Are arrowhead plants easy to care for?

How to Care For the Arrowhead Plant? Are arrowhead plants easy to care for?

Are arrowhead plants easy to care for?

This unique plant makes a great addition to indoor spaces. A beautiful arrowhead plant is all you need to see. It has distinctive, broad leaves that taper into narrow points across all its varieties. These range from the pink-colored Pink Allusion to the green-colored Green Gold. This perennial vine, scientifically known as Syngoniumpodophyllum is a native of Central and South America. It thrives under the canopy of the jungle.

Although arrowhead plants love to be outdoors in their jungle habitat, they can thrive in all kinds of environments. Arrowheads are today one of the most loved houseplants due to their beauty and ease of care. Are you thinking of adding one to your growing collection? Learn everything you need about caring for and growing arrowhead plants here.

Bring Your Arrowhead Plant Home

Bring Your Arrowhead Plant Home

Mature and Starter Arrowhead Plants

The best option is to purchase a mature or starter Arrowhead plant. This is because the latter is usually a smaller- to medium-sized plant at an early stage in its life. You inspect the leaves before purchasing an arrowhead. Remember that plants can be easily damaged during transit so a broken stem or leaf shouldn’t discourage you from buying a healthy plant.

Arrowhead Plant First-time Transplantation

Once it is home, you can transfer it to a slightly larger pot that is no more than a few inches wider than the one you have. It should also have a drainage hole. Overwatering can be prevented by the drainage hole and the pot size.

  • You should first make sure your houseplant potting mixture is all-purpose. Next, add a slow-release fertilizer so your potted arrowhead plants have the nutrients they need to thrive.
  • To prevent the stems from being broken, carefully remove the plant from the original pot. You don’t have to disturb roots unless they are very tightly bound.
  • Place the plant in a new pot. Add fresh potting mixture to the pot. Make sure that the rootball is not buried.

Growing Arrowhead Plant from Seed

Although you can technically grow arrowheads from seeds this is not common and may not produce the desired results. Most of the varieties you see will only be true-to-type through cuttings, division, or other forms asexually propagated. This means that seeds from Syngonium plants won’t always produce plants that look exactly like their parents.

You should share the plant with friends by cuttings or buying a starter or mature plant from a trusted seller.

How to Care For Arrowhead Plants

How to Care For Arrowhead Plants

How much sun does an arrowhead plant need?

Do arrowhead plants need a lot of light? The leaves of arrowheads can scorch if exposed to direct sunlight. They grow naturally under the shaded jungle canopy. Bright, indirect sunlight is the best. You can place them near an east-facing or south-facing window, or just a few feet from a west-facing or south-facing window. Hancock states that although your plant can tolerate low or medium light, it will not thrive in either case.

How often should you water an arrowhead plant?

It’s best to water when 2 inches of soil is dry to the touch. Hancock says that arrowhead plants, like many other aroids, such as pothos, philodendron, and monstera, prefer to be a little dry than too moist. Although wilting can be a problem for plants, it is possible to recover from it. It’s much more serious when roots die from suffocation [due to excessive watering].

Let excess water drain, and then remove any water in the saucer. Avoid getting the leaves wet when watering the arrowhead plants as they are susceptible to various leaf spot diseases.

Temperature for Arrowhead Plant

Keep the temperature at 65 degrees Fahrenheit or higher and keep arrowheads away from drafty or air vents. Pangborn notes that a humidifier or pebble tray can be helpful for plants. You should aim for humidity between 40-60%

Arrowhead Plant Fertilizer

To thrive, Arrowhead plants do not require much fertilizer. Pangborn suggests using an all-purpose fertilizer every two months during active growth periods. These are usually in the spring or summer. It’s better not to add more than you need.

Pruning – How do I make my Arrowhead bushy?

It is a good idea to trim the long vines from your arrowhead occasionally to keep it tidy. It is also a good idea to remove any yellowed leaves. This will improve your plant’s aesthetics and help keep it healthy.

When pruning, I tend to stick to the rule that you should never remove more than 25% of the plant’s foliage at once. Vining Syngoniums will grow new branches if you prune them.

When should I repot my arrowhead plant?

When the roots of your arrowhead fill up 75% of the pot, it’s time for you to transplant them again. It is easiest to determine this by gently removing the plant from its pot and inspecting the rootball. Hancock states that if you find lots and lots of root growth around the pot’s perimeter, it is time to give the plant larger diggings.

It is important to loosen the root ball when repotting. The plant will be fine if you only break a few roots. The rootball may hold moisture differently from the new soil. This can lead to over- or under-watering in your new container. Any general-purpose potting mix can be used.

Common Arrowhead Plant Varieties – How many types of arrowheads are there?

This genus is a delight to collect because it boasts an amazing range of colors and variegation patterns. These are some of the most sought-after varieties:

  • White Butterfly: is a combination of gem-colored green and white patches that are concentrated in the middle of the leaf
  • Pink Allusion – pink leaves have an underlying silvery green which lends them a soft, almost papery appearance
  • Gold: a vibrant version that has yellow-gold veining and contrasts dark green edges
  • Berry Allusion is mostly green but has some striking red veining.
  • Erythrophyllum is a dark-green, saturated leaf with a chocolate-crimson underneath and a waxy end
  • Green Velvet – has narrower leaves than other species. It features a gem-green color with contrast cream veining

How to identify and treat distress and disease in Arrowhead Plants

It is adaptable to many environments and can be used in a variety of settings, making it one of the easiest houseplants. It is susceptible to disease and distress. These are usually related to watering, light, or infection.

Yellow or brown leaves

Low humidity levels or too little water can cause brown edges or tips to become crisp. Leaf yellowing can also occur when arrowheads get too much water. In cases of excessive watering, yellowing usually starts with the bottom leaves.

Water your plant only when the top 2 inches of soil is dry. Keep humidity between 40 and 60%.

Spots – Arrowhead plant brown spots on leaves

Leaf spots can be a problem with arrowhead plants. There are many factors to consider.

  • brown spots: too much sun or not enough water
  • Yellow or dull green spots: Bacterial infection. In this case, a bactericide may be helpful.
  • Concentric rings of dark brown spots: Fungal problem. It’s time for a fungicide to be applied.

Limited Growth

You can adjust the light, watering schedule, or temperature to encourage growth. This could indicate that your plant is ready for transplant into a larger vessel.

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