Pothos plant care: How to ensure pothos success
Get the best pothos houseplant care tips from experts to make sure your plant is healthy and happy. If you want pothos to thrive in your garden or home, it is important to take good care of the plant. Pothos, also known as the Rapunzel or devil’s Ivy plant, is an ideal plant for novice growers and one of the best winter houseplants.
- Pothos is a low-light-requirement, easy-to-maintain plant with beautiful foliage.
- It is a houseplant that thrives in environments where other plants would not survive. This makes it a great choice for beginners.
- Pothos is a beautiful houseplant and also makes a great addition to any conservatory design.
- Pothos plants are almost guaranteed to grow well if you only follow some basic care tips. These plants are known for their indestructibility, which is why they have the nickname “Devil’s Ivy”.
- The interior plant world is mostly safe from bullets for ‘Pothos.
Bear in mind that plants can be expensive with long-tailed vines and well-developed root systems. If you don’t have trailing vines, it’s best to wait and watch the plant grow. The plant can grow up to a foot per month and is very patient.
Pothos Pant care
Your pothos plant will continue to grow even if it is neglected. Pothos can be really difficult to kill. Don’t worry if your plants are accidentally killed. Keep going, just cut the stems. It will most likely grow back again. You don’t want your plant to die, but you want it thrive and have plenty of leaves. Make sure to understand the essential aspects of plant care.
How often do you water pothos
Pothos plant care includes giving it enough water. It is a good idea to check the soil for dryness and water the pothos plant once a week. Don’t let yourself be tempted to overwater pothos. Instead, take your cues from the plant.
Wait until the leaves become soft and droopy. That’s when they need to be watered. Take a leaf and bend it with your fingers. It’s time for watering.
You will notice a decrease in watering requirements if your pothos plants are kept in a moist area, like the bathroom.
Can you mist pothos?
Misting pothos plants is not necessary. The plants can grow naturally in tropical areas, but they need to be watered right down to their roots.
The occasional misting of your pothos plants is fine as long as it doesn’t cause any damage. However, they should not be substituted for regular watering.
Pothos temperature requirements
For optimal pothos plant care, the temperature range is 70-85degF (21-30degC). It can withstand low temperatures as low as 50F (10degC), and high temperatures over 90degF (32degC), but it won’t thrive in these conditions. If your pothos is kept in the garden, it will need to come indoors when the temperatures drop in the fall.
Sunlight for Pothos
- Although ideally, pothos plants prefer bright indirect light, they can still survive in rooms with limited natural light.
- The pothos plant can tolerate lower light levels. Jade pothos for environments that don’t have direct sunlight.
- A pothos’ appearance will be affected by how much light it receives. Kemp says that pothos often has white swirls on bright green leaves. The more light it gets, the more noticeable these white streaks are.
How to make fuller pothos
- It is important to trim your pothos regularly to make them fuller. Otherwise, the plant can become leggy and take over the space.
- This is done by cutting the vines to a point near the growth node and removing any leafless vines.
- To help your pothos plants grow fuller, give it water at least once a week.
- A heavy pruning can be done to revive a plant that has become sloppy.
Pothos leaves turning yellow
Pothos leaves can turn yellow from overwatering. You should also inspect the lighting conditions and move it to a brighter area. You may not have been fertilizing your pothos plants enough to cause them to be deficient in nutrients.
Repot pothos
Pothos plants should be repotted at least once every two to three year. However, if your pothos plant is very large, you might consider doing it every other year. This will cause the plant to become rootbound if it isn’t done.
How to propagate pothos plants in order to make new ones
Pothos is one of the most loved houseplants. It’s also very easy to propagate and maintain. There are two ways to give this plant a haircut, and to share its green bounty among loved ones: in soil or in water.
- Pothos be propagated by a healthy mother plant. This should have been planted in fertile soil and kept hydrated.
- The mother plant must also be vigorous and free from any diseases or pests.
- A few days of pause in fertilization before you take cuttings will give you a fresh start for your next cuttings.
- Propagate during the most active season of pothos, which is spring and summer. These are when there is ample sunlight and days are longer. During these seasons, the stems are actively growing buds, so the cutting can focus its energy on growing new roots.
- Take the time to clean your mother plant before you start propagating. To keep your mother plant tidy and encourage new growth, trim any stem that isn’t yet covered by leaves after you have taken a cut.
Water is the most popular way to propagate pothos.
For pothos cuttings, small glass vases, jars and test tubes can be used. They are usually placed on a sunny windowsill to allow adequate light exposure and enough space for the plant’s trail to grow.
- Disinfect a pair or pruning shears with a bleach solution or alcohol solution. After drying, allow it to dry for at least a few minutes before you use them again. Next, fill a glass container with fresh water. The longer the vessel the better for roots growth.
- Look for young stems/vines that have healthy tips. It is common to select three to five stems per new planter. Multiple stems are often potted together. Cut between 2-5 inches depending on the size and shape of the mother plant.
- Holding the main vine in your hands, gently cut below a node at 45 degrees. The node is where the stem grows from the vine. Place the cuttings that you wish to propagate on a piece of paper or cloth.
- Dip your pothos cuttings with rooting hormone and then place them in a container filled with clean water.
- Place each stem individually or group several stems together in one container, as long as there is adequate air circulation and no clogging. A transparent glass vessel is best for monitoring root growth.
- Cuttings will root better when they are exposed to filtered sunlight or artificial lighting.
- To avoid leaf burn, keep the pothos cuttings in direct sunlight at least one foot away from any plant lights.
- Change the water and monitor root growth for the next two-to four weeks. Duford says to get rid of any cuttings that are yellowed or mushy.
- Pothos are able to thrive in water so it is possible for pothos to be kept in a glass jar.
- Pot a new pothos by taking three to five rooted cuttings for an 8-inch pot or six cuttings for an 8-inch pot, using indoor houseplant mix and watering every 7 to 10 days.
Propagating pothos in soil
Although water propagation is the best method to grow pothos, soil can also be used. This is a preferred method for those who want to skip the step of transferring from a glass vessel to a planter pot. But soil propagation is not like water propagation. This means that you cannot combine the two methods.
Follow the water propagation methods steps 1 through 5. To propagate a pothos in soil, you will need to follow steps 1 through 5. Duford then instructs you to fill the bottom third of your planter pot with indoor mix. This is especially important for drainage.
Next, place the cut flowers in the pot. Hold them up and then fill the pot with soil. You should leave at least a half inch space at the top. The new plant should be watered thoroughly until the water runs out of the drainage hole.
Finally, place the plant in an area with indirect, bright light. Water it every seven to ten day, making sure that the soil is evenly moist and not soggy .