How to take care of your plants when you’re away

How to take care of your plants when you’re away

For a long time, the weather hasn’t been kind to our plants. Another thing that is worth considering is the number of plants in our landscape, and their value. You might be surprised. You might be surprised at how much it would cost you to replace them all. This is why you need to take care of your plants when you are away for extended periods of time. There are some things that you can do for your plants if you know you will be gone for a long time.

A relative, friend, or paid worker can make a daily trip to your house and give any care required. Most of the time it will be to water your plants. You should know what to do with your plants. You can give your caretaker a few simple instructions if you’re not sure of their knowledge. They will not be understood if they are too long.

  • Just before you leave, cut your lawn and water slowly to ensure that water soaks in. The soil should be at least six inches deep. If you have an automatic irrigation system, make sure it is working correctly.

Make sure that all containers plants get regular watering.

  • Place smaller pots in groups where the sun is low or semi-shady. You can use them under pergolas and vine-covered arbors. It is easier to water multiple containers than individual pots.
  • To slow down the loss of moisture, large containers can be placed in shade. This is especially true of clay pots. You can also use “spaghetti tubes” to water individual plants within pots, and drip hoses for watering flower beds.
  • Drip hoses are also useful in vegetable gardens, vineyards, and orchards. These can all be connected to timers that turn on and off the water at specific times.
  • Another thing you can do during long periods of absence is to use thick organic compost to slow down the loss of moisture. These mulches can be placed between or around individual plants, as well as between rows and in the beds.
  • It’s a good idea even with automated equipment, timers, and such, to have someone visit your property regularly to verify that everything is working as it should. If not, you can put it back in order.

For a few reasons, you should always spray your greenery after returning home. These are some ways to show your plants love after all the time you’ve spent away.

After a long time away, you should spray your plants.

Although it might seem obvious to give your plants water after a vacation is over, we are not talking about regular watering. Aditya recommends spraying the leaves as well, rather than watering them at their soil level. This can be done by taking your plants to the bathroom or sink and spraying them with a spray nozzle. Make sure they get their soil and leaves wet.

This is a great way to keep your plants clean, so there’s no dust and they can perform photosynthesis.

This will not only remove any dust from your soil, but also give it a good soak. Greenery NYC, room temperature water, as anything too hot or cold will shock them.

However, not all plants will like to have their leaves wet.  drought-resistant succulents or signs of pests like leaf holes and webbing. Let your plants dry, then place them in a sunny location.


Watering your plants in the shower or sink will help to moisten their soil and remove any dust and dirt from their leaves after a long journey.  prep your plants for your trip, this is a soak they’re bound to appreciate. It feels great to be reunited.

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