Why is my elephant ear plant turning yellow?

Why is my elephant ear plant turning yellow?

Why is my elephant ear plant turning yellow?

What is the reason my elephant ear plant leaves turning yellow? What should I do? The better news is that the maximum reasons why this happens are quite typical and nothing to worry about. Some reasons are simpler to heal than others. In this article, you can know the reason and cure for your elephant ear plant.

Elephant ear plants indoors (Colocasia) are certainly fascinating plants. Their name came from their tall stems and big leaves and giving them an exquisite look. Plus, their deep, gorgeous green color is sure to please the eye. Maintaining an elephant ear plant gives real pleasure both indoors and outdoors. It is also a great choice for beginning gardeners who want a focal point in their home or garden, as the plant is quite easy to look for.

It may be cause for alarm if you see that the leaves of your cherished plant are becoming yellow or brown. To stop future harm to your plant, it’s critical to determine the underlying cause of this, which can happen for a number of different causes. It is advisable to look into the particular needs of your plant species in order to solve the problem.

You will learn about eight possible reasons why elephant ear plants may yellow in this article.

Here are some reasons for elephant ear plants turn into yellow leaves.

Due to the biological life cycle

  • This is a normal reason and usually occurs due to the seasonal cycle nothing to worry about. When it gets cold, the plants prepare for dormancy.
  • In such cases, it’s a good idea to prune the yellowed leaves to make room for new growth in the spring. Plants with large leaves turn yellow in late fall. Some plants, like hosta, have large leaves that make them appear yellower than they actually are. Given the natural life cycle of plants, there is not much to do as that is plant life.
  • Due to lack of humidity.
  • If they’re watered inconsistently.
  • An imbalance in light to water ratio.
  • That’s a good reason for the relief. Just making sure the plants are at the right temperature when they transition to dormancy can really make a difference when they come back in the spring. Recommended to cover it with mulch if you have it. This will protect the plant from harsh winter temperatures.

Here are some reasons for elephant ear plant turn into yellow foliage

Due to sunlight

  • In keeping with the temperature, you should know that this particular plant likes warmth. Direct sunlight is not recommended for these plants. Colocasia prefers filtered light coming from the penumbra.
  • Colocasia shows yellowish leaves earlier because they are light-sensitive. This way you can get the temperature you need to grow without the risk of burning your leaves. Keep in mind that if the leaves of the plant are brown and have a crunchy texture, they are probably in the wrong place and should be moved as soon as possible.
  • Plants may also become yellow if they are kept in an environment with too much shadow. Since sunshine is essential for photosynthesis, the process by which plants make food, keeping plants in a gloomy environment without exposing them to regular sunlight can be hazardous. Lack of sunshine can starve plants, which will eventually result in lower leaves that become discolored and yellow and eventually fall off the plant.
  • This indicates that the plants are not getting enough sunlight. You can see that the yellowest areas are in the areas with the least amount of sunlight. You can give your plants a boost by placing them in the right place in your garden or home.

Soil requirement for elephant ears

  • Haven’t watered yet but be aware that poor soil conditions can cause discoloration. As mentioned above, the soil used should be porous and well-drained to avoid moisture from watering. Crumbly clay should work well.
  • Avoid rocky soils as this can damage the plant’s tubers. Additionally, a good soil pH is important for Colocasia. These plants prefer acidic soil with a pH of 5.5-6.5. Exceeding that can adversely affect plant health and cause yellowing and browning.
  • Plant nutrition is significantly influenced by the pH of the soil. Plants cultivated in soil with an incorrect pH level won’t thrive, even with fertiliser. You can use a soil test kit to find out your soil’s pH level, and it might also offer recommendations for bringing it closer to the optimal range.
  • To ensure that plants receive the proper nourishment, soil must also be improved with organic matter, such as fertilizer and compost. Poor soil quality can cause plant starvation and yellowing if there is insufficient organic matter in the soil.

Soil requirement for elephant ear

Proper fertilizing usage

  • Overfeeding elephant ear plants can also cause the leaves to turn yellow. Elephant ears are generally a powerful bait, so this can shock you.
  • This can cause problems that manifest themselves as leaf discoloration. We recommend using a water-soluble fertilizer that is high in nitrogen and stimulates leaf production and growth.
  • You should apply fertilizer only once a month don’t exceed it. Applying more frequently increases the risk of over-fertilization, which can lead to yellow leaves. Nitrogen deficiency can also cause leaf discoloration. But it usually gives different results. Old leaves may turn yellow, but young leaves are very bright green.

