How do you take care of a zebra plant indoors?

Learn how to care for Zebra plants indoors – Are zebra plants easy to care for?

You have successfully cultivated the most common houseplants, and now you are ready to try a new one! You can even raise a zebra! Zebra plants ( Aphelandra Squarrosa), have a reputation of being one of the most difficult-to-please houseplants. However, their white-striped leaves, sunny bracts, and showy white stripes make them one the best houseplants. Real zebras can be difficult to care for, so it is worth noting that they are also very difficult to house plant care.

Other houseplants with the common name of Zebra plant are Dipteracanthus., Haworthia. and Cryptanthus. zonatus. This section will only cover care instructions for the Aphelandrazebra plants.

Zebra Plant Characteristics

The zebra plant is a member of the Acanthaceae Family. It can only be grown in USDA zones 11 and 12. It can reach heights up to 6 feet in Brazil’s wilds, but it is usually kept under control by growers who use a growth suppressant to keep it below 2 feet in containers.

The veins of the zebra plant’s glossy, ovate, dark-green leaves are heavily striped in white. Sometimes, it will send up stalks that are topped with yellow bracts. From these clusters emerge tubular yellow blooms. The zebra flower is each of the two-lipped blooms. How long does a zebra plant live? They do not last very long but more colorful bracts can be kept for as much as 2 months.

You might not like the A. Aphelandra houseplants have different names than squarrosa. After all, a zebra can’t change its stripes!

Types and Uses of the Zebra Plant

Types and Uses of the Zebra Plant

  • Dania – The most popular variety, ‘Dania,’ has dark-green, white-veined leaves with yellow bracts, and flowers.
  • Apollo This cultivar has wider white stripes than “Dania”, but otherwise, ‘Apollo” is very similar.
  • Red Apollo – The ruddy “Apollo” adds another color to our green, gold, and white mix. Its stems and leaves are stained with red, while the undersides of its leaves and stems are left uncolored.

Selecting soil for Zebra Plants

A light, fluffy, mildly acidic potting mix such as an African Violet mix, with a pH of 6 to 6.5, is best for zebra plants. You can make a African violet pot soil mix by combining two parts peat moss and one part each of perlite.

Standard potting mixes should work fine, as long as it’s not too heavy. Even zebra plants, which prefer constant moisture, can rot in large pots or heavy soil. It should be kept in a container that is no more than 6 inches by 6 inches with drainage holes.

Zebra Plants should be repotted each year in the springtime. This will allow for a new cycle of flowering. Avoid giving the zebra plants too much space. They thrive when their roots are kept compact.

The Right Light – How much sun does a zebra plant need?

The bright, indirect sunlight is what the zebra plant likes. It will set its buds in autumn if it is placed in a bright spot during the summer months. According to the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension, “Zebra plants require night temperatures of 65 degrees and light levels of around 650 feet candles for 12 weeks before they will flower.”

Does zebra plant like full sun? To achieve that brightness without Old Sol, you can place the plant in a south facing window and put a sheer curtain between the curtain and the windowpane. This will diffuse the glare. You can also place it on an east-facing windowsill so that it only receives sunlight in the morning. These mild rays are often equivalent to indirect, bright light. You can lower the light level to moderate (around 500 feetcandles) in winter. However, don’t leave it unattended.

Watering Zebra Plants – How often should you water a zebra plant?

Keep zebra plants moist. Use lukewarm rainwater, or bottled water, to water them when the soil is almost dry. To give your zebra plants a break, reduce the water intake and maintain 65°F for a few months.

If the top of the plant wilts it is likely that the plant has become parched and requires immediate attention. Root rot symptoms can sometimes mimic drought symptoms.

Fertilizing Zebra Plants

Your zebra plants should be fertilized every two weeks, from spring to autumn. Use a high-nitrogen food (one with the first number higher than the others) at half strength. Avoid feeding the plant in winter.

To prevent fertilizer salt buildup, zebra plants will probably spend their entire life indoors. Set the pot, without its saucer, in a sink with an opening drain. Water the plant until the water runs out of the drainage holes. Continue the process for another half hour. After the soil has drained completely, you can return the pot to the saucer.

Setting the Temperature & Humidity

The ideal temperature for the zebra plant is between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. It is, therefore, best to keep it indoors in summer, as temperatures can drop below 65°F at night.

It thrives in high humidity so you may want to keep it in a bathroom near a sink or on top of a humidity tray. You might also need to mist it approximately once per day. Air conditioning can reduce indoor humidity just as well as central heating. If your plant begins to show brown tips, you should consider ways to increase the humidity around it.

Too much airflow can cause zebra leaves to dry out quickly. This leads to brown tips. You should keep your zebra plants out of direct sunlight. Also, make sure that it isn’t placed in an area where it will be exposed to too much airflow.

Why are my zebra plant leaves falling off?

Why are my zebra plant leaves falling off?

Watering problems are the most common cause of Zebra plant leaves falling off. Your leaves can also fall off if you apply too much fertilizer, or if the temperature is too high. We will also discuss other causes of Zebra leaves dropping, such as inadequate light, pests and flower bract fading.

Propagating Zebra Trees – Can you propagate zebra plant from leaves?

It’s a good idea not to cut your zebra plants after they bloom, so you can use the cuttings to propagate zebra plants. Take 4-inch stems from the plant’s tips and remove the lower leaves. Dip the nodes of the cuttings’ bases in rooting powder or liquid. Once the bases are dry, place them in a container of moist, sterile soil, such as Seed Starting Mix, until they are fully covered.

To retain humidity and prevent them from drying out, it is essential to learn how to grow zebra plants. You can use plastic straws or sticks for holding the plastic bag away from the cuttings. Then, secure the bag beneath the pot. It should be placed in indirect, bright light with a temperature between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. It takes about 3-4 weeks for tip cuttings to grow.

To make a zebra plant bushy, trim off the flower bracts as soon as they begin to wither. Your plant will start to grow healthy, new foliage once you address the browning of its leaves. You can trim the brown tips off the leaves with a pair or scissors, without causing any harm to the plant.

Safety Considerations – Are zebra plants toxic?

Zebra plants are safe for both humans and animals. The large bracts that form a part of a Zebra plant flower can pose a danger to toddlers and pets who are attracted to their bright colors. They may pull them off or pick up the bracts. Keep the plant away from children and pets, and trim any fading bracts that aren’t needed.

You could also choose to accept your zebra’s stripes rather than trying to force it to bloom. The sap can cause skin irritation so be careful when pruning it and make sure to clean up your tools afterward.

Potential Diseases and Pests

If your zebra plant displays unhappy houseplant symptoms then take a closer look. If the top leaves of your zebra plant curl under and appear crimped or crispy then they are probably getting too much sun. Due to too much sun, drafts or dryness, the lower leaves may “curl up” and eventually die.

The stripes of real zebras are said to protect them from insect bites, but the plants named after the animal may be more susceptible to damage from mealybugs and scale. The zebra plant’s glossy foliage means that you can easily kill the aphids using strong water sprays and a damp towel.