Gardening Safety Tips – Precautions For a Safe and Beautiful Gardening Experience!

Gardening Safety Tips – Precautions For a Safe and Beautiful Gardening Experience!

Gardening Safety Tips

We, gardeners, believe that everything that belongs to nature is pure and sacred. This is true and that’s the reason we can work with nature to build our natural spaces in the form of home lawns and terrace gardens. Gardening is often considered a safe hobby and majorly it is but it can certainly lead to illness or injuries if you are not careful with the tools, or even some varieties of plants.

Unfortunately, safety and self-care are often taken for granted while gardening. Let’s understand some of the most important gardening safety tips, self-care routines after gardening, and life-saving tips on gardening equipment safety. Happy reading and happy gardening to you!

5 Safety Practices in Gardening – Gardening Equipment Safety

5 Safety Practices in Gardening

Before we begin discussing gardening safety tips, one of the most important tasks that we need to do is inspect the gardening tools that we use. The safety suggestions include the various things from the beginning to the steps for inspecting your tools. Take a look before you take a leap into actual gardening.

  • If you are a beginner in gardening, we advise you to attend a class on using various gardening tools, safety measures, their uses, etc., or learn from an experienced gardener.
  • Check for damages in your gardening tools. before you start working with them
  • Check for cuts, breaks, molds, etc. in the handles of your gardening tools before working with them.
  • Wear protective eye glasses while working closely with sharp gardening tools.
  • Also, it is always best to wear gloves while working with gardening tools, lawn movers, etc.

Gardening Safety Tips – Backyard gardening safety precautions to be observed

Well, we tend to learn some of the most important things in life only after we experience them. So, the smartest thing that one can do is to learn from others’ experiences. Since we think that you are smart enough to grab these life-saving garden safety tips, let us dive right into the topic!

Wear Gardening Gloves

Wear Gardening Gloves

The thing about gardening is that you can never know what you will begin to do in your garden.

  • Plant lovers love to feel the texture of the soil with their bare hands but wearing gloves protects me from nicks and cuts, sharp tools, blisters, fertilizers, pesticides, bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
  • Buying a good-quality garden glove is worth an investment.

Wear protective clothing

Whenever you are up for gardening, make sure you have a separate set of clothing for the purpose.

  • Wearing a simple apron can protect your clothes and you from direct exposure to any unwanted materials that may be harmful to your body.
  • Wearing a long sleeve top, with a cap can be of additional help.
  • Wearing safety goggles while cutting, pruning, and drilling is an absolute must for the protection of your eyes. Better safe than sorry.

Wear mask

If there is one thing the Wuhan virus pandemic has taught everyone is to wear a mask. So, why wear a mask while gardening?

  • It saves you from dust/droplets/pollens which can be a cause of allergic reactions plus asthma attacks.

Use right tools

Use right tools

Choosing the right tool for the right job can help you prevent a lot of fatigue during gardening and injuries.

  • For example: while a pruning shear is used most frequently, using a pruning saw for thicker branches is efficient, saves your energy, and is safe.

Correct body posture

While you are fully involved in gardening chores it is easy to get into the habit of working with incorrect body postures. We don’t blame you for that! It is all in the happiness and pleasure that gardening gives you.

  • Pay attention to your postures while doing heavy-duty tasks like lifting pots, and stretching your body to reach difficult-to-reach places.
  • You should not use your back to carry heavy objects. You can emphasize your legs and keep the load close to your body when carrying.
  • Avoid bending your back, instead, try kneeling as it will put less strain on your back. For extra comfort, you may choose to wear knee pads.

Avoid working under the hot sun

Everyone loves the sun but gardening in extremely hot weather is a big no-no!

  • Plan your gardening activities according to the season and time of the day.
  • Working in hot weather can lead not just to tanning but can also badly dehydrate your body, which may lead to serious health issues.

Work in breaks

You may have just ten plants or a hundred of them in your garden, if you get caught in the habit of working till you are dead tired, you may end up doing a lot of harm to your body in the long run. So use this pro tip for almost everything you do in daily activities including gardening and thank us later!

  • Take breaks while working in the garden. You can use a Pomodoro timer.
  • Make sure to work in slots of 25 minutes and then rest for 5-10 minutes.
  • After about 4 such intervals, take a longer break for 15-30 mins. This way your body does not get tired and at the same time, you can finish the task at hand more efficiently.

Drink water

Even if you are not working under the hot sun, getting yourself hydrated at regular intervals is extremely important.

  • Make sure to keep a water bottle at a distance. As soon as your Pomodoro rings, go have a gulp of water between your gardening sessions.

Self-Care Tips while Gardening

Safety and self-care go side by side in terms of gardening. Caring for yourself is important before you think of going into your garden the next morning. Well, you can not pour from an empty cup after all! Over the years, you will learn that putting yourself first not just helps you stay hygienic and healthy but also protects your home and family, and of course your beautiful garden.

Washing hands

Washing hands

As simple as it sounds, washing your hands is the first line of defense against viruses like tetanus (present in the soil), E. coli (cow manure), etc.

  • Whenever you are back from your garden be it just a casual walk while inspecting your plants, touching leaves, or checking the soil, always remember to wash your hands with soap.

Nails Trimmed

Do you ever recall your school days or the hygiene lessons that your mum taught you? The most important lesson at school that we forgot is to keep our nails always trimmed.

  • Believe it or not a majority of disease-causing pathogens found in different organic matter go inside our bodies because it gets stuck in our nails and sometimes even after a good handwash, it is not cleaned.
  • Well, we are not against your acrylic and gel nail sessions! But as a gardening lover, you need to keep your nails clean all the time.

Take a shower

Taking a shower after a good tiering session of gardening has two benefits!

  • After working in the garden for a couple of hours, a good shower will not only relax you but will also clean and protect you against a lot of unhealthy substances that you may have come in contact with while working in your garden.



Any experienced gardener would say that rough hands and cracked heels are not something you can avoid while gardening. You won’t want to touch your beloved or children with those rough hands of course!

  • Applying a deep moisturizing lotion after you wash your hands or shower and some cream on the heels will protect your skin from getting rough and cracked.


Well, having a first aid kit at home is all things fine, but we recommend having one first aid kit handy in your garden is extremely important.

  • You can even have some cotton balls, a tube of anti-septic lotion, and a couple of bandages stored in a container. Tightly close the container with the lid and store it on the top shelf of your tools rack!

Don’t push your limits

Don’t push your limits

Some of the studies from various universities across the world prove that having a garden and working on it is therapeutic and it can certainly help you feel better and recover faster from any kind of illness. However, pushing your limits to work in your garden even when your body is not cooperating much is not advisable, for obvious reasons!

