August gardening tips – Powdery mildew is a common, but not fatal, disease.

Powdery mildew is a common, but not fatal, disease.

How to treat Powdery mildew?

Your Phlox and Veronica plants may have powdery mildew. This is a common disease that affects ornamental plants. Powdery mildews can only infect host plants.

The pathogens found on your Veronicas or Phlox will not infect other plants. The characteristic powdery mildew coating on leaves is what makes it easy to identify. It is often quite ugly, but it is not fatal.

  • It’s usually too late to treat once you notice it. Don’t apply fungicides right away.
  • Powdery mildew can be spread by plants that are too close together or with poor air circulation. The problem can be exacerbated by excessive rain or overwatering.
  • It is crucial to stop fertilizing your plants now that they have the disease.
  • Avoid overhead watering and clean up any plant debris in the fall. Infected plant material should not be composted as it may not heat enough to kill the fungus.
  • To reduce humidity and infection, you can prune or remove plants that are overcrowded. Many plants are able to tolerate or resist powdery mildew. Ask for resistant varieties or check the label when purchasing plants.

Will limestone work for moss?

If moss grows in lawns, it is usually a sign that the grass has become weaker and thinned. This allows moss to thrive. There are several possible causes, including excessive shade, poor drainage, poorly drained soils, and low soil fertility.

A common remedy for moss is to add limestone. However, this is only recommended if a soil test is done. Moss can be controlled to a certain extent by ferric sulfate and ferric sulfate. Although the moss may temporarily go away, it tends to quickly return. Another option is to rake out the moss, which is usually followed by reseeding.

Moss invasion is usually caused by too much shade. To increase sunlight and improve air circulation, trees and shrubs can often be pruned. There are lawn mixes that work for both sunny and shaded areas. A soil test can be very beneficial because it will evaluate the soil’s fertility, pH, and/or problems caused by excessive fertilizer or salts. The results of the test will help you determine the best fertilizer to use for plant growth.

August Gardening Tips

  • Replant perennials that have become too big or are not blooming well. The woody central portion of any clump should be thrown out and the rest can be replanted. Divide fall-blooming plants such as mums, but wait until spring.
  • Iris go dormant this month and slow down their growth. This is why now is the best time to divide them. Regularly dividing bearded iris flowers better. Reduce the leaves to 6-8 inches in length and preserve one or two clusters of foliage per rhizome.
  • To prevent seeds from setting, deadhead perennial flowers and ensure that the plant has more energy for next year’s bloom,
  • Picking zucchini, snap beans, cucumbers, and other vegetables from the garden is a good idea, even if it’s past their prime because they will continue to be more productive. It is also a good idea to get rid of rotten produce as they attract yellow jackets.
  • Yellow jacket wasps are abundant in August. They are attracted to sweet, dry, and rotting foods. Watch out for yellow jackets in cans and glasses.
  • Planting evergreen shrubs and trees in late summer is a great time. They will have several months to develop new roots. If you plant evergreen trees like firs, spruces, or pines on the northwest side, it will save you energy. It will also provide shelter for birds and be beautiful with new snow. Every week that we don’t receive at least an inch of rain, it is crucial to water your evergreens until they freeze.
  • Blossom end rot is caused by a deficiency in calcium due to uneven watering. It is characterized by a dark, leathery, sunken area at tomatoes and peppers’ bottoms. These symptoms usually develop in hot and dry conditions. Avoid it by watering deeply and frequently, mulching well, and not fertilizing too heavily with nitrogen. Avoid Epsom salts as they can make matters worse. The rest of the tomato can be used as is.
  • Increase the height of your lawn mower blades from 2 inches to 3 inches. The summer heat will cause taller grass to protect the roots and allow for deeper root development. Cuts that are shorter result in shallower root systems and plants are more vulnerable to heat stress and water. Mid-August is the best time to plant grass seeds. The chances of a successful establishment are greatly improved by warm soil and less competition from weeds.
  • Sphinx moths can be seen in the evening. They look very similar to hummingbirds. They are approximately the same size as hummingbirds, have similar wings, and can hover. Their long proboscises allow them to suck nectar from flowers and impatiens.
  • Make a compost pile from grass clippings and leaves. The heat of August encourages bacteria to rapidly degrade materials. To speed up the process, keep it moist. Keep it turning frequently. The EPA estimates that home composting can reduce the amount of municipal waste a household produces by 700 pounds per year. You’ve created your “gardener’s gold” to enrich the soil.

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