Proper fertilizing usage

Give proper nutrition.

  • The main problem that causes plants to discolor is a lack of nutrients. As mentioned earlier, this can be caused by inadequate sunlight, inadequate watering, and unfavorable soil conditions.
  • Nutrient deficiencies are detrimental to the health of all living things, and elephant ear plants are no exception. Nutrient deficiencies can be recognized by yellow leaf tissue and green veins. You’ll also notice that the top leaves turn yellow first.
  • Too little fertilizer is easily remedied by caring for the plants with plant fertilizer. However, it is important to follow the package instructions whenever possible.
  • Too much fertilizer can also burn plants and cause discoloration, so follow directions carefully. If you want to keep Colocasia as a houseplant, buy fertilizer for houseplants and fertilizer for spring and summer.

Root deterioration

  • Root damage can also lead to discoloration. Pots too small, shovels too rough, or even root rot. Dense roots develop as your plant grows beyond the pot it lives in.
  • Elephant Year plants tend to grow beyond the pot fairly quickly. This inhibits the movement of oxygen, water, and nutrients, which can cause leaves to turn yellow or drop off.
  • Looking at the bottom tray of the plant can help determine if the plant is growing out of its pot. When the roots come out, it’s time to change the pot. This will make the plants healthy again. Make sure to check the roots often as the plants grow, as they may need to be checked fairly often to make sure they have enough space.
  • With sideways plantings, you can prevent root damage, just make sure that the plant gets well-aerated soil. Well-drained soil, both indoors and outdoors, will prevent root compaction.
  • Pay attention to the color when looking at the roots of the plant. Pale, white, yellow is the original color of a healthy root. Dark roots often indicate rot, especially if they smell bad. In that case, unfortunately, it’s time to ditch the plant and start over.

How to stop elephant ear leaves turning yellow?

There could be a number of reasons and issue why your elephant ear plant is turning yellow. Overwatering or inadequate drainage is one of the main culprits. The roots may rot in perpetually wet soil, turning the plant yellow and making it wilt. Make sure your plant receives water only until the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch, and check that the pot has drainage holes so that any extra water can drain.

Lack of nutrition may also be the cause of fading elephant ear leaves. Make sure you are using a high-quality fertiliser with the right ratio of nutrients since elephant ear plants need fertilisation to develop and thrive. Avoid overfertilizing as this can also result in yellowing and other issues.

Elephant ear plants also require direct, strong light to survive. Your plant may begin to discolor and weaken if it doesn’t receive enough light. Try relocating it somewhere brighter but stay out of direct sunlight to prevent scorching the leaves.

Tips for growing elephant ear

Elephant ear plants are tropical plants known for their large, heart-shaped leaves. They can add a tropical feel to any garden or indoor space. Here are some tips for growing elephant ear plants:

  • Soil: Elephant ear plants prefer rich, well-draining soil that have good moisture but not waterlogged. You can add compost or other organic matter to the soil to improve its fertility and drainage.
  • Light: Elephant ear plants prefer bright, indirect light. They can be grown indoors near a window that receives filtered light or outdoors in a partially shaded area.
  • Watering: Elephant ear plants require regular watering to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. You should water them when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.
  • Fertilizer: Elephant ear plants benefit from regular fertilization during the growing season. You can use a balanced fertilizer or one that is high in nitrogen to promote leaf growth.
  • Temperature and humidity: Elephant ear plants thrive in warm, humid environments. They should be kept in temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C) and in a location with high humidity.
  • Propagation: Elephant ear plants can be propagated by dividing the rhizomes, which are underground stems. Wait until the plant has finished its growing season before dividing the rhizomes and planting them in separate pots or locations.
  • Pests and diseases: Elephant ear plants can be prone to spider mites, mealybugs, and other pests. Keep an eye out for any signs of infestation and treat with insecticidal soap or neem oil. Overwatering can also lead to root rot, so make sure the soil is well-draining and not too wet.

How to take care of elephant ear plant leaves?