  • Give your body some rest if you feel exhausted due to various things in life. You may give the responsibility of simple things like watering the plants, etc to your children or your spouse for a day or two and that’s okay!
  • Taking a walk, or just sitting in the middle of the garden while you are not feeling well is quite necessary for your to have a quick recharge.

Gardening is the most therapeutic activity one can ever pick up as a hobby or a passion. We hope that this article on gardening safety tips could share some knowledge about some of the most important tips on gardening tools to keep yourself as safe and beautiful as your garden is!

Potting Soil and Potting Mix pH – How to check pH level of potting mix and soil?

Potting Soil and Potting Mix pH – How to check pH level of Potting Soil?

Potting mix PH - How to check pH level of Potting Soil?

Usually, you do not have to worry about the pH balance of your potting mix and that’s a good thing because unnecessarily messing up with the ph balance may affect the overall health of your plant in a bad way or it may even kill the plant. In this article, you are going to learn about the potting mix, the pH of the potting mix, how to check the pH of the soil at home, how to fix the soil’s pH, etc. Happy reading and happy gardening!

Potting Mix Ingredients – What is pH?

Plants are grown in potting soil, also known as potting mix, which is a mixture of materials other than actual soil. Potting soil is the best-growing medium for plants in containers, whether you’re trying to grow some seeds for repotting, using plant cuttings, etc. The most common potting mix ingredients are perlite, peat moss, and compost in a 1:1:2 ratio.

So, what is pH? In layman’s terms, the pH level determines the acidity of potting mix. The pH of potting mix determines the absorption of nutrients by the plants. Sounds too scientific? In the coming sections, you will be able to understand the signs of bad pH and how to fix the levels using different techniques.

0 Most Acidic, 7 Neutral, 14 Most Basic

The plant thrives when pH is between 5.0 and 8.5. If the ph is beyond this range in either direction, the problem occurs. When pH values are lower than 5.0, manganese & aluminum can become toxic to plants. Plants get excess of these liberated nutrients and cannot process them, leading to plant death.

Signs of low pH

  • Yellow spots lead to browning and leaf death.
  • Wilting leaves
  • Stunted growth
  • Blighted leaf tips
  • Yellowing of foliage
  • Other leaf discoloration
  • Poor stem development.

WARNING: Please understand that the above symptoms may also be due to other factors like nutritional deficiency, lack of light, improper watering, etc. So before you start working on identifying and fixing the Ph, do check these factors.

So here’s the top advice, do not worry about the pH balance of your potting mix unless everything else fails.

What causes Low pH?

Several factors drop the ph level of your potting mix and render it acidic. The following are some of the most common factors to consider:

  • Rainfall: Naturally acidic but it has less effect in urban areas so consider yourself lucky if you live in a city. But this does not just happen in one rainy season.
  • Chemical Fertilizers: Especially nitrogen fertilizers that contain ammonia. The biggest culprit.
  • Organic matter: Yes, that’s right, the decomposition of organic matter makes the soil acidic. Always use well-decomposed manures.
  • Treated Water: Treated water may increase the acidity of your potting mix.

How to check pH level?

How to check pH level

You can easily check your soil pH by investing in an easily available device called a pH meter, it’s not very expensive and can save you from a lot of hassles. You can monthly check your potting mix’s ph level if the aforementioned factors are verified by you.

Alkaline and Acidic Potting Soil Recipe – How to fix pH?

In my experience, a good potting mix, timely addition of macro and micronutrients, proper watering, and light can save you from pH-related troubles. But if despite doing everything right your plants are not thriving, please check your potting mix pH and fix it. So how do we FIX it?? There are different methods to make your soil acidic or alkaline based on the needs of the plants that you grow. Interesting isn’t it?

To make the potting soil more alkaline:

To make the potting soil more alkaline

Well, you certainly do not want to make your beautiful Lilacs, exotic brussels sprouts, asparagus, etc unhappy, do you? So to treat these alkaline soil loving plants right, here are some ways to make the soil more alkaline.

1. Mixing Lime: Adding lime to the soil is the most common way to make the soil alkaline. You can add the usual limestone powder or dolomite limestone to the soil and it takes around two months to show the effects completely.

2. Ash of burnt wood: The wood ash can also raise the pH levels of the soil. Wood ash contains large amounts of calcium carbonate and little amounts of Phophoous and potassium which are also important for plants.

3. Powdered Shells: By shells we mean eggs shells, clam shells, oysters, etc. Powder these shells and add the powder to the soil and the pH of the soil is raised!

To make the potting soil more acidic:

To make the potting soil more acidic

There may be two cases where you need to keep your soil more acidic. One, when your soil is excessively alkaline or two, your plants prefer acidic soil. This section will tell you about different ways to keep your soil more acidic. Let’s dive in and learn!

1. Aluminium Sulphate: Using Aluminium sulfate can make your soil more acidic. Use 0.6 pounds of Aluminium Sulphate for 10 sq.ft of soil.

2. Coffee Grounds: Well, coffee grounds work to acidify the soil drastically only when the coffee is full of its contents intact. In other words, used coffee grounds will give very minimal results, therefore, you can use them when there is no need for high levels of acidic peat but your plants call for a little fix in the pH.

3. Peat Moss: Although using peat moss to acidify the soil is a slow process, it is definitely an effective one. Considering the size of the plant, layer the soil with peat moss for about 2 to 3 inches to gradually acidify the soil.

4. Fertilizers with Nitrogen: Using fertilizers with nitrogen as a base is the most effective way to acidify the soil dramatically due to the amount of Ammonium present in them. Since the aftermath of using these fertilizers is drastic, we recommend you go to the nearest gardener or a nursery for the best proportions.

This way you can make the blueberries, magnolias, etc in your garden happy!

Takeaways to maintain the pH of the soil

  • Always use well-decomposed cow manure, vermicompost, and compost. This resists changes to potting mix PH.
  • If you live in areas where rainy seasons are continuous and longer, provide a transparent/translucent cover/shade to your Terrace garden so that they get sufficient light but are protected from excess rainwater.
  • Add Lime. If you detect a low ph, adding lime to your mix helps elevate the ph levels. Loosen the top mix by lightly hoeing for about 4-6 inches and mix the lime powder. Start adding in small quantities first and retake the reading after 3-4 days.
  • When your soil pH level is higher that means it’s more alkaline. Sulfur helps in bringing down the pH level. Add small amounts of sulfur since a larger quantity may kill the plant.

We hope this tiny crash course about the potting mix, potting soil pH, and the techniques you can use to balance the pH levels could help you understand the basics. However, we would suggest you consult the nearest nursery directly for further exploration of the topic if you experience it as a major issue in your garden.

Routine During Growing Season For Plants – How to repot your plant?

