Purple Passion Plant Care

purple passion plant care

The plant is listed by the National Gardening Association as non-toxic for humans and pets, including dogs and cats, birds and reptiles.

Purple passion houseplants (Gynura Aurantiaca), are unique and beautiful houseplants that can be grown indoors. This young purple passion plant is a perfect choice for hanging in a basket. It has velvety leaves, thick purple hairs, and a green leaf with a cascading habit. The purple passion houseplants are a classic indoor decoration. They can also be found in the wild in southern regions.

How to Grow Purple Passion Flowers

The purple passion plant is also called the velvet plant or Gynura. It has thick hairs that give it purple leaves. The plant’s hairs become more dispersed and the color becomes less intense as it ages. Purple passion houseplants can be attractive for up to two years.

The purple passion plant should be planted in soil that is well-draining as it is more susceptible to root rot.

For easy rooting, use a mixture of perlite and vermiculite when rooting cuttings. Cover the cuttings with a perlite or vermiculite mixture when they are being rooted. Then, take them off at night.

Purple Passion Plant Care:

  • Place purple passion plants in bright to moderate lighting, but avoid direct sunlight. The purple color of purple passion plants is intensified by a brighter light.
  • Purple passion houseplants like cool temperatures. The ideal temperature for purple passion plants is 60 to 70°F (16-21 C).
  • The soil should be kept moist, but the roots shouldn’t be allowed to stand on soggy soil.
  • Avoid wetting the leaves as hairy leaves can trap water and cause them to rot. As part of velvet plant care, fertilize every two weeks from spring to fall.
  • Fertilize every other month. Purple passion plants can be grown outside as an annual. However, it is best to keep them contained so they don’t spread too much. Although purple passion houseplants can produce orange flowers, the odor they emit is not pleasant.
  • To avoid smelly blooms, many gardeners cut off the buds. If you don’t have any, flowers are a sign that the plant is mature.

Purple Passion Plant Propagation

The purple passion plant is most commonly propagated using cuttings. These plants root quickly if there are a few key growing conditions. While purple passions can be grown in water it is better to propagate these rot-prone plants using soil. To encourage root growth, you can take cuttings during the spring and summer seasons. The best way to propagate purple passion plant is:

  • Take the cutting of the plant.
  • Clip a few more leaves off for it to root better.
  • Place the stem in a glass or container with a narrow rim, so that the stem stands still with the bushy leaves resting on the rim.
  • Pour water till the stem is immersed fully.
  • Wait till you see some roots coming out from the areas where the leaves are cut and also from the stem cutting. Typically, you’ll see roots coming within 5 days and to be ready to plant in soil, it takes 15 days to fully root.

  • Prepare the potting mix and plant the stem gently without hurting the roots.

6 Plants that are irresistible to Butterflies

6 Plants that are irresistible to Butterflies

6 Plants that are irresistible to Butterflies

Six plants that attract butterflies. Learn how to attract butterflies and hummingbirds into your garden, what plants they like and how to get one to land on your plant.

This week, the most frequently asked question by garden center customers, friends, and family was how to attract more butterflies to your gardens. The reason butterflies love certain foods is that they are attracted to them by the right plants. Although butterflies can be attracted to readily available water sources, they are also attracted to gardens that have adequate irrigation. It all boils down to the right plants!

Although this list isn’t exhaustive, it will ensure that your landscape attracts more butterflies than you have now. They will be there if you plant them!

The Butterfly Bush is the perfect plant to attract these magnificent creatures to your garden. Many are now available at the garden centre in a variety of colors. Mountain dwarf varieties are more easily cared for and offer the same beauty to butterflies as the gardeners who planted them.

Butterfly Weed is a butterfly-attractive plant that produces clusters of yellow and scarlet-red flowers. This well-behaved, easy-to-care plant requires little maintenance and provides great landscape color. This beauty will make a great show on your patio or deck in a glazed container.

Whiteout Candytuft is a new variety of the old-fashioned candytuft. This popular plant is covered with pure white flowers, from the edges to the center, due to its dense branching and uniform flowering. It blooms from early spring to late summer. Plant them in large numbers and the butterflies will be attracted to you like magnets.

Once established, Bronze Carpet Stonecrop requires very little water. This gorgeous trailing succulent forms a dense, ground-hugging carpet with delicate pink flower stalks that rise above the bronze-red leaves. It’s a great contrast to gray- or green-leaved plants and can be used in borders, rock gardens, and containers.