Improving the quality of elephant ear plant leaves is an important aspect of growing these plants. Here are some tips for caring for elephant ear plant leaves:

  • Clean the leaves: Elephant ear plant leaves can accumulate dust and dirt, which can interfere with their ability to photosynthesize. Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or sponge to keep them clean.
  • Prune damaged or yellow leaves: If you notice any yellow leaves or damaged leaves on your elephant ear plant, prune them off with a clean, sharp pair of scissors or shears. This will help redirect the plant’s energy towards healthy leaves.
  • Support large leaves: As elephant ear plant leaves can grow quite large, they may need support to avoid bending or breaking. Use stakes or plant ties to support the leaves as needed.
  • Provide adequate light: Elephant ear plants require bright, indirect light to grow healthy leaves. If the plant is not receiving enough light, its leaves may become smaller or turn yellow.
  • Monitor humidity levels: Elephant ear plants thrive in high humidity environments. If the air in your home or growing space is dry, consider using a humidifier or placing a tray of water near the plant to increase humidity levels.
  • Water correctly: Overwatering or underwatering can cause problems with elephant ear plant leaves. Water the plant thoroughly when the top inch of soil is dry, but make sure not to let the soil become waterlogged.
  • Fertilize regularly: Elephant ear plants benefit from regular fertilization during the growing season. Use a balanced fertilizer or one high in nitrogen to promote leaf growth. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer packaging for best results.

Conclusion for elephant ear turning yellow.

In conclusion, if the leaves of your ear plants turning into yellow is one of the issues for you then it is because of many reasons such as root damage, over-watering, full sunlight, and improper nutrition. Follow the remedies of this article on the basis of your problem.

Will bird of paradise leaves uncurl? – Bird of Paradise leaves curling and turning yellow!

Bird of Paradise leaves curling and turning yellow!

What to do if your bird of paradise is yellowing?

The bird of paradise is an eye-catching tropical plant that can be grown indoors and outdoors. Bird of paradise is one the rarest plants that American growers have access to these days. Bird of paradise can be planted in the garden by a few gardeners, but most gardeners keep them indoors or on patios. Sometimes they can develop yellow leaves despite all your efforts. This could be due to poor lighting, pests, or watering. Find out how to save your yellowing plants, curling leaves and plant care tips.

What causes yellowing leaves on a Bird of Paradise plant?

While there are many problems with bird of paradise plants, yellowing leaves are one of the most common. These conditions are usually caused by poor growing conditions. Let’s find out what you can do to keep your bird of paradise plant happy and healthy, to see if the bird of paradise leaves uncurl.


Bird of paradise plants thrives in full sun, not light shade. It can be difficult to provide enough light for the bird of paradise plant when it is moved indoors. This can lead to yellowish leaves.

  • If your indoor plant is yellowing, you can increase its light level by placing a full spectrum fluorescent lamp directly on top of it or moving it to brighter rooms.
  • Be careful not to place any plant too close to a window that receives high levels of direct sunlight as the ultraviolet rays can cause damage to delicate leaf tissue.


Inadequate watering can also lead to the yellowing of bird of paradise leaves. Bird of paradise plants can’t be left dry like other plants. They are extremely sensitive to being too wet or too dry. The plant can be sensitive to changes in moisture for the first six months after it is planted or repotted.

However, you can help reduce this by placing a mulch layer of 2 to 3 inches (5-8 cm) around the plant. You can slow down drying time and retain moisture by mulching the plant. To prevent stem rot, make sure that the mulch doesn’t touch the stem.


Although major pests are rare, they can occasionally occur on indoor bird-of-paradise plants. If plants spend their summer outdoors, they will be more susceptible. More about bird of paradise pests and diseases. Some of these pests can cause yellowing, such as:


The hallmark sign of yellowing leaves is a leaf that has become sticky and becomes whole or in patches. Aphids can also attract ants. To drown aphids, spray the plant’s undersides with water from a garden sprayer. Spray your plants daily for at least two weeks.


Scale bugs, like aphids, can cause yellowing in many patterns and leave a sticky residue. Scale bugs are not as easily identifiable as aphids because they hide behind thick protective shells. They look more like tiny cankers or unusual growths on plants. These can be treated most effectively with imidacloprid or neem oil. However, neonicotinoids should only be used in the evenings and in the prescribed doses.


Whiteflies, another sap-feeding insect that is similar to scale and aphids, are the most visible of all. There is no way to know if you have moth-like, small white insects under your plant’s yellowing foliage. These offenders are very vulnerable to drowning and should be sprayed with water every other day.

