How do you keep the string of pearls happy? When should you repot your string of pearls?

How do you keep the string of pearls happy?

How do you keep the string of pearls happy?

You’ll get a healthy, attractive string of pearls plants if you know how to take care of them, the plant care tips. The leaves are small and spherical and look just like pearl beads. The tendrils can reach up to one meter in length if they are well cared for. This plant is also known by its Latin name Senecio Rowleyanus.

As you will see, this plant can shine indoors in bright spots if it is placed on one of our shelves or in a hanging plant holder.

It is a versatile and adaptable plant. You can grow it in your garden by carefully tending a string-of-pearls plant. It is actually one of the best hanging basket plants because it has a vivid green color that makes a great contrast to other colorful flowering plants.

What temp is too cold for string of pearls?

  • String of pearls plants can thrive if they get at least 6-8 hours of direct and bright sunlight per day. They thrive in temperatures of 72oF and can be grown indoors or outside.
  • The string is made from succulents and requires very little water. It thrives on neglect, in fact. They make pots look great with designs that have ‘faces.’

What does an overwatered string of pearls look like?

It is very easy to care for a string pearls plant. They will thrive as houseplants as long as they have enough light and are not overwatered.

Surprisingly, overwatering can cause leaves to shrivel in string of pearls. If you give your plants more water than they can handle, their leaves will burst and become mushy.

Favorable conditions for string of pearls

Understanding the origins of the plant and its growth habits in the wild will help you care for it. They naturally spread across the desert floors in Southern Africa where water is scarce and light and heat levels extremely high. They have developed thick, fleshy, pearl-like leaves to keep water from escaping their leaves.

The best conditions for a string pearls plant to flourish are:

  • The perfect cactus- and succulent compost is Spring and summer: Use a succulent to nourish your plants; They can tolerate temperatures as low as 50oF (10oC) but they need plenty of light and warmth.
  • Keep a string pearls plant out of a conservatory if you intend to grow them as a houseplant. The string of pearls is not a fan of low temperatures. They should be kept away from areas that might experience humidity, even for a short time, such as the bathroom or kitchen. A room with south-facing windows is ideal.
  • If conditions are favorable and temperatures stay above 55-61oF (13-16oC), then a string or pearls plant can produce small white flowers that have a unique cinnamon scent. Although the flowers are visible in spring, growers value the delicate tendrils of the leaves more than their small, insignificant blooms.

Does string of pearls need direct sun?

  • String of pearls plants requires regular sunlight every day. If they are placed in a dark corner, they will not thrive. 8 hours of indirect sun will give a better environment than full-on direct sunshine.
  • It’s difficult to find the right balance for this delicate plant. Photosynthesis is more difficult because of the string pearls’ thick and round leaves. It can only be done by a thin, pale window (also known as an epidermal window) on the beads.
  • The string of pearls must be exposed to direct sunlight for at least two hours (hitting the top and sides of both plant) when they are in their home. Hanging in a south-facing window would be ideal.

Are these plants able to withstand too much sun? If the string of pearls plants in your home starts to turn yellow it might be an indication that they are getting too much sunlight. Move your potted plant to a spot with less intense sunlight.

Does string of pearls need direct sun?

How often should I water string of pearls?

The string of pearls plants grows best in dry conditions. They don’t require watering more than once per fortnight. Also, be careful not over-water them. Pot-grown string pearls plants should be watered from below. This will allow them to absorb water from the bottom of the pot so that the delicate pearl leaves aren’t on wet compost.

  • If you have indoor plants that are house-grown, it is important to be sparing with watering. A string of pearls doesn’t need much water. Water them only once they’re completely dry. You can test it by putting your finger in the soil.
  • They’re used during long periods of drought so water only after the soil has dried all the way to the bottom of the pot or when the leaves are just beginning to shrivel.
  • Avoid getting your plant’s leaves wet while watering. This can lead to leaf spot disease. To keep your plant looking its best, remove any dead or wilted stems.

Growing string of pearls plant

String of pearls plants can be grown outdoors in bright, sunny areas with lots of light. They are a great choice for hanging baskets because of their textural leaves and unique spreading, trailing habits.

They will thrive outside if they are able to mimic the conditions in their natural Southern African desert habitat. Water your plants more frequently if it is really hot or dry outside.

Repotting string of pearls plant – When should you repot your string of pearls?

Repotting string of pearls plant - When should you repot your string of pearls?

Do string of pearls like shallow or deep pots? Because they have a shallow root base, string of pearls plants do not need to be repotted as often.

There are two signs that your string of pearls may be ready to upgrade. If the root-bound plant develops a circular growth pattern, and can even grow out of its pot. The plant may also lose its leaves and slow down in growth.

  • Use succulent and cactus compost that is free-draining to repot your plants.
  • Also, be sure to choose a ceramic or terracotta pot for drainage. Ceramic pots are more prone to becoming waterlogged.
  • It is important to place them in a low, wide pot to allow them to grow as they would in their natural environment.

A spring-of-pearls plant is repotted in spring but only if necessary. They thrive in small pots so they should be repotted only if the roots can be seen through drainage holes at the bottom. A pot should not be more than 2 inches in size from the current one and must have good drainage. After repotting, water thoroughly.

How to prune string of pearls plant – How do I make my string of pearls thicker?

A string of pearl plants requires very little pruning. However, it is important to monitor their condition and only prune when necessary. Remove any dead or wilted stem leaves as necessary to keep your plant looking its best.

To make your plants more vigorous, you should consider propagation. Place a 4-inch-long cut in water. Within 3-4 weeks, roots will develop and you’ll be able to either add another plant to your pot or start a new one.


String of pearls plants should be handled with care. The delicate bead stems are mildly toxic. They can easily fall off if moved, so it is best to keep these plants away from pets and children.

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