For those who are afraid of roses, Easy Elegance Roses can be a great choice. Elegance roses bloom all year round, providing a variety of colors. You can have reliable, easy-to-care roses with a round, disease-resistant form and astonishingly clean foliage.

Miss Huff Lantana, the cold-hardiest lantana, has established clumps that can withstand temperatures as low at 0°F. The warm season is marked by the blooming of bright orange and pink flowers. It is a great choice for hot, sunny locations such as along hillsides or in containers on patios.

Mango Shoutoutr’s striking mango-orange flowers bloom all year. This plant is drought-tolerant and attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. It also adds stunning color to mixed and mass plantings.

These are the 6 best summer-blooming flowers for butterflies.

Weeping Pussy Willow Care

Weeping Pussy Willow Care: Tips for Growing Weeping Pussy Willows

The weeping pussy willow is an unusual tree that will bring joy every spring. The tiny but stunning willow is filled with silky catkins in the early spring. Continue reading for information on weeping willows, as well as tips on growing them.

What is a weeping pussy willow?

Look no further if you’re looking for something to add to your garden in early spring that will bring out the beauty of the landscape. You can start growing weeping willows (Salix Caprea ‘Pendula’). It’s a small, pendulous willow that has pendulous branches according to the weeping pussy willow information.

Each year, the branches are overflowing with pussy willows. These fuzzy gray kitten-like catkins, which are soft to touch, appear in late winter and early spring.

These beautiful little trees can be grown in almost any garden. Because they are only 8 feet tall (2.4 m.), you can grow them in a corner. They also have a spread of 6 feet (1.8m.).

These trees can thrive in both sunny and partial shade. However, this willow needs some sunlight in the afternoons.

Weeping pussy willow care is minimal if it is placed correctly.

How to Grow Weeping Willows

The trees are able to thrive in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant toughness zones 4-8.

Plant the trees in spring and autumn to start growing weeping willows. Plant more than one tree at a time, spacing them between 5-10 feet (11.5-3 m).

Dig holes that are at least twice the size of the root ball for each plant. Place the tree in the soil at the same height as when it was first planted.

Next, fill the hole with soil and tamp it down with your fingers. It will make it easier to care for weeping pussy willows if you create walls of soil around the root ball. This will allow water to be kept near the roots.

After planting, water the bowl. If you want to grow weeping pussy willows, you might need to stake them until they are anchored. Before you stake the tree, make sure you insert the stake.

Growing Weeping Pussy Willow In Pot

Kilmarnock willow (Salix carea), also known by goat willow, is one type of pussy willow that is very popular in the country. Salix caprea pendula, the weeping species of this species, is also known as the weeping pussy willow. In the right climates, weeping pussy willows are a great addition to your garden. They can be grown in a pot in your backyard or patio. For more information on growing Kilmarnock willows in a pot, please read the following.

Potted Weeping Pussy Willow

Every weeping willow is a tree that weeps, in one sense. The tree’s long and pendulous leaves make it look like it has weeping. This is what gives these trees their common name. The “weeping pussy willow” variety has more than drooping leaves.

The Kilmarnock willow variety also has arched branches, which droop downwards. This willow variety is small and usually stays below 30 feet (9 meters) high.

Even smaller, weeping pussy willows can be used to make bonsai plants.

It is easier to grow in a small pot because of its small size. Pussy willows are loved by gardeners for their soft gray catkins. Each one is actually a collection of small flower buds. Kilmarnock blossoms begin as small, white catkins but they grow into large blossoms that have long tendrils and flower-like petals. These trees are fast-growing, just like Salix.

Potted Kilmarnock willows can be grown in large containers. The container must be large enough to support the tree’s roots. It must also have a strong base. This will keep your Kilmarnock container from being blown over by windy weather.

How to Grow Weeping Willow in a Pot.

If you’re interested in growing potted weeping willow in a pot, the first thing to do is to get a large container. You should choose a plastic or wooden container if you live in colder areas. This will ensure that the container won’t crack in freezing weather.

Mixing your own potting soil is best for container-grown plants. Two parts of soil-based compost should be mixed with one part of general multipurpose compost. For USDA plant hardiness zones 4-8, Kilmarnock willows should be used. Your container should be in full sun, or at the very least afternoon sunlight. Insufficient sunlight will cause slow growth and little flowers. Regular, ample irrigation is crucial.