Opogona crown borer

Crown borer is a term that refers to small holes or cracks in your bird of paradise’s crown and base leaves. You can’t do much if the plant is yellowing.

Bird Of Paradise Leaf Curl: Why do Bird Of Paradise leaves curl?

Bird of Paradise is one of those plants that combines fantasy and spectacle. This plant stands out because of its brilliant colors, uncanny resemblance, and huge, massive leaves. Bird of paradise may curl leaves in unfavorable places and conditions. Bird of paradise leaves can curl for many reasons. These are some of the reasons bird of paradise leaves curl.

Why do Bird of Paradise Leaves Curl

  • Bird of paradise can be found as a tree that is 5-30 feet tall (1.5-9m). There are many varieties, but all have large paddle-shaped leaves.
  • They start as curled tubes and then curve outwards from the main body. While the leaves become more elongated as they age, older foliage may still have some curves at its edges.
  • Bird of Paradise is a tropical tree with 18-inch (46cm) leaves. The average length of the leaves is 18 inches (46 cm). They grow from the main crown in a cluster.
  • Bird of paradise leaves will have some leaf curl, but this is not unusual.

Cultural causes of leaves curling on Bird of Paradise plant

The bird of heaven is suitable for USDA hardiness zones 10, and 11. Although it is not hardy in zone 9, it can be grown in a pot in cooler areas in the summer as long as it is moved indoors before it gets too cold.

  • The leaves tend to be thin around the edges.
  • They can also become brittle in high winds and with repeated bruising.

Leaf curl can occur in bird of paradise under the wrong conditions from a variety of factors. The new plants will need to be watered well before they can grow. Otherwise, their older leaves will curl up in protest. The leaves will curl inward when exposed to cold temperatures. Bird of paradise will curl leaves if it has poor soil or a low pH.

Bird of Paradise: Leaves Curling up – Pests and Disease:

Bird of Paradise plants are often attacked by a variety of pests. Scale and mites are responsible for curling and malformed leaves. Chaetanaphothrips Signipennis is a type of thrip that can be found on birds of paradise plants. It also causes leaves to curl. While some fungal diseases can be found in bird of paradise, they don’t cause leaf curling. Environmental reasons are more common.

Curling Leaves Indoors for Bird of Paradise

The containerized bird of paradise plants need to be repotted every couple of years, or whenever they become pot bound. To help replenish nutrients, container plants need new soil. You must also give your plant enough space to grow.

Root bound plants can prevent the plant from absorbing nutrients and moisture. This can lead to curled leaves on birds of paradise. The plant should not be placed near a drafty window. It will also affect its leaf health if the container is allowed to dry out too long. Although leaves may curl after transplants, they will recover in a few days.

Bird Of Paradise: Bird Of Paradise is Cold Hardy

The bird of paradise is a unique plant because of its majestic fan-shaped leaves and crane-headed blooms. Bird of paradise is it cold-hardy? Many varieties can be grown in USDA zones 10-12, and sometimes even zone 9, with protection. For the best bird of paradise winter care, it is important that the plant be placed in a suitable location at planting.

Bird of paradise freeze damage may be milder than winter burnt leaves. However, trunk and stem freezes can cause more severe problems. These tips can help protect your bird of heaven from freezing and help you heal bird of paradise plant freeze damage. Continue reading to find out more.

Bird of Paradise is Cold Hardy?

  • Bird of Paradise can withstand temperatures up to 24°F (-4 C). This tropical wonder, a South African native and closely related to bananas is susceptible to freezing damage even in warm areas where it is regularly planted.
  • Although these tropical plants can withstand cold temperatures, freezes can cause damage to the broad, thin leaves.
  • Deep cold temperatures can also cause damage to the root zone. An extra thick layer of mulch, between 2 and 3 inches (5 to 7.5cm) is recommended.
  • A thick layer of organic mulch around the bird of paradise’s root zone can protect it from freezing.

To prevent rotting, leave a few inches of mulch around the trunk. Dig in at least 6 inches (15cm) of organic matter or rich compost when you plant your tree. To help regulate heat and juice the soil, dig in deep. This also increases soil porosity to improve drainage.

