How to Grow Zinnias
Zinnias are a rewarding plant that can be enjoyed from farm to table. They provide long-lasting color and make great cut flowers. A zinnia is the best flower for adding color to your garden beds. Zinnias can grow in many colors and heights. They also love to live in containers, making them the perfect summer annual. Hardiness Zone: An annual in USDA zones 2-8, perennial in USDA zones 9-11. Zinnia care can be easier than you might think. You will get beautiful, long-lasting flowers that are also great cut flowers. These plant care tips will answer any questions you might have about growing zinnias.
The attractive annual Zinnia variety is well-known to gardeners. It is easy to grow from seeds and prolifically grows in both pots and gardens. Hybrid colors can range from delicate salmon to pale green, snow white, and even hybrids of Z. There are elegans available in almost every color of the rainbow. This species is a stunning addition to any wildflower or window box. It also comes in a variety of flower forms including single, semi double, double, dahlia and globe. The scabiosa form is named after its similarity to the pincushion.
Zinnia grandiflora
- Zinnia grandiflora is a perennial zinnia variety, also known as Rocky Mountain or prairie zinnia and Z. acerosa is also known as desert zinnia. This low-growing plant is native to Mexico and the Rocky Mountains.
- It can withstand colder winters in USDA Zones 4 through 9. Meanwhile, Z. Z. It is a groundcover with beautiful white flowers and sometimes purple florets in its center.
- These native zinnias also attract bees and other pollinators in large numbers.
Zinnia Varieties
- White Wedding – Large, 4-inch double-dahlia flowers that last for several weeks in the garden and cut flowers.
- Envy is an heirloom variety that produces beautiful bright-green flowers measuring approximately 3 inches. These double and semi-double flowers are stunning when paired with delphiniums and other blue and purple flowers.
- Profusion Zinnia Cherry Bicolor Hybrid with 2-inch-wide white flowers and pretty pink and red accents.
- Lilliput Salmon – Smaller heirloom Zinnias can reach up to 24 inches in height with dozens of small pale pink pom-pom flowers.
- Thumbelina mix: Tiny zinnia flowers are available in a variety of colors including white, pink, red, orange, and orange. These flowers are only 4 to 6 inches high and make a great filler in small containers and window boxes.
- Old Mexico: A pollinator-attracting cultivar of Z. Haageana has a profusion of single-red blooms that are tipped with orange or yellow.
- Another Z.: Sombrero A haageana cultivar that produces bicolored red-gold blooms and attracts pollinators.
Planting Zinnias
Zinnias can provide months of vibrant color to your garden pots and beds once they are established. You can plant multiple varieties to create big colors in your zinnia gardens with minimal effort.
- Zinnias can be planted in spring after the danger of frost is over and the daytime temperature reaches at least 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Sow the seeds directly in the ground in areas with warm springs.
- For cooler climates, sow seeds indoors four to six weeks before the expected last frost.
- Except for a few exceptions, most zinnias can be grown as annual plants. These flowers are native to Mexico and the Southwest.
- They should be planted in a sunny area of the garden, where they will get 6-8 hours of sunlight per day.
- Zinnias will tolerate partial sunlight in areas that have very hot summers.
- Avoid overwatering your zinnias in areas with cool summers and fog to avoid powdery mildew.
How can you plant zinnias.
Once established, Zinnias can withstand heat and soil conditions. However, it is important to give them the best start. Soil – Rich, well-draining soil with pH 5.5 to 7.
Start from seed indoors:
- Start seeds indoors with a potting mixture 4 to 6 weeks prior to your planned planting date (after last frost).
- Place the seeds in an area with a minimum temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Soil should be evenly moistened
- Keep the seedlings dry Set the tray or pots out for a few hours each day for approximately a week, then plant them.
- Avoid rootbossing zinnia seeds. This can lead to stress, stunted growth, and reduced flower production.
- To plant zinnias, add compost or a rich mix of planting materials to the area.
- Follow the instructions on the seed packet. Depending on the variety, this can vary from anywhere between 3 inches and 2 feet apart.
- To ensure adequate air circulation, zinnias should be spaced at least 8-9 inches apart.
- Planting starts at a nursery is possible Please follow steps 5 through 7. When transplanting new plants, be careful not to disturb any native zinnia roots.
For sowing zinnia seed directly in soil:
- Wait until the average daily temperature reaches 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Use enriching compost to enhance the soil in which you plan to plant zinnia seedlings.
- Place seeds 1/2 inch deep. Place them 1/2 inch deep.
- Keep the soil moist.
- After seedlings have begun to sprout, thin them to allow for proper growth.
- To extend the flowering season, wait a few weeks before planting another round of seeds.
- Zinnias can be grown in containers
- Zinnias thrive in containers as long as they get enough water and don’t become rootbound. To ensure proper drainage, use a potting mix and not heavy garden soil. For Thumbelina Zinnias, choose smaller containers.
Watering Zinnias
Zinnias can be fussy, but they are not fussy in general. They are susceptible to powdery mildew so water them. The soil should be soaked, not the plants. To avoid powdery mildew and sunburn, give them regular water. Water at the soil level. Overwatering Zinnias can cause wilting or rot. Once established, native perennials are extremely drought-tolerant.
Fertilizing Zinnias
Zinnias are heavy feeders. You can feed them throughout the year with an all-purpose fertilizer, such as a 10-10-10. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer. You may need to fertilize container plants more often. You might want to fertilize zinnias using water-soluble food. However, it should never be applied to dry soil.
Pruning Zinnias
Zinnia flowers can last up to a few weeks and even months. Handpick the damaged leaves from the deadhead zinnia flower once they look worn. Native zinnias (Z. Z.acerosa and Z. grandiflora) can reseed and spread so that they only need the shearing of the faded leaves to reappear in late spring.
Propagating Zinnias
Zinnias are easy to grow from seeds. They can be grown indoors or in the ground for up to 6 weeks before being planted. You can also collect seeds from old flowers. You should be aware that not all varieties will bloom precisely as they were intended. It is better to buy a new packet each year to ensure that the exact colors and appearance of your chosen variety.
The process of propagating a Zinnia stem from a cutting is similar to cloning the plant. However, it takes some effort. Make a diagonal cut at the bottom of each set of leaves. Remove the lower leaves, then immerse the stem in warm water. The roots should develop in about one week if the water is changed regularly. The rooted stem can be placed in a container with a sterile pot mix, or directly in the ground.
Note: Zinnias can be used to make a variety of flowers that are safe for humans, cats, dogs, and horses. They are loved by pollinators such as butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds.
Common Zinnias Problems – Diseases and Pests
- Powdery mildew is a problem with Zinnias.
- This can be prevented by watering only at the soil’s level, and avoiding getting stems and leaves wet.
- Zinnias should not be watered from above. Instead, thin them as necessary to allow for air circulation. Zinnias are sometimes prone to leaf spots.
- Zinnias are generally resistant to most pests and diseases. However, aphids and whiteflies, and spider mites can prey on plants that are stressed or under-watered in hot weather.
- To prevent stress, pay attention to how you water your plants on hot days. Keeping these pests away is enough to keep them away.
- Zinnias can also be resistant to deer and rabbits.