Growing cuttings from weeping pussy willow

Because they are the first plants to emerge from winter dormancy, pussy willows can be one of the most useful plants in cold climates. They produce soft, fluffy buds that are followed by bright, almost caterpillar-like, catkins. This gives them much-needed color and early life in their native areas of Canada and the eastern United States. But, can you actually root a pussy willow branch? Continue reading to find out more about how to propagate pussy willow, including how to grow it from cuttings.

Can you root a pussy willow branch?

One of the most straightforward methods for propagating pussy willow trees is to grow cuttings. The natural rooting hormone in Willow trees, including pussy willows, is found in the plants. They were used in the past to steep them in water and make “pussy willow tea”, which was then used to encourage others to grow roots. As a natural alternative for commercial rooting hormones, this method is making a comeback.

You can’t go wrong with more pussy willow trees. The roots can travel far to find water, so be aware.

Avoid planting your new trees near underground pipes and septic tanks. Otherwise, you will have a lot to worry about in the next few years.

How to Root Pussy Willow Branches from Cuttings

Spring is the best time to root pussy willow branches.

  • A length of about 1 foot (31.3 cm) of new growth should be cut. Cut as long as possible and straighten the new growth.
  • Take out any leaves from the cuttings below 8 cm.
  • Both water and soil are good options for cuttings.
  • You can sink the cuttings several inches (8cm) into the soil if you are using it. It is important to water the cuttings regularly, as pussy willows love wet conditions. You should notice white roots soon after you place the cutting in a glass of water or a bottle of water.
  • When the roots reach 3-4 inches (7-10cm) in length, you can transplant them into the soil. Once the roots are 3 to 4 inches (7-10 cm) long, it is possible to transplant the cutting into soil.
  • Don’t waste that water! Now that you’ve made your own tea, add some more cuttings to the glass to see what happens!

Fertilize and prune your plants to maintain fresh until fall

You need to fertilize and prune your plants to maintain their fresh appearance until fall.

Fertilize and prune your plants to maintain fresh until fall

  • Annuals, hanging baskets, container gardens, and bedding plants will need to be refreshed in the last week of July. This will ensure that they look their best until autumn.
  • Fertilize all of them now. To prevent fertilizer burn (which occurs when the plant absorbs too much fertilizer too quickly), make sure you water them the night before fertilizer is applied.
  • Osmocote, a slow-release plant food, is an exception.
  • To encourage bushier plants, trim back branches like petunias and verbena.
  • Finally, continue to deadhead or remove any faded blossoms throughout the summer.
  • Your potted plants will need more water in the late summer because their roots fill the pot with moisture and leave little room for storage.


Geraniums flowers have done well, how to remove them? Are the stems and the heads of the flowers to be cut? Here’s a tip for geraniums: Once you notice that most of the cluster has finished blooming, follow that stem down until it meets the first branch. Next, use your thumb to push the joint to one side. The stem, petiole, and entire cluster of flowers should snap off the plant. You’ll receive a bunch of new flowers after the snap.

Sea Hollies

Are Sea Hollies able to grow near the ocean? Or is it just a strange name for a plant. Some Sea Hollies were originally from the alpine, but they can still thrive in the well-drained soil found in many gardens close to the ocean.

These spiky, ruffled flowers come in vivid shades of purple and blue, unlike other flowers. As an added bonus, you can also harvest the stems and flowers, then hang them upside-down, and use them in fall to make indoor arrangements. Miss Willmott’s Ghost, a sea holly that is approximately 4 feet tall and has a ghost-like appearance to it, is the most well-known variety. If you are looking for something different, Sea Holly is worth searching at your local nurseries.

Help plants survive drought and heat

Help plants survive drought and heat

Help plants survive drought and heat

Drought and heat waves make gardening difficult. Both of these situations can be dangerous for plants and could lead to their death if not managed by a gardener. There are many ways to help plants.

  • Water is the first thing to do. Watering at 6-10 a.m. is the best time.
    • This method is the most efficient because it allows the plant’s water to be absorbed before the heat of the day. This also means that less evaporation occurs.
  • Between 4 and 7 p.m. is the next best time.
    • This allows water to evaporate from the leaves before it gets dark.
    • When leaves are wet at night, they can invite disease and mold to attack plants.

It is also essential to know how you water. Water should be directed at the root zone and base of the plant. A drip irrigation system or a soaker hose is the best way to accomplish this.

These methods ensure that water reaches the root zone.

