How do you maintain lavender plants?

How do you maintain lavender plants?

Plants prefer the abundant sunshine and breeze of a summer houseplant-lover who wants an aromatic, low-stress plant to add to their collection. It is not a traditional houseplant but can thrive in bright sunlight, even under grow lights. Here are the lavender plant care tips.

When the soil is nearly dry, water plants well but not too often. Every year, prune immediately after the bloom. Low-growing lavenders will need to be trimmed by 1 to 2 inches. To prevent the plant from becoming too woody, cut down all lavenders between 2 and 4 feet in the second year.

Does lavender need sun or shade?

Indoor lavender needs to get as much sunlight as possible. It thrives best in a south-facing window, or anywhere it gets at least three to four hours of direct sun.

  • The best thing for indoor lavender plants is to give them as much light as you can to grow.
  • A south-facing window would be ideal. Lavender, a sun-loving perennial, looks great in the shade, but lavender will not grow weakly or spindly if it is given enough light.
  • Pale leaves, fewer flowers, and less fragrance are all signs that your plant doesn’t get enough sunlight.”

Gardeners could always add grow lights to their gardens if they are needed. Artificial lighting, especially LED lights, can dramatically increase indoor gardening success if a home is shaded by trees or other structures.

Choose terracotta and ceramic pots – Does lavender do well in pots?

Is lavender good in pots? A breathable earthen container is better for indoor lavender plants.

  • Terracotta clay or ceramic are the best materials because they are natural and thick, durable, and long-lasting.
  • These pots are not made of metal or plastic and won’t bake or freeze the roots like other pots. They are the ideal insulation against heat and cold while allowing airflow through the root area.
  • It is important that gardeners ensure that the pot they use for their future growth is big enough. Experts recommend that lavender pots be at least 12 inches in size and depth.
  • Gardeners who don’t intend to repot their plants for more than a year should ensure that the container is at minimum twice the original root ball.

Finally, make sure the pot has a catchment saucer and a large drainage hole at the bottom. Logan advised gardeners not to “self-water” containers with an attached bottom saucer as they can cause water to pool and lead to root rot.

Soil should be well-drained – How often should lavender be watered?

Lavender is known for being tolerant of poor soils. Lavender prefers soils that have low fertility and are sandy or gravelly, which is a difference from common houseplants and garden veggies.

According to the gardening expert, drainage is crucial in indoor pots. It is important to ensure water flows through the pot quickly and does not become soggy or waterlogged.

Avoid using compost or potting soil. Instead, use soil mixes.” These are peat moss and perlite as well as pumice, pumice, and horticultural sand.

Gardeners may also add clay pebbles and pea gravel to the bottom of their pots as additional protection against root rot.

Avoid cold air drafts

There are varieties that are hardier than others but lavender doesn’t like extreme cold.

Potted lavender should not be exposed to cold drafts from windows or doors nearby during the main growing seasons (spring, summer, and fall).

This can slow down the growth or cause it to go into dormancy which means no flowers. Instead, place the plant slightly back from south-facing windows that are well-insulated against drafts.

Prune twice per year – What month do you prune lavender?

Indoor lavender plants need to be trimmed, just like outdoor lavender. According to the gardening expert, “Giving your potted lavendar a two-yearly haircut will ensure it remains compact, non-woody and visually pleasing.” This encourages lusher foliage and more floral growth.

After the first flush, the first pruning should be done in spring. Reduce the height of the plant by half after the blooms have begun to fade. This is a great opportunity to shape the tender, green growth into your desired shape. Indoor gardeners may prefer a conical or spherical shape.

Gardeners should trim back their plants after the last flower flush has ended. It can be difficult to tell when indoor plants are starting to fade. Experts suggest that you monitor the sunlight and prune your plants around the Autumn equinox.

Reduce the growth by as much as two-thirds, leaving only a few inches of green stem over the woody crown. This is a great opportunity to teach the plant a particular shape. You must be careful not to damage the woody parts of the plant.

Also, it is a good idea to trim the plant by at least one-third before you transplant it into a new container. This will encourage root development in the pot.

Can I cut lavender back to the ground?

Prune for healthier lavender plants. An important step in ensuring long-lasting lavender (Lavandula) plants is annual pruning. heirloom and hybrid plants. They can grow a long, narrow, and woody base without it, which can be split open. This looks bad and reduces the plant’s lifespan.

They should never be cut back in an effort to encourage new growth. The woody parts of the plant can’t produce new growth. It is best to not prune all the plants at once when pruning woody lavender plants. Instead, take your time and trim back every branch slowly. However, don’t cut into the brown wood.

Lightly prune, harvest or deadhead flowers throughout the growing season. Finally, trim the shrub to a mound of leaves towards the end. The majority of gardening resources suggest that you take off not more than one third of the plant.