Are You Having An Ant Problem? These are 3 Insect-Repelling Flowers
Ants are more than 700 species that can cause havoc indoors as well as outdoors. These include familiar culprits like fire ants and house and pavement ants. The industrious invaders can contaminate food and cause property damage. They also emit an unpleasant odor. Pests such as ants can also be found outside, where they can cause damage to plants and attract them. The annoying insects can also disrupt picnics, which is a common problem. Fairness aside, ants can also be pollinators. Their tunnels help to improve soil’s aeration.
Chemical sprays, powders and traps are available to fight the pests. These can be harmful to pets and humans as well as the environment.
A natural, effective and safe alternative to insect repelling is the use of ants’ highly developed senses of smell. The scent is the core of ant behavior, and therefore essential in keeping them away. Pheromone emission is the basis of much of ant communication. Ants are more sensitive to smells than humans. The colony’s workers are led by the scent trails to water and food.
Also, highly scented plants can emit pheromones which can interfere with communication between ants. This can be used to your advantage when protecting your home from intruders. The blooms of aromatic plants attract ants predators, as well. The ant army can be repelled by strategically placing the right plants in or outside of the house.
Originating from Egypt, the anise black licorice flavor (Pimpinella anisum), is loved by humans but is a menace to ants. Britannica says this easy-to-grow parsley member has been used for medicinal purposes for many years. All parts of the plant are beneficial, including the seed, essential oil and root as well as the leaves. The scent of anise, as with other fragrant plants, disorients ants and drives them away. Honeydew is a honeydew-based plant that ants share a mutually beneficial relationship with. Anise plants are attractive to aphids, which discourages them. It repels snails and slugs, and attracts beneficial insects. Gardening Know How recommends anise plants for healthy gardens.
Anise is easy to maintain and resistant to drying conditions. Anise thrives in USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 6-10 and can grow to a height of up to 3ft. Anise thrives in soil with good drainage and is fed with plenty of compost or manure. Anise plants are known for their small, yellow-colored flowers and the oval, hairy aniseed fruit.
Catnip (Petacararia) repels ants and attracts cats. This mint-like relative was first discovered in Asia and Europe. The Florida Museum has identified its main oil, Nepetalactone as a powerful pest repellent. A third component, nepetalactone attracts an aphid prey. This is bad news for ants. Catnip is also effective against mosquitoes as well as Japanese beetles and weevils. The pests will be deterred by putting dried catnip near entryways and ant trails. After an indoor storm or outdoor cleaning, be sure to re-arm your herb.
Catnip can be grown easily and is best suited for USDA hardiness zones 3-7. According to Missouri Botanical Garden, Catnip can reach 3 feet in height and width. It is beautiful with its greenish leaves and lavender flowers. It thrives in well-drained loamy soil. Protecting other plants with catnip and encircling them with it will help prevent them from being attacked by ants.
It can thrive in both full sun and partial shade. Indoors, all a catnip plants needs is fluorescent lighting. Catnip is more than an anti-ant drug. The active ingredient in the plant can cause cat addiction, making them more vulnerable to the effects pheromones.
Sage (Salviaofficinalis), a Mediterranean perennial, is both an ornamental and an edible. It can grow to a height of up to 3 feet in USDA zones 4-8. It is distinguished by its silver foliage and purple flowers. Aromatherapy lovers will love the sweet, musky scent of Sage. However, they conceal chemical components that repel ants and other insects such as flies and flies.
The herb can be applied to the skin as a treatment for insect bites. Candide says that the herb can be planted in a container and is drought-resistant. Like catnip’s fresh leaves, you can also use the crushed leaves to cover ant trails, access points or other structural gaps in your home.
Heating the sage in an oven on a low heat and leaving the door open can cause ants to flee with the fumes from it. A herb garden in the kitchen will keep them away from the counter. In the never-ending struggle of plants against ants, another defense is to keep sachets containing sage or similar aromatic herbs in your drawers and closets.