  • Lay a hose on the ground, and then flood the area with water. The most inefficient way to water plants is to sprinkle the tops. A quick spray every other day is more efficient than deep watering every few days.
  • You can test the soil by putting your finger in it.
  • Pay attention to signs of stress, such as wilting, in plants.
  • Mulch is the second way to aid plants. Mulch is often thought of as a way to control weeds.
  • This helps conserve water and keeps the soil cooler. You should keep your beds weeded because weeds will also take up water that is meant for your plants.
  • Shade cloth can be used to provide shade for plants in extreme heat. Shade cloth can be purchased at a fraction of the cost of old sheets.
  • It can lower the temperature of your plants by up to 10 degrees.
  • Hanging baskets and containers may require watering twice or three times per day. They dry out faster than plants in the soil.
  • Clay pots dry quickly. They can be moved to a shaded area if they are sat on hot concrete.
  • It is a good idea to place them in a saucer to collect water and let the roots absorb it from the bottom.
  • Avoid stressing plants by pruning and transplanting in the heat wave.
  • Before fertilizing, wait until the heat wave passes before you apply fertilizer. The heat wave can actually make fertilizing more stressful for your plants.
  • Vegetables will be more productive if they are mowed regularly, watered consistently, and harvested early. Producing vegetables under heat stress will result in slow or even non-existent production, but it will increase when temperatures drop.
  • You want to keep your plants healthy during heat waves. When it cools off (which it always does), they will grow again.

For protection against microbes, plants shed their flowers quickly

For protection against microbes, plants shed their flowers quickly

For protection against microbes, plants shed their flowers quickly

According to new research, plants let their flower quickly fade in order to protect themselves from harmful microbes. The researchers found that microbes living on flowers can negatively impact fruit yields through field experiments and plant microbiome analysis. Plants will quickly shed their flowers to protect themselves from microbes.

  • The results suggest that old flowers harbor microbial communities that are different from those at anthesis and that the microbes present on old flowers negatively impact plant reproduction.
  • Despite not receiving much attention, antagonistic microbes which rapidly proliferate on flowers could have affected the evolution and life span of different flower characteristics like flower volatiles and flower lifespan.
  • The energy required to produce and maintain flowers. It seems that flowers are a reproductive system and plants would be better off keeping them longer.
  • The mystery of why plants use their energy to make fragile flowers that die quickly. Instead, they looked into how to invest a little more energy to make flowers that last longer.
  • Interestingly, flower longevity is negatively related to temperature. The hotter the environment in which they bloom, the longer the plant keeps them. This phenomenon is well-known for many years.
  • The antagonistic microbes such as bacteria or fungi that grow on flowers after they open their buds may be what shortens a flower’s lifespan. It was not a coincidence that microbes are more efficient at higher temperatures.

Despite the fact that they had no signs of disease or infection, the experimental plants produced fewer fruits. Researchers analyzed the microbiomes and found that several bacteria groups were growing with the passage of time.

Flower characteristics have been mostly studied in the context of interactions with pollinators. Flower volatiles, which is commonly viewed as primary pollinator attractants, can also be used to suppress antagonistic microbes.

The effects of microbes may be more profound in the evolution of angiosperms than previously thought.

App to determine which plants will thrive in your garden or home.

This app will help you determine which plants are most likely to thrive in your garden or home.

Are you looking to get in touch with nature Gardening can be a great way for you to get to know the great outdoors and make your home more beautiful. The NatureID app can teach you how to grow thousands of plants from your smartphone if you are a home gardener. You can get a lifetime subscription for just $19.99.

You want to know how NatureID works? You just need to take photos of your favorite indoor and outdoor plants and use the app to get recommendations on how best to plant them. You can even use the light meter to determine the sun level and find the best spot for your houseplants.

Expert botanists collaborate to create content that can replace a plant encyclopedia. You can use it as a personal assistant to help you care for your outdoor and indoor plants. You can learn more about your tree and even become a doctor for your plants. You can also keep a plant journal to remind yourself to take care of your green friends and ensure they thrive.

NatureID has been downloaded over eight million times, with happy users identifying plant species and learning more about the world. It received 4.6 stars from the App Store and was listed by iPhoneness as one of its 7 Must-See Plant Identification iPhone Apps.

Cathy, a happy customer, shared the following: “Love that after it identifies a plant, it gives lots information, light meter and pot meter and reminds options. You can also add it to you personal plant list. This app is helping me to document my entire property’s plants. This is the best plant app I have ever used.

This amazing deal offers you a lifetime subscription to the continuous plant knowledge as well as assistance, for $20 or less. For $19.99, get a lifetime subscription for the NatureID Plant ID Premium Plan.