Bird of Paradise plant freeze damage

The leaves will show the first signs. The leaves become brownish-yellow and tattered at the ends. These will eventually die back and can be removed.

  • Bird of paradise freeze damage can cause brown to black stems, limpness, and soft spots on the trunk. This is a sign of almost fatal injury.
  • For such plants, the best thing is to give them proper care and wait for their recovery.
  • Lightly damaged plants can be cut to the point where the stem meets the trunk.
  • When removing damaged leaves, be careful not to damage the trunk.

Will bird of paradise leaves uncurl?

With good care, the plant will begin to uncurl new leaves after a few seasons. How to Protect Bird of Paradise From Freezing. The best way to enjoy these flowers is to think before planting. Consider soil texture, your growing season, and freeze points. Bird of paradise plant freeze injury is preventable in many cases. If the plant freezes, it should not be planted on a hillside or in a microclimate on your land.

Mulching is an important part of bird of paradise winter care. But so is the place where it is planted. You should choose a sunny but protected location that is near enough to other plants to create a barrier. This will prevent winter problems even in the deepest freezes.

Yellow leaves problems: How to fix yellow leaves on plants

Yellow leaves problems: How to fix yellow leaves on plants

There are many reasons yellow leaves can appear on plants. Your green plants may have received too much sunlight or not enough. Might even have fallen prey to garden pests and too many cold drafts. There are many possible causes. It can be difficult to determine why your plant is yellowing. Different plant types may have different meanings.

For example, Aloe vera, a popular houseplant, develops yellow leaves when it is stressed or doesn’t follow a set schedule for waterings. Bromeliads and burros’ tails get yellow leaves when they are exposed to direct sunlight for too long. Calathea, however, gets yellow leaves due to a variety of factors: mis-watering or overwatering, underwatering, mis-watering withholding light, excessive exposure to light, drying out, and even, as some have suggested, being vexatious. While there are different reasons for different plants’ leaves to turn yellow, here are some for your understanding.

Improper watering or poor drainage

Yellow leaves are often caused by water issues. Roots can’t breathe in wet soil. Roots become suffocated, stop receiving the nutrients and water they need and shut down. Similar effects can be seen when plants are underwatered or in drought. Plants can’t absorb essential nutrients if they don’t have enough water. This results in yellow leaves.

  • Porous and well-draining soil is the best way to fix or prevent water problems.
  • Containers should have good drainage holes.
  • Saucers should be kept dry.
  • Avoid planting in areas where rainwater and irrigation accumulate in your landscape.
  • To improve the soil structure and drainage, you can incorporate organic matter such as compost into your soil.

Give soil the “finger-test” before you water. Place your index finger about a meter into the soil. Water should only be applied when the soil feels dry. Water thoroughly and deeply. Wait a few days if the soil feels dry and cool. Before you water again, let the soil dry slightly.

Suffocated Roots

Root damage can occur in many ways. Roots can become ineffective at delivering what your plants need. Compacted roots can occur when container plants outgrow the pots. Compacted soil in landscapes can block water, oxygen, and nutrient movement. These conditions can cause root problems and yellow leaves.

  • You can check the containers for any damaged or compressed roots by gently removing your plant from its pot. You’ll also be able to see the soil moisture.
  • Healthy roots will be whitish-yellow. Rotting roots are foul-smelling.
  • Roots that are diseased or rotten should be removed.
  • Compaction can be caused by pruning unhealthy roots.
  • Once the roots are removed, repot them in a larger container that has well-draining soil.

Landscape plantings can improve soil compaction by watering your lawn. Your planting areas should include organic matter and organic mulch. Garden gypsum can increase soil compaction in heavy clay soils and keep the leaves green.

Right soil

Your yellowing leaves may not be due to soil pH if you are growing container plants and using premium fertilizers. If your problem is with landscape plants, however, soil pH could be the answer.

The soil pH can influence whether plants have access to nutrients. As soil pH changes, so does the availability of nutrients. Most plants, including lawngrasses, thrive in soil pH between 6.0 and 7.0. Acid-loving Plants such as rhododendrons and blueberries, prefer soil with a pH of 4.5 to 6.0.

Some nutrients are less accessible to plants if the soil pH is lower than or higher than their optimal range. Even though nutrients may be present, they are not available to plants. Until pH issues are resolved, leaves will turn yellow.

