Types of tall succulents
Succulent derives from the Latin word ‘succus‘ which means juice or sap. In taxonomy, there is no such family for succulents but many families have succulent species. Succulents are ornamental plants as a consequence of their enchanting beauty. It decorates our home and makes a better environment or rather it purifies the pollutants of the air. Maximum succulent plants are easy to grow and vigorous.
A dendrophile always wants to add some new collection to amplify the beauty of their garden. The tall succulents are the best choice for them. The tall varieties of succulents are very hardy and easy to grow and they will help to enhance the beauty of a beginner’s garden as well.
Succulents generally keep for indoor purposes but if a succulent gets the right amount of water, sunlight and nutrients it can grow much taller than usual. Agave, Adenium, and Crasulla these common type succulents also grow into taller varieties with a little care.
Tall varieties of succulents help to attain a new height in gardening.
- Euphorbia Milii (Crown of Thorns)
- Euphorbia ammak
- Pachypodium lamerei (Madagascar Palm)
- Kalanchoe Beharensis (Felt Bush, Elephant’s Ears)
- Sansevieria trifasciata
Euphorbia milii
- This succulent has a soft and spiked stem and has woody appearance the green leaves are oval or round in shape and thickness.
- flowers are very small, pea-shaped, and bracketed which makes them spectacular in appearance.
- The genus can flower all through the year if it is maintained properly.
- The height of the crown of thrones will attain 2 ft only if it grows as an indoor plant but with proper sunlight, water and nutrient it can attain 3- 6 ft height.
- Very hardy and very easy to grow
- full sun exposure requires.
- It requires well-draining soil.
Euphorbia ammak
- Candelabra spurge looks like a cactus with the same height as a cactus but according to the taxonomy it is not considered a cacti family.
- The trunk of this succulent is thin and long and consists of spikes on its edge. The stem of this succulent is a leafy-like structure It can attain up to 20 ft.
- The surface is smooth or waxy and light green. The spikes which are present at the edge of the leafy surface are dark brown.
- Its flower is very rare though the Euphorbia species are very generous about blooming.
- Full exposure to the sun is required.
- 15 to 20 feet tall and up to 8 feet in spread.
- Sand-based well-drained soil with pH mildly alkaline to mildly acidic. This succulent is very hardy and drought, soil, and salt tolerant.
Pachypodium lamerei
- Height: 10-15 ft.
- Madagascar palm indoor grows up to six feet tall. The trunk of this succulent is swollen with thin and narrow leaves.
- The leaves give this succulent a unique appearance as it appears like a tiny branch. The flower appears in summer. It requires full sun exposure with little water.
- It can attain up to 6 ft, it can be grown as an annual.
- Very hardy and Drought-tolerant
- Full sun to partial shade requires
- This type of succulent moderately tolerant to salt
- Soil mixture can be mildly acidic to mildly alkaline.
Kalanchoe Beharensis
- Commonly known by Felt Bush and Elephant’s Ears.
- It can reach up to 16 feet
- Full to partial exposure to sunlight required
- It comes from the Kalahari Desert in South Africa where it grows in dry, tough conditions which is the natural habitat of the succulent. it has thick leaves like an elephant’s ear.
- The succulent blooms are very attractive white flowers.
- They grow in the summer season generally.
- In the winter season, the plant transforms its color into brown which follows to production bulb and dies at the end of the winter season.
- It has a very long life span of about 30 years so the gardener has to keep patience. After 4 or 5 years it attains maturity and height.
- Requires low to moderate sunlight exposure
- A mature succulent can attain 16 feet in height.
- this succulent needs little care and is very hardy in nature.
Sansevieria trifasciata
- These succulents are low maintenance and access.
- It needs very little care. The snake plant leaves are sword-like and tapering at the end.
- The snake plant is very hardy and drought-tolerant and excessive watering can damage the root.
- It is very eye-catching and attractive to a gardener it amplifies the beauty of the garden. This succulent comes from West Africa and can attain 12 feet in height.
Some popular succulents include Echeveria, Sedum, Aeonium, and Agave. These plants are typically easy to care for and can add a touch of height and drama to any garden or indoor space.
There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to tall succulents. First, make sure that the plant has enough light. Tall succulents need plenty of sunlight to maintain their shape and size. If they don’t get enough light, they will start to stretch out and become leggy.
Second, tall succulents need stakes or support in some way so that they can stand upright. This is especially true for plants that are top-heavy or have large, heavy blooms. Staking will help to keep the plant upright and prevent it from toppling over.
Lastly, tall succulents need to be watered more deeply and less frequently than other succulents. This is because their roots are more susceptible to rot if they plant in wet soil for too long tall. The tall succulent needs watering deeply, but allow the soil to dry out in between waterings.
Succulents have narrow or short plant root system and which requires a good drainage system in the soil. It requires loose and nutrient-rich soil.
- In the soil mixture river sand and compost are used in the same amount. River sand allows good drainage of water which obstruct the degeneration of root.
- In this mixture, perlite is used in half amount of river sand it has the unique ability to absorb water and keep a better aeration system in the soil. It is able to retain air cavities in soil.
- Also, cocopeat is used as the same quantity of perlite in soil mixture it helps to retain air cavities and absorb the perfect amount of water needed
Succulents are mainly indoor plants there are outdoor plants as well. Indoor succulent plants need little sunlight[ 3 to 4 hours of daylight is enough ]. This is a very crucial factor if the exposure to sunlight exceeds the storage parts [ leaves, stems, roots] could be damaged.
In conclusion, many different types of tall succulents can add a touch of elegance to any home. From the stately saguaro to the spiky yucca, there is a tall succulent for everyone. With a little research, one can find