Routine During Growing Season For Plants – How to repot your plant?

The time of year when a particular plant (plants, cuttings, seeds) shows rapid growth, is called the growing season in simple terms. A growing season provides an optimal environment for the plant to grow and that’s why some gardening activities are done especially during the growing season.

Well, the growing season and the sowing season are two different things! In this article, we will be looking into the growing season plant care routine. You may search the internet to easily find recommended sowing months for a specific variety of vegetables/fruits/flowers. Let’s dive in to learn about pruning, its types, repotting, and how to repot your plant. Happy reading and happy gardening!

For most gardens at home and of course, for most plant varieties, there are two growing seasons in the southern zone of the world during a calendar year:

  1. Spring Season: March – April (Feb-March (early), Early April in some regions)
  2. Rainy Season: May end to June (till July in some regions).

And for the northern hemisphere, the growing season usually lasts for 4 to 5 months and begins in early May, and lasts till early October.

Growing season 1: Pruning

When a plant’s dormancy period ends it shows signs of new growth. That is why when you prune a plant it shows new growth with new leaves and branches. For a majority of plants, spring is the best time to prune. The best time to prune in the spring season is from the 1st week of Feb to the 3rd week. Why do you think you need to prune your plants? How should you do it? Let’s find out!

Why prune?

Below are some of the most important benefits of pruning.

  • Pruning makes a plant dense by promoting new branches. More branches mean more fruits and flowers. This is especially true if you have fruit trees in your garden.
  • Pruning is an opportunity to get rid of old/dead/damaged or malformed (like one over another) branches.
  • Some plants can only fruit/flower over new branches for example apple ber, etc.

When to skip pruning?

You can skip pruning in a few cases. Here are the scenarios where you can or should rather skip pruning.

  • If your plant is too young like you just bought it from the nursery or it is still establishing in its container. Otherwise, it is suggested to prune young plants to promote growth.
  • If your plant is a slow grower.
  • If your plant is not healthy.

Hard prune or soft prune?

There are two types of pruning. Take a look at this section to know what works best for your plants.

When you hard prune a plant you do aggressive pruning and leave the plant in a reduced size with all branches (smaller as well as bigger ones) cut to a much shorter length. Hard pruning is usually done on well-established and matured plants.

When you soft prune a plant you cut the smaller branches, trying to maintain the shape of the plant. Soft pruning may also involve defoliation (removal of leaves) to promote new growth but it is not always necessary. Depending on the plants soft pruning can be done almost any time of the year, for example, you may soft prune a bougainvillea plant after every flowering cycle to promote more flowering branches.

Growing season 2: Repotting

When you have to shift your container plant from one container to another usually a bigger one (but not necessarily), it’s called repotting. Just deciding on repotting your plant isn’t the end! Read on to know about when and why should you repot, if you should repot the plants only during the growing season, and also the most important part, i.e; how to repot your plant!

Why repotting?

Here are the most important scenarios where you need to repot your plants:

  • Roots are coming out of the drainage hole at the bottom of the container.
  • Roots are growing so thick inside the container, that they are de-shaping the container.
  • Signs of stunted growth or slower growth than usual.
  • The overall structure has become big and heavy such that it may imbalance the container.
  • Leaves are getting wilted out quickly after watering and need more frequent watering.
  • Salt deposits on plants or the container.
  • Soil is shrinking inside the container.
  • To rejuvenate or replace potting mix.

Repot only in the growing season?

Well, it’s a no and a yes! NO, because most of the reasons mentioned above may require immediate action to save your plant. For example, your plant is overgrown or root bound, or not retaining water. Please repot.

In such a case I recommended taking the whole ball out and simply shifting it to a bigger container with fresh potting mix. Lesser or no damage to the plant and a higher recovery rate.

YES because repotting is usually stressful to plant and repotting a plant at the start of the growing season ensures safe recovery of the plant. Also, the plant growth in some plants is better when you re-pot them periodically like annually or once in 18-24 months.

How to repot your plant?

The garden experts say that we can divide the repotting technique into two types as follows:

  • Extract and Repot
  • Extract, Reduce & Repot

Since both types have an extraction, extraction can be defined as the careful removal of a plant from its container.

How to extract?

  1. To extract a plant from the container, stop watering the plant a day or two before, this will introduce slight compaction in the mix and allow the mix to move away from the container’s inner wall.
  2. Then gently pat the container from all sides to further loosen the entire ball.
  3. If you have followed the advice for larger drainage holes, you may even gently use your fingers to push the ball from the bottom.
  4. Use gravity to help you if necessary by turning the plant upside down, but be aware that soil may fall out.
  5. If you have a higher platform/table/stool then place the container lying down and gently pull the plant holding it from the stem, if you sense that the stem is not tightly bound, stop and try to give gentle pushes to the container, making it slightly tilted from the bottom.
  6. As a final step, gently remove the plastic net/cloth/ or if you have used broken clay pot pieces from the ball. It is okay if tiny roots break a little but not too much.
  7. A loose textured and well-drained mix will fall on its own without damaging the roots, otherwise, gently brush them to loosen a bit only if they seem tangled otherwise leave them as it is. This will give some air to the roots in the new container and provide space for the mix.

Extract and Repot

Extract and Repot

When you extract a plant and repot just the way it is in a new larger container with the fresh mix to accommodate the space after putting the entire root ball as it is. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Prepare your new container preferably larger with some potting mix and place the entire ball inside such that when you add more soil, it should cover the surface to the stem at least an inch.
  2. Gently poke fingers or stick all around the newly added mix to clear air pockets and add more mix. Keep tapping the container from the sides too.
  3. Don’t fill the container till its neck. You want some room for water to soak slowly into the container.
  4. Don’t pack the potting mix too tight by pressing it with your hands, do it gently to provide support let the remaining work be done by watering for you.
  5. Finally, water the plant generously and that’s it.

Extract, Reduce and Repot

Extract, Reduce and Repot

The extraction and repotting processes are just the same with one big difference. Reduction. In this process you will most likely do all or some of the following:

  • Shedding as much old potting mix as possible without hurting the root ball attached to the stem.
  • Trimming fibrous roots that are overgrown/tangled/damaged/rotted.
  • Trimming the entire ball from the sides and bottom sacrificing a lot of roots all across.
  • Once you do that, then spray the roots with some fungicide preferably organic like crushed and boiled garlic diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10, or sprinkle Trichoderma powder (available at online stores).
  • Prepare a new container with the fresh potting mix, place the reduced ball, and cover it with more potting mix gently pressing from all sides, poking the mix with fingers or a wooden stick to remove air pockets.
  • Make sure the ball is well-stabilized and not tilted.
  • Water the plant.
  • Allow the mix to dry between subsequent watering. For some plants, you may have to wait for very long periods before you water after repotting so that the roots are well settled for example Jade plant, Adenium, or similar succulents or plants specific to such treatment.