The simple soil test determines the pH of your soil and gives other useful information. Many testing labs will also recommend soil amendments that can restore pH balance. When this happens, nutrients are made available again and green leaves return to normal.

Less nutrient soil

Yellow leaves can occur in areas where the soil pH is optimal. This could indicate a nutrient deficiency. Some nutrients are highly mobile. For example, nitrogen moves easily through soil and then leaches out. If soil nitrogen is not regularly replenished through fertilizer application, nitrogen deficiencies can turn lawns or plant leaves yellowish-pale green.

Proper fertilization and premium food products can be helpful if you suspect that you have nutrient deficiencies. The county extension agent will be able to provide information about the exact nutrients. Common deficiencies 1 can be identified by identifying which leaves turn yellow first. This will help you identify the cause.

  • Yellowing due to a lack of nitrogen The yellowing of inner leaves, especially older ones, is the first. As the yellowing progresses, it spreads outward and eventually reaches young leaves.
  • Potassium deficiency is a condition where the leaf edges turn brightly yellow but the inner leaves remain green. The symptoms are more severe in older leaves, as the leaf edges turn brown quickly.
  • Magnesium deficiencies manifest as yellow spots between the leaf veins of older leaves. As yellow moves away from the leaf center, veins remain green. The leaf edges become yellowed last.
    Iron deficiency can also be seen as yellowing in leaf veins. However, it affects young leaves first on the tops of plants and at branch tips.
  • The newest leaves are yellowed by a sulfur deficiency.
  • Complex relationships exist between nutrients in soils and plants. Low potassium can make iron less accessible. However, excess potassium can cause deficiencies in other nutrients. Proper fertilization is crucial for keeping your plants free of yellow leaves.

African violets

This houseplant is a tropical-loving plant and should avoid conditions such as “cold drafts”, too much sun or pests. Yellow leaves often indicate that you need to replicate the plant’s tropical origins using warm humid air and indirect lighting.

  • African violets love shade. Too much sun can cause damage to the leaves. If you notice yellow patches on your plant’s leaves, or dry edges it could be sunburnt.
  • Yellow spots on African violets leaves could be a sign of poor watering practices.
  • You should water the plants less often.

Air plants

Yellow leaves can be found on air plants. This should be addressed immediately. Yellow leaves can be a sign of excessive light or too wetness. These plants do not require the same amount of water as other houseplants. They get their moisture from the air and don’t need to be watered. Allow your air plants to dry completely after watering them. There should be no standing water and keep them out of direct sunlight.

  • Let your air plant dry out if you have overwatered it.
  • Mini portable fans are recommended by air plant experts to remove excess water from your plant’s leaves during waterings.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is resistant to change in its environment. Water only when the soil has dried and to keep your watering schedule consistent. Aloe vera, a succulent, prefers to be watered in dry, arid areas.

  • Succulents need lightweight, sandy soil that dries quickly.
  • Avoid poor soil choices for aloe veras and a pot that isn’t suitable for its needs.
  • Most plants require pots that have good drainage.
  • If your aloe vera has not been placed in the correct soil or pot, repot it.


Bromeliads’ leaf colors can vary greatly so you should not be looking for a specific color but rather a change in color. Yellow leaves can be a sign of a disease, but not a diagnosis. In the case, a bromeliad Guzmania has yellow leaves.

  • If your bromeliad’s bracts become papery with yellow tips and are not in direct sunlight, move it.
  • Even a yellow bromeliad leaf can be spotted as a sick one. It fades, you can see it.
  • Get that tropical beauty out of the direct sunlight. It’s getting sunburned.

Burro’s tail

Yellow leaves on the burro’s tail indicate excessive light exposure. Keep light bright but indirect. It is possible to save plants with yellow leaves, but you need to address them early so that they can recover. Move your plant from a “hot, bright windowsill.”

  • Make sure you find the right balance. As they struggle to get enough light, some plants can become yellow.
  • Indirect light doesn’t mean a dark corner–brighten it up! It is less likely that you can save the leaf.
  • Sometimes, you may need to cut off the yellow leaf from the plant to remove it. This will allow you invest your energy to keep the still-green plants thriving.


Calathea’s yellow leaves can be caused by “overwatering” or “just being irritated. Calathea is not known for its easygoing nature, but for its beautiful appearance.

Calathea might need more attention than other plants. You might want to do some research before you bring it into your home.