The peace lily flower is a gorgeous, low-maintenance indoor plant with uniquely shaped white flowers that bloom even in low-light circumstances. But that doesn’t mean peace lilies don’t have problems, like their beautiful white flowers turning an unhealthy shade of brown.
So why are your peace lily flowers going brown?
Your beautiful peace lily flower was white a few days ago, but today it has already become an unappealing brown. You thought you were taking good care of your houseplant, but it appears that you were not. What caused your peace lily flower to turn such an unsettling color?
If your flower has become brown, it might be due to overstress or a little neglect of the houseplant. Furthermore, all peace lily flowers will age and turn brown.
Peace lily flowers naturally become brown at the conclusion of their life cycle. It’s pretty standard, and if your plant is otherwise healthy, you shouldn’t be concerned.
However, in rare cases, flowers may turn brown too soon. Let’s take a look at why flowers turn brown, how to make them last longer, and how to get rid of faded blossoms.
When the growing conditions of your flower do not satisfy its needs, it reacts with stress. This permits your plant’s limited resources to be directed into life-sustaining portions like main stems, new green leaves, and roots.
Because flowers are less critical to your plant than leaves or main stems, your peace lily will sacrifice its blossoms to keep the essential aspects that ensure its existence. As a result, brown flowers are typically an early warning sign that your plant is in trouble.
Hydration issues or light problems commonly cause brown tips on peace lily leaves.
Here are the top reasons why your peace lily leaves are turning brown-
Excessive Water can be the reason of your lily flower turning brown.
Peace lily plant that has improper watering and humidity issues and receives an excessive amount of water is unable to acquire the oxygen they require. The roots collect oxygen from the air gaps in the soil, and if the earth becomes too saturated, the roots of your peace lily cannot breathe.
It’s tempting to believe that if oversaturated soil is the issue, all you need to do is waterless regularly, but this may not be the case. Overwatering can also occur if the soil does not drain quickly enough or if the plant is growing in an extremely big container. Peace lilies perform best when they are little root confined rather than grown in an overly huge container.
This is because it is challenging to provide sufficient water to the plant without oversaturating the surrounding soil. The extra soil in a large pot absorbs water and drains slowly, causing the roots to sit in perpetually damp soil.
It’s best to let the top inch of soil dry up between watering routines; however, this isn’t necessarily a good indication. Even if the top inch of soil dries up, the soil beneath it may remain moist.
Too Much Bright Light can be a reason that your peace lily flowers turn brown.
All plants require light to some level for photosynthesis, but the most common cause of a peace lily flowers turn brown is bright direct sunlight.
This is because peace lilies grow naturally on the rainforest bottom, where the dense forest canopy naturally filters light. When your peace lily is exposed to too much direct sunlight, the plant might be burned, causing the flower to droop and become brown.
As a result, avoid placing your peace lily under a window that gets direct sunlight, especially during the hot afternoon hours so that it blooms.
Instead, position your plant in a pot by the window with some shade or anything else outside to help shade it from the light. If there is nothing outside to shade the plant from direct sunlight, move it a few feet away from the window.
Another issue to consider is the seasonal variation in sunlight patterns.
Drainage problems can also cause peace lily leaves to turn brown.
Even if you provide your plant with enough water, if the container has insufficient drainage, the roots are likely to sink in oversaturated soil for far longer than they should and can cause lily flower turning brown.
There are many gorgeous and affordable pots available with no drainage holes, but they aren’t the ideal types.
A container with at least one drainage hole at the bottom is better in the long run.
Even if your pot includes a drainage hole or two, be sure they aren’t clogged. Simply move your finger or a chopstick around the surface of the pot.
Lack of humidity is another reason for peace lily flowers to turn brown.
As a tropical rainforest native, the peace lily requires high humidity levels of 50% or more. If your home lacks proper humidity, you’ll see dried-out and crunchy leaf tips, followed by browning blossoms.
So, the remedy is straightforward: increase the humidity in the space surrounding your plant.
- Regularly mist your peace lily with Purified Water.
- Set the pot on a shallow tray filled with gravel or stones and water regularly but not too much.
- Because many plants release water via their leaf, gather other houseplants around your peace lily.
Overfertilizing the peace lily may lead to the browning of leaves.
Excessive fertilizer application to a plant might result in a buildup of sodium and other salts in the soil and can be a reason of your flower turning brown. Because peace lilies use relatively little fertilizer, preventing this problem should be simple – but that doesn’t mean it can’t happen.
Watering from the top rather than the bottom can assist remove excess salt from the soil. Few market-available fertilization treatments are also advantageous.
Fertilize once a month with an all-purpose indoor plant which you can buy from any online site, and make sure this occurs during the spring and summer.
Instead of applying full-strength fertilizer, dilute it by half and avoid fertilizing your plants during the fall and winter to fix it.
If you’ve already applied too much fertilizer, remove the plant from its container and remove most of the potting mix too.
Repot with new peace lily soil in the same or a different container so that peace lily blooms.
To best understand your peace lily’s needs and symptoms, you have to look at its natural habitat. In the wild, peace lily grows on the rainforest floor in Central and South America. This means that its ideal growing conditions for blooming include filtered lighting, warm temperatures, humid air, and moderately moist soil.
When those conditions aren’t met in your home, your peace lily will often respond with prematurely browning flowers.