Planting a number of plants and getting disappointed when they do not thrive as expected is not okay to do even as a beginner! Mother nature needs a certain amount of love, care, and special attention. We hope that this article could help you understand the growing season plant care routine including comprehensive information about the growing seasons, pruning techniques, its benefits, repotting, and how to repot your plant. Happy gardening!

Get Trendy Plants With Big Leaves Outdoor

Get Trendy Plants With Big Leaves Outdoor

Gardening is one thing and picking the right plants for decorative purposes in and around your home is another big task. People usually prefer plants with big leaves outdoor and small ones indoor as they are less messier. Well, big leaf plants can be messy if you choose to plant many of them in a small area or if you choose the wrong varieties altogether.

To help you pick trendy plants with big leaves outdoor, we are here with an article to show you different plants with big leaves and their images. Read till the end to know why to choose them and how to care for them. Happy reading and happier gardening!

Trendy Plants With Big Leaves Outdoor

Why Choose Plants With Big Leaves Outdoor?

Plants that have big leaves are the center of attraction for any garden. Did you know that people in some parts of the world use big banana leaves, etc as serving plates? And the most beautiful part is that these plates are disposable and biodegradable, they do not harm the environment. Big leaf plants also provide shade to other small plants. Also, these plants can tolerate excess sunlight and heat. Well, can you plant them outdoors? Yes. You can! 

Swiss Cheese Plant or a Rice Paper Plant? – Top 10 Big Leafy Outdoor Plants Names With Images 

People pick a very less number of plants with big leaves as they occupy a lot of space in the garden. So, picking the right big leaf plant is quite an important task and we are here to help you. Here is a list of the top 10 plants with big leaves with images for you to buy and place outdoors and make your house a scenic beauty!

1. Umbrella Plant

Umbrella Plant

Umbrella plants are perennial plants that grow during winter. These plants grow well at temperatures ranging from thirteen to twenty-four degrees Celsius. These plants grow better in well-drained soil. You should water these plants only when the soil gets dry. They can survive in dry soil sometimes, but overwatering will lead to stop the plant’s growth. You should keep umbrella plants in indirect sunlight for long hours. However, low light intensity won’t harm as much as bright sunlight to the plants. 

2. Banana Plant

Banana Plant

Banana plants do not only have big leaves, but they are also very tall plants. The plants require too much sunlight and water to grow well. The plant starts bearing fruit in the spring season. You should grow these plants in big pots since banana plants grow faster. It needs a lot of humidity and warm temperature to grow. In cold temperatures, banana plants grow slowly, and sometimes they also die. 

3. Siberian Bugloss

Siberian Bugloss

Siberian bugloss is a flowering plant that grows best in a well-drainage system. These plants need nutrient-rich soil and grow better in partial shade or sunlight. These plants have small blue flowers growing in large numbers. The Siberian plants have large heart-shaped leaves. They are perennial plants, and soggy soils may be harmful to plant growth. 

4. Butterbur


Like, Siberian bugloss plants, the leaves of butterbur is also heart-shaped and big. The leaves are not glossy. They grow best in partial shade or sunlight, while direct sunlight burns the leaves. They are creeping plants and cover larger areas soon because they are fast-growing herb plants. Small pink color flowers grow on these plants. 

5. Giant Taro

Giant Taro

Giant taro has long leaves which look like extended form of heart shapes. The leaves of giant taro are glossy, and these are perennial plants. They can grow in any type of soil, from sandy to clay. These plants require too much water to grow properly. You should water the plants only after the soil gets dry. These plants are originally found in rainforest regions.

6. Rubber Fig

Rubber Fig

The Rubber fig plant is a flowering plant that has oval-shaped leaves. These plants require enough light and water. You should fertilize these plants regularly to remove pests and insects. Too much humidity is good for the growth of rubber fig plants. Overwatering may lead to browning or yellowing of the leaves of rubber fig plants. 

7. Plantain Lily or Hosta

Plantain Lily

Hosta or Plantain lily is a perennial plant and grows in heavy soils that can retain water. These plants need indirect sunlight but can also grow in the shade. They are not so tolerant of direct sunlight. A lot of water is essential for better growth of the plantain lily plants. White and purple flowers usually grow on Hosta plants. 

8. Swiss cheese Plant

Swiss cheese Plant

Swiss plants grow in cool temperatures; very warm or frost temperatures may be harmful to the plant. You should keep the plant where it receives sunlight with partial shade for better growth of the plant. Water the plant only when the soil is completely dry; this will prevent the soil from getting soggy. Specks of dust are very harmful to plants to do photosynthesis, so you should wipe the clouds of dust out of the plant. 

9. Rice Paper Plant

Rice Paper Plant

This sub-tropical shrub has its origin in Taiwan and is usually used as an ornamental plant across the Asian continent. It thrives for the whole year in warmer regions. The flowers for this plant bloom during fall and the dark small-sized fruits are followed. These shrubs usually grow in a variety of soil types and conditions. Therefore, the rice paper plant is not only beautiful but also easy to grow outdoors.

10. Japanese Fiber Banana

Japanese Fiber Banana

Japanese banana is a perennial that grows very fast and has a tropical appearance. The plant has bright and vibrant green leaves that make the plant even more beautiful while planted outdoors. The flowers of this plant usually bloom during summer followed by small and beautiful fruits! The plant thrives in warm climates and is famous for its leaves and flowers.

How to take care of Plants with Big Leaves?

Well, you do not have to be a botanical expert to take care of plants and shrubs with big leaves. A little information and a little extra love are all you need! Since these are large leaf plants, they absorb more heat and moisture, due to which the condition differs from normal plants. Here are a few suitable conditions below that will help you grow big leaf outdoor plants. 

plants with big leaves outdoor

Light Intensity

These plants require light more than normal plants for photosynthesis. They absorb more sunlight; hence you should either keep these plants in direct sunlight for a shorter period of time or, rather, in indirect or sunlight with partial shade constantly. Low light intensity is good for some plants depending on their need. But most plants may likely die. 


The temperature conditions of any plant depend on the origin of the plant. If the plant has its origin in tropical areas, then it needs more temperature. Plants that have origin in colder areas require a lower temperature to grow at full length.  

Humidity level

Bigger leaves absorb too much humidity, so if the plant requires less humidity, then the soil should have less moisture. In those plants which require too much humidity level, periodical watering is essential. 

Soil Fertility

Almost all plants require too much of nutrients for their growth. However, some can manage in poor soils. You should fertilize or add compost to the soil regularly to increase fertility. This also helps in removing pests and diseases of the plant. 


