouts are a cool-season crop, it is important to keep the soil moist in the summer months and to water regularly when the weather becomes dry or hot. Mulching beds will keep the soil moist and cool in hot weather.
Fertilizing Brussels Sprouts – When should I fertilize my brussel sprouts?
When seedlings reach 6 inches tall, they should be thinned and then fertilized with a nitrogen-rich vegetable fertilizer. The seedlings can be fertilized once every three to four weeks during the growing season.
Pruning Brussels Sprouts – Do brussel sprouts need to be pruned?
Pruning brussels sprouts is not necessary, except to remove yellowing, diseased or damaged leaves manually. These poor leaves will allow the plant to put more effort into sprouting.
Propagating Brussels Sprout – Can you propagate a brussel sprout?
Brussel sprouts can be propagated from seeds or starts. Brussels sprouts are biennials, meaning they won’t produce seeds until the second year. Most gardeners will pull up the plants each season and germinate new seeds using packets for the next growing season.
They love cooler temperatures so it is more common to sow brussels seeds in the garden. However, seeds can also be started indoors. Some gardeners may try to propagate seedlings from brussels seeds as cuttings. Although it is not the best method, it is fun to try. Cool fall weather harvesting can be started in the spring or early summer.
- Clean several brussels sprouts. Take out any yellowing or damaged leaves.
- The flat bottom of the Brussels sprouts can be cut off.
- Half an inch of water should be added to a bowl.
- Place the cut-side-down Brussel sprouts on the water surface. You can touch Brussels, but not too many will cause the water to get too dirty.
- To ensure that your water is clean, rinse it out at least once a day.
- Once the brussels sprouts reach 3 inches in height, you can transplant them into your garden. Space them at least 12 inches apart.
Harvesting Brussels Spout
A single stalk of brussels sprout plants will produce between 50-100 sprouts. This makes it a very large crop. Brussels sprouts grow taller than they produce sprouts. Each sprout grows in its own leaf axil.
Brussels sprouts mature from the bottom up. These sprouts should be approximately 1 inch in size. This is the time to begin harvesting. Do not let them get too big. This can cause bitterness.
Whole stalks of Brussels sprouts can be purchased at farmer’s markets. However, most gardeners prefer to harvest the sprouts separately as secondary crops may develop towards the base of the stem. Although the second crop of sprouts is usually less dense than the first, they will still taste great.
- Take the leaf from below each sprout.
- Twist the sprout and pull it in.
- Some gardeners prefer pruning tools or sharp scissors to pulling by hand.
Brussels sprouts Potential Diseases and Pests
Brussels sprouts, like other cabbage plants, are susceptible to many pests and diseases. The most common pests are aphids and cabbage loopers. The fungus may include downy mildew, black rot, and white mold.
practicing crop rotation is one of the best ways you can prevent pests and diseases. Avoid planting any member from the Brassicacea family, including brussels sprouts or broccoli in the same garden bed year after year. Pests and diseases can easily be transmitted to the soil. This means that infected plants should be destroyed immediately. The same goes for the next year’s plants from this family.
Brussels sprouts are not toxic to animals. However, they do contain raffinose which is an indigestible fiber that can cause gas in animals and humans. Although they are easier to digest than raw brussel sprouts, they can still cause stomach irritation.