How do you keep a money tree healthy? When should you braid your money tree?

How do you keep a money tree healthy?

How do you keep a money tree healthy?

The pachira aquatica, also known as the money tree, is a tropical, wetland plant that is native to Central and South America. It can reach heights of six to eight feet indoors, but it can reach over 60 feet in the wild. Surprisingly, the braided trunk that you love isn’t a natural characteristic of the tree. Most money trees are made from multiple plants that had their trunks twisted together during growth.

The money plant, one of the best Feng Shui trees for good energy is believed to bring wealth, luck, and prosperity to its owner. Five shiny green leaves on each stem represent the five elements of balance, earth, fire water wind, metal, and water. Some stems may have six leaves; seven-leaf stems bring luck to your home.

The money tree is of the It’s one of the best indoor trees, and also one of the most versatile indoor plants. The large green leaves and braided trunk make it easy to match with many home styles. Continue reading to plant care tips and tricks that will keep your money tree looking great all year.

Money Tree Care Tips

Where should a money tree be placed?

Where should a money tree be placed?

For a healthy money tree, bright indirect sunlight is the best — it makes it easier to locate the right spot for your plant. As long as there isn’t too much direct sun, a plant stand can be placed in your living room or home office floor. Although your plant might adjust to low light, too much sunlight can quickly scorch it.

What temperature do money trees like?

Your money tree will thrive in an area between 60- and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Your plant should be kept away from heat, air conditioning vents, and drafty windows and doors.

How often do you water a money tree?

According to Just Add Ice, overwatering money plants is one of the biggest mistakes plant parents make when it comes to plant care. Your money plant should be watered once every two weeks or when the soil volume has reached 50-75% dry. Spring and summer will require watering more often. Make sure your planter is equipped with drainage holes to drain excess water so that the roots don’t sit in it.

To ensure that your tree grows evenly, rotate it every time you water it.

Should I be pruning my money tree?

You can trim your money tree if it is out of control or growing too high or too low for your area. Healthy growth can be promoted by cutting down brown or wilted foliage.

When should you repot a money tree?

It’s best to repot your money tree in the spring. However, you will only need to do this once every two to three years. You can trim the root growth if you wish to continue using the same poter. Remember that money trees like a well-drained potting mix.

Money Tree Plants Common Problems

How do you fix yellow leaves on a money tree?

How do you fix yellow leaves on a money tree?

Yellow leaves: You may have overwatered your plant or the plant is getting too much sunlight. You can try to keep your planter in indirect sunlight or stick to a regular watering schedule.

Why are the leaves falling off my money tree?

Leaf Drop: You’re not watering your plants enough. You should water your plants on a schedule, not waiting until the soil is dry completely. Too much sun, temperature fluctuations, and insect infestations are all possible factors. During growth, some leaf loss can be expected.

How do I know if my money tree has root rot?

Root Rot: Overwatering may cause root rot. Root rot can lead to a loss of leaves, a softening trunk, and unpleasant odors. Act quickly to prevent it from becoming fatal. Repot your plant quickly!

How do I keep bugs out of my money plant?

Insect infestation: Aphids and mealybugs love money trees. You can use warm water and insecticidal soap to get rid of small pests if you spot an infestation. Yellow leaves are a sign that they are present.

How To Braid Your Money Tree – When should you braid your money tree?

When should you braid your money tree?

The trunk of a mature money tree is likely already braided. It’s easy to braid money trees if you have young trees.

  • You need three to six money trees should be healthy and young.
  • A young money tree should have shoots measuring approximately 15 to 16 inches in height.
  • As you would your hair, gently and loosely tie the trunks together.
  • To keep the ends together, use tape or string.
  • Keep going with this process until your money tree is fully grown.

However, it could take several months before your tree can be braided again.

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