When watering your plants, the biggest question is when to water them. The primary factor of all is the origin of the plant and the type of soil it needs. Sometimes light intensity requirement also affects the watering level of the plants. 

How to grow healthy plants with big leaves?

To grow healthy big leaf outdoor plants, you should consider a few thongs. Some of them are as follows.

plants with big leaves outdoor

  1. Place in a large container since they grow faster.
  2. Add nutrients and fertilizers to it frequently.
  3. The soil should be well-drained and moist.
  4. The humidity level of the plant should be high.
  5. Continuous watering is essential because the soil should not be hot.

FAQs On Plants With Big Leaves

1. What is the role of big leaves in the betterment of plant growth?

Big leaves store more nutrients and make more food during photosynthesis. They breathe more properly than small leaves because of the many stomata present in the leaves. They absorb heat and do not get cool sooner. 

2. How do big leaves grow in some plants?

This happens due to watering, nutrients, and humidity given to the plants. If they get all these things in the right proportions, then leaves grow healthy and big.


Plants with big leaves are beautiful in their own sense and are easily identifiable in all plants in any garden. These plants grow better in moist soil and require a lot of water. Watering them with the correct amounts and maintaining the right moisture levels in the soil will just do the job for you in preventing the leaves from splitting and rotting. Well, the catch is also in picking the right kind of plants and we hope this article could help you with it perfectly!  

Tomato Plant Life Span – How To Grow Tomato Plants

Tomato Plant Life Span – How To Grow Tomato Plants

Tomato Plant life span

Tomato plants are plants that grow better in warmer conditions and in bright sunlight. People love to grow tomato plants in their home since it is used for many purposes, to make dishes tasty, for diet, to lead a healthy life, and many more. Well, any homegrown plant needs extra care and attention for a good quality output.

Want to grow tomato plants at home as a beginner in gardening? We are here with an article to tell you all things important about tomato plant life span and how to grow tomato plants along with some useful tips.

Tomato Plant Lifespan – The Life Cycle of Tomato Plant in Days

Tomato Plant Lifespan

Here is everything you need to know about a tomato plant’s lifespan. Continue reading further to know about how to grow tomato plants including some important tips.

  1. the seeds are usually sown within six to eight weeks prior to the last day of frost since warm soil can help improve the process of germination.
  2. The young saplings are twice their height in two weeks and are left to grow for about 6 weeks. Further, they are planted in the ground once the cold and frosty weather passes away.
  3. Then comes the flowering part! The plants start flowering by the end of the spring or early summer at most. At this point, posts are used for supporting the plant from falling off.
  4. Eventually, these little yellow flowers fade off and the tomatoes start growing. The tomatoes grow as time passes by for about fifty days and are turned red in seventy days.
  5. By now the tomato plants produce the most delicious tomatoes and are now ready for harvest.

One should also keep notice of several things while growing a tomato plant including the varieties of them to decide upon what variety to plant for what purpose. In the coming sections, check out the information about the varieties of tomato plants.

Determinate Vs Indeterminate Tomato Plant

Determinate Vs Indeterminate Tomato Plant 

Determiante Tomato Plants 

Determined tomatoes are a variety of tomatoes that reaches a certain size at maturity and the fruits are ripened very quickly, usually in less than two weeks. After this first batch of tomatoes ripens, the plant’s ability to produce the tomatoes will eventually decrease and tomato plants die.

Indeterminate Tomato Plants

In the case of an indeterminate tomato plant, the plant continues to produce fruits throughout its growing season. As a result, they provide a consistent supply of tomatoes rather than a single enormous harvest.

Most people grow both varieties, indeterminate ones for consistent product harvest and determinate ones for freezing and preserving purposes. Well, the determinate variety needs more care and attention for good quality produce.

How To Grow Tomato Plants? Can you keep tomato plant indoors?

Tomato plants are very easy to grow and even those who are beginners in the gardening area can grow this plant. Here are a few tips that you should follow while growing tomato plants for healthy growth of the plant. 

How To Grow Tomato Plants

Take A Clean Container

You should take a container which is larger in size. So that it allows tomato plants full growth without any root diseases. Make sure to make great pores in them for well-drainage. Plastic or fabric containers are best for the growth of the tomato plant. Since they provide warmer conditions for the soil.

Choose The Seed Of The Variety Of Tomatoes You Want

There are various types of tomatoes, some of them are cherry, plum, oxy heart, and many more. Depending on the plant type you will require a container or all other conditions. Below are a few factors stated for the better growth of the tomato plant that is taken on average.

Fertilize The Soil And Pour It Into The Container

Before pouring soil into the container, ensure that you put fertilizers that are high in phosphorus. Make sure that you don’t put extra fertilizer in the soil, it will be harmful to the growth of the plant. Underfertilised soil is much better for the plant than overfertilized soil. 

Plant The Seed Underground The Soil

Before you plant the seed in the soil make sure that it absorbs moisture and grows in temperatures which is nearly 70 degrees Fahrenheit to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, dig the soil to nearly 2 inches deep and then plant the seed. Cover the seed tightly with the soil so that it remains in contact with the soil in a better way. 

Give Enough Sunlight 

Tomato plants grow well in direct sunlight. It depends on the climatic conditions of the place where you grow tomato plants. On average allow the plant to receive sunlight for nearly six to seven hours. If you wish to place the tomato plants indoors, ensure to keep them in sunlight for long hours to absorb enough of the nutrients they require. 

Try To Maintain The Moisture

Water the tomato plants regularly and slowly. Ensure that the soil of tomato plants always remains moist because it is essential for the proper growth of the plant. If the moisture level fluctuates then it will hamper the growth of the plant. 

Maintain The Air Circulation Near The Roots

Tomato plants require a great amount of carbon dioxide around their roots. When the plant has a good intake of carbon dioxide it grows faster. They need air circulation properly because of photosynthesis and to breathe properly. Plants convert oxygen into energy to make their food. Nitrogen is very harmful to the growth of the plant. One must ensure that plants must not intake or take less intake of nitrogen. 

What Affect The Growth Of The Tomato Plant

Tomato plants are adaptable to warmer climates. There are some things that affect the growth of the tomato very badly. Below are some factors that may affect the growth of the tomato plant.

What Affect The Growth Of The Tomato Plant

Cold Soil

In cold soil, the growth of the roots stops and it leads to an increase in the growth of diseases and pests. They prevent the roots from developing properly, and later also affect the growth of the plant and flowers to grow. 

Overwatering And Watering At Different Time

The soil of the tomato plant must remain moist always for better growth of the plant. Ensure that you do not pour too much water so that the soil becomes soggy. 

Water the tomato plant at regular intervals, irregular intervals may lead to the death of the plant. Ensure that the soil gets moist at the same time of the day and should be watered twice. 

Excess Nitrogen

Excess nitrogen is very harmful to the growth of tomatoes in the tomato plant. Due to excess nitrogen leaves, stems and roots grow very strong and large with less production of tomatoes. Since nitrogen is very harmful to the growth of fruits.

Poor Pollination

If the plant suffers from poor pollination then the flower will grow and die. And those flowers will not get converted or get less converted into tomatoes. 

The flower of the tomato plant does not need insects for pollination, they get pollinated by themselves. The flowers of the tomato plant have both male and female parts for fertilization.

Decrease In Humidity

Tomato plants need humidity levels ranging from 70% to 90%. This helps in photosynthesis. If the humidity level decreases then, the production of the food for the growth of the plant will also decrease with the lowering of photosynthesis.

Do you know the essential conditions to grow tomato plants? Read further to know about the suitable conditions to grow tomato plants.

Suitable Conditions To Grow Tomato Plants

tomato plant life span

Tomato plants are very easy to take care of. Some of the tips mentioned below help in increasing the growth of the plant. 

  • Watering– You should water the tomato plant twice a day. It helps the plant in retaining moisture and maintains the humidity level to 70% to 90%. In bright sunlight, the soil dries sooner. You should try to keep the soil moist.
  • Sunlight– Full sunlight is very essential for the proper growth of the plant. Tomato plants grow in warmer conditions and bright sunlight for photosynthesis and proper growth.
  • Soil type– Tomato plants need well-drained soil for the development of the roots of the plant. Sand or loamy soil is very essential for the growth of the plant, because of its drainage system.
  • Temperature– Tomato plants grow in warmer temperatures and nearly 21 to 24-degree celsius is ideal for the plant’s growth. Too cold a temperature will lead to less fruiting of the tomatoes in the tomato plant.

Key Takeaways

Tomato plants have an average lifespan of only six months. Varieties of tomato plants grow for different lifespans. The growth of any plant also depends on the growing conditions of the tomato plant. The factors affecting the growth of tomato plants also play a crucial role in it. 

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Does potting soil go bad; what all you need to know about potting mix

Does potting soil go bad? All about potting mix

The quick and simple answer to does potting soil go bad is yes.

Old potting mix go bad over time as its ingredients, such as peat moss, deteriorate. So to be precise, the potting soil degrades over time and eventually goes bad.

But don’t worry; you can easily revive your old potting soil.

High-quality potting mix is required for growing lovely plants both indoors and outdoors. It is vital for any gardener to understand when potting soil is poor and how long it lasts. Bad potting soil will no doubt affect the plant’s life adversely while good potting soil will enhance the plant.

Does potting soil go bad; what all you need to know

How Long Can You Store Potting Soil?

Average Life Expectancy of Potting Soil – There is no expiration date for potting soil.

However, due to the fact that potting soil is made up of a range of ingredients and is rarely appropriately preserved, you should expect to see variances in the:

  • Nutrients present in the potting soil.
  • Texture Levels of the potting soil
  • The moisture content of the potting soil

The more organic matter degrades in potting soil, the longer it sits. As a result, the potting soil may have a “dustier” texture or a denser density.

Potting soil on a shelf (inside or outdoors) is more likely to dry out or become soaked by rain, both of which will alter the soil.

Is it possible that potting soil might go bad? All about potting mix

Is Potting Soil Expirable?

Yes. If you store your potting soil improperly or for a lengthy period of time, it may become bad.


In most potting soils, peat moss and other organic materials degrade over time. This lessens the soil’s aeration and water retention ability, which is detrimental to any potted plant.

All of the organic components have the potential to deteriorate to the point that they no longer give any benefit.

There are several indicators to consider when evaluating if potting soil has gone bad. Does it, in particular, expire, lose nutritional value, and spoil? In each situation, it may become ineffective on plants.

If the potting soil is still appropriate, you may be able to renew it and reuse it in your garden. After all, it’s a waste of money and effort to throw it away! Try blending it with the fresh product or putting it in the compost pile to recycle it.

Is Potting Soil Expirable?

How to tell whether your potting soil is bad?

Peat moss in potting soil in your lawn changes color and scent when it degrades or decomposes as a result of high humidity and poor ventilation. Potting soil is worn out because the peat moss has decomposed.

A green or yellow powdery residue may be seen on the surface of the potting soil. That is mold development.

If your potting soil smells like rotten eggs, this is another sign that it has gone bad.

The presence of insects crawling all over the potting soil indicates that it is no longer acceptable. Bugs are drawn to decomposing peat moss, so get rid of it.

How do you know if your potting soil is expired even without opening it?

There will be numerous evident signs that your potting soil is in bad shape. These are indicators that you should not use it.

Insects are drawn to the potting soil. The presence of gnats, small flies, and other pests in your potting mix indicates that something is wrong with the bag.

It begins to clump. The peat moss in potting soil has a shelf life of 1 to 2 years. As it decomposes, it becomes denser and loses its ability to retain moisture. Plant roots will also struggle to penetrate the mixture.

Mold grows in potting soil. Mold and fungus can grow if it is not well maintained, inviting some of the previously described pests.

The bag has a horrible odor. Bacteria and fungi that penetrate your potting soil will start degrading the organic materials in the mix. The vapors released by these organisms have an unpleasant odor.

How do you know if your potting soil is expired even without opening it

Peat moss is commonly the primary ingredient of potting mix

Peat is a prominent ingredient in potting mixes because it holds water and contains minerals that plants require. Peat-based mixes are inexpensive to create and easy to package and sell due to their low weight. The problem is that peat moss decomposes quickly, far faster than other organic components. As a result, you can use peat-based mixes for one season only.

Peat-based potting mixes look beautiful when you pour them out of the box. They’re rich, loose, and black, and they’ve frequently been supplemented with fertilizer or water-holding crystals to guarantee that your plant flourishes for a season in them. However, a year later, your plant is still not growing. The peat moss has dissolved, so look out!

Peat moss is commonly the primary ingredient of potting mix

What happens when you use old potting soil?

If you use old potting soil, you will get the following:

Plants grow slowly: Fresh potting soil have more nutrients than old potting mix. Plants grow slowly, leaves wilt, and flower and fruit development aren’t very fruitful, as a result.

The breathability of the soil: Old garden soil has poor porosity, aeration, and water drainage. Garden soil compaction also hardens, suffocates plant roots, and reduces nutrient accessibility.

Because of the poor drainage of aging potting mixes, salts from mineral water and fertilizer deposits become stuck in the soil. This could stress the plants and potentially burn their roots.

How to Restore Old Potting Soil; Reuse potting soil-

1. Blend with Fresh Soil

Potting soil can go bad if not stored properly. You may revitalize it by blending old and new potting soil.

Simply mix old and fresh potting soil 50/50 for your potted plant.

2. Increase the Nutrient Content

Simply add some organic matter, such as potting compost, to replenish the old soil. Add 20%-50% compost to 80%-50% old potting soil.

3. Composting of Soil

You can compost the old soil if you don’t want to use it.

Adding old and unused potting soil to your compost mix will accelerate the organic material breakdown and keep insects at bay.

Fill a pot with water and let it drip from the bottom of old and dry soil that hasn’t been compacted. As a result, mineral and fertilizer deposits in the soil will not be present.

Remember that soaking the container may cause potting soil compaction and root rot.

How Long Does Potting Soil Last Unopened?

Potting soil is in a package that has a seal and the bag is to keep moisture and fungal spores at away.

If maintained in a well-ventilated and dry place, the potting soil in the bag can be used for up to two years. Any breaks in the box would dramatically shorten the potting soil’s shelf life.

How Long Does Potting Soil Last Unopened

What are potting soil bags?

Potting soil bags are soil containers made specifically for use with potted plants. Compost, peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite are among the mixtures of both organic and inorganic materials that make up these pots. These provide the ideal balance of nutrients, moisture retention, and aeration for growing plants in pots.

These bags often come in a range of sizes and formulations to meet the specific needs of different plant species. They are typically sold in gardening or home improvement stores.

To summarize

Whether your plants don’t perform well, knowing when your potting soil is bad may save you time, money, and aggravation.

There is a difference between regular soil and potting soil mix. Knowing how to handle potting mix properly allows you to grow and display the lovely growth of potted plants!

How long does composting take: Ultimate guide!

Every gardener’s secret ingredient is nutrient-rich compost, which, like a good blend of herbs and spices, makes all the difference in the outcome of a garden.

Some of the factors that impact how long organic waste takes to transform into its proper form are beyond your control. There are, however, certain things you may do to speed up the composting process.

How long does composting take

In this article, we will explore about the phases of composting and how long does composting takes.

When deciding whether to make compost, bear in mind that it takes time to obtain a decent one. It will not occur overnight. A variety of factors determines the length of the operation.

Compost helps soil retain moisture, encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria, and protects against disease, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers. And, of course, it’s a step in the right direction toward lowering your carbon footprint.

So, how long does it take to organic compost waste? Anything that is composted is highly variable and dependent on the surroundings. A few factors, such as ensuring the compost receives the proper amount of heat, moisture, and air will be necessary to ensure elements are entirely broken down – to the point of being unrecognizable.

How Much Time Does It Take To Make Compost?

Composting might take a few weeks or as long as a year or two. Composting processes, organic waste types, and weather conditions may all speed up or slow down the process. The finest results come from hot compost systems that are well-designed and maintained.

Phases of Composting

Here if we assume, the conditions are favorable for oxygenated composting. In this situation, organic waste will degrade in three stages: the mesophilic phase, the thermophilic time, and the maturation phase.

Composting can take anything from 24 hours to a year or more, depending on the process employed. Electric composters are the most effective method of producing compost, decomposing food waste in 24 hours or less. Other indoor composting procedures sometimes take significantly longer to create compost than options outside.

Factors Influencing Composting Rate

  • The amount of compost ripening required
  • The variety of materials you put into the container/pot
  • Your level of involvement in the process (how often you turn the pile)
  • The surface area of the used material
  • The size of your compost pile
  • The level of moisture and aeration of your pot/container
  • The type of compost container
  • The location of your container

Using the hotter bin, on the other hand, will hasten the composting process. For example, if you use a covered plastic container full of material that will rot quickly in a sunny place and mix it a couple of times throughout the season, you will have usable compost at the end of the season.

If you are constantly adding material to your compost bin, do not mix it to avoid mixing partially digested trash with fresh materials. Your bottom compost will be ready in a few months if you use a well-balanced combination.

Perhaps you should be patient and start the process in the summer, giving it a half-year to create excellent compost in the fall. If you begin the process in the fall and fill your bin all winter, you might anticipate poor compost in the spring since cold weather inhibits decomposition.

Factors Influencing Composting Rate

Few processes of composting-

The hot turn process takes twenty days for composting

This is the method to employ if you need finished composting soon. However, keep in mind that it is a more complex procedure than other commonly used methods. To begin, the compost pile should be at least 3′x3′ in size.

It would help if you also kept the proper proportions of brown to green objects, which establishes the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio. All components should also be cut into one-inch sections (2.5 cm).

Every day during the first week, rotate the pile. Attempt to cycle every other day for the next two weeks. This approach produces finished compost in about three weeks.

Three to twelve months for a slow no-turn process of composting

This is most likely the quickest way to produce healthy compost in a proper length of time. Make a mound in your garden and gradually add all of your home garbage to it. The length of the process is related to the material used, as well as the pile’s wetness and temperature.

A strong carbon-to-nitrogen ratio is required to produce excellent compost in three to four months. Otherwise, the deterioration process might take up to a year.

One to three months in a worm bin for the composting process

If you choose this composting technique, you must carefully calculate the number of worms. The more of them you have, the faster the composting process will be.

After three months, you’ll have helpful compost while the worms settle in. When the worm population reaches a critical mass, you will have compost in less than a month.

The Black Soldier Fly is a three-week process of composting

A unique way of producing compost includes the use of black soldier fly larvae. They are a better option than worms since they work faster and can survive a wider variety of temperatures. You may also compost dairy products and meat as you consume them.

You should have excellent compost within three weeks, depending on the amount of garbage waste and the number of larvae used.

Few processes of composting

When Will Compost Be Ready?

The size of your compost pile determines the time it takes to finish composting. The best way to decide whether it is ready for usage is to utilize your senses and your knowledge after researching enough! The final compost will have the fragrance and appearance of fertile soil. It should develop a dark brown color and crumble in your palms like soil. pH levels and pile temperature are two measurements that may be used to determine the maturity of your compost.

Check to see if your compost has matured before utilizing it. Specific components or molecules, such as acids and pathogens, may still exist in immature compost and break down when placed in soil. Because incomplete compost needs the addition of nitrogen and oxygen, it can deplete these vital nutrients and damage your plants.

Fortunately, you won’t have to bother about composting for a long time. The goal is for all of the materials to degrade. The components inside the compost pile will continue to degrade as long as oxygen is in the pile, allowing soil organisms to thrive.

We hope this article has answered all your queries, and now you can quickly know how long does composting takes.

Top 10 Red Leaf Indoor Plants: Red leaves houseplants

If you like the red color and cannot get more of it anyways, you may now fill your indoor garden with a variety of houseplants with red leaves. Red leaf houseplants with speckled, striped, variegated leaves give a surprising punch of color to your house without giving in extra effort or care.

If you want your indoor space filled with red adorable decorations that give out oxygen you may fill your indoor garden with a variety of houseplants indoors with beautiful red leaves.

Top 10 Red Leaf Indoor Plants

Red-leafed houseplants may provide a dash of scarlet, burgundy, maroon, or deep pink to any decor indoors. Plants with brilliant red and green leaves liven up and warm up the space.

The plants here have red-leaf houseplants that will provide a pop of color to your decor.

These red houseplants are so beautiful that by the end of this article, you’ll probably want one in every area.

If you’re seeking red-leaf indoor houseplants, you’ve come to the right place:

Here are top 10 red leaf houseplants-

Painted nettle are red indoor plants.

Wizard of Scarlet Coleus- scientific name.

A plant that resembles an ancient windowsill. The nettle-like leaf occurs in many different forms and colors. It is easy to grow outside and even easier to care for as a houseplant. It’s one of those vintage-style houseplants.

The Wizard of Coleus Scarlet is a multifunctional foliage plant that blooms towards the end with blue flowers. The leaves are red in color with a yellow-green border. The coleus is a small plant that can endure low light conditions.

Painted nettle is a red-leaf indoor plant

Barkos have red leaves.

Begonia Baladin- family name.

Red begonias from the Barkos series are often planted by begonia farmers during the winter season since they are resistant and last a long time in any home. The plant may develop more slowly, but it is considerably stronger as a result.

Furthermore, the petals are densely packed, giving the flowers a rich and fluffy appearance. The most popular variety in the Barkos line is the begonia Baladin, a lovely red begonia that will instantly brighten up your home and grows in well-draining soil size.

Barcos red-leaf indoor plant

Mangave Red Wing

The mangave is a unique intergeneric hybrid that combines the best characteristics of both of its parents: agave’s resistant and massive, architectural forms, and manfreda’s unusual colors and drawings. It has considerably softer spikes than agave, making it much easier to handle.

The mangave Red Wing is a stunning, deep red plant that prefers full sun to show off its vibrant colors and unusual leaf decorations. It’s a fast-growing colorful plant in soil that is a good option for beginners.

Mangave Red Wing is an indoor plant

Garden croton

Codiaeum Red Mummy Variegated- scientific name.

The leaves of this Codiaeum Variegatum known as ‘Mummy Red’ is among the most vibrant and eye-catching design you’ll find on a tropical houseplant. The oval-shaped dark green leaves are striped with bright red, orange, green, and yellow.

The straight growth of this fiery-looking plant makes it a popular houseplant. These red indoor plants need a low-care and can withstand both direct and dazzling indirect light.

Garden croton - red leaf indoor plant

Scarlet star

Bromeliad of Guzmania- scientific name.

Guzmania is a Bromelia Specialist that grows mostly in tropical rain forests in the northwest of South America. It flourishes there without damaging the trees’ stringy roots because the Guzmania takes moisture and nutrients from the air. This tropical beauty has a mesmerizing effect on those around it as it have bright red leaves.

The brightly colored red leaves that emerge from a magnificent cluster are the most striking features of Guzmania. It has little, one-of-a-kind blossoms. Aside from red, the Guzmania comes in a number of colors and shades, including yellow, orange, white, pink, and two-tone.

Scarlet star

Philodendron Imperial Red is a red-leaf indoor plant.

Philodendron of Evanthia Imperial Red is an eye-catching tropical foliage plant with massive, oval-rounded glossy leaves. Over time, the leaf’s red color shifts from brilliant reddish/green to dark red to dark green. Because this brilliant shade of red is only revealed by new leaf growth, it’s great for a fast flash of color.

These red-leaf houseplants are an evergreen South American plant that thrives in tropical rainforests. Its glossy appearance, simplicity of maintenance, and air-purifying characteristics make it a favorite houseplant.

Philodendron Imperial Red is a red-leaf indoor plant

Polka dot begonia

Maculata Begonia- scientific name.

The begonia Maculata, commonly known as the Polka Dot begonia or the Spotted begonia, is one of the most popular and photogenic houseplants right now. The most well-known indoor plant variety of the dot begonia is the begonia Maculata. This fascinating polka dot plants have lovely leaves with a crimson bottom and the distinctive white spots on top.

These house plants are shaped like a white circular fan with a little yellow center. Begonia Maculatas is not suitable for pets and can be toxic to people if consumed, but the good news is that they are air cleansing.

Polka dot begonia red leaf plant

Pink jellybean is an indoor plant with red leaf plant.

Sedum rubrotinctum Aurora- scientific name.

Aurora sedum is a charming little cactus with rounded plump green and scarlet-rich leaves. This house plant begins mostly green or bi-colored red and green, but as it gets more sunlight, it grows redder and redder. The sedum Rubrotinctum, often known as the Jellybean plant, and other cacti are quite easy to care for.

Pink jelly bean is an indoor plant with red leaf plant

Moth orchid is another red leaf indoor plant.

Although there are hundreds and thousands of species in the orchid family, most people are introduced to orchids through the Phalaenopsis genus, which is especially ideal for beginners. With their thick-leaved plants and majestic, arching sprays of blossom, these are the orchids featured in so many magazines throughout the world.

Plants in the genus Phalaenopsis are rewarding. They are easy to cultivate and can produce beautiful flowers for months if properly cared for as it spread easily.

Moth orchid is another red leaf indoor plant

The flamingo plant is a red-leaf plant for indoors.

Hypoestes Phyllostachya Confetti Compact Red- scientific name.

The flamingo plant is a vibrant, tropical leaf plant with a neat, compact habit and a fanciful look. It has heart-shaped leaves that are speckled and blotched in dark green and have beautiful scarlet/red patterns.

Hypoestes Phyllostachya is an herbaceous perennial that grows in shaded areas of tropical Madagascar, where it may form dense carpets of flora in the understory levels of woodlands and rainforests.

The flamingo plant is a red-leaf plant for indoors

These beautiful red-leaf houseplants are great for bringing red color and interest to a room in day. The care and efforts that each of red-leaf plants requires are bare to moderate. A beginner can start gardening by following the tips and for ensuring growing conditions full these red leaves beauties with appropriate soil type, well-draining bucket and love. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get your homes a fancy touch of red-leaf indoor plants.

Does sulfur kill fungus – your ultimate guide to avoid fungi!

Sulfur is a naturally occurring element that may be found in rocks and is found in many minerals. It’s a type of fertilizer that may be found in natural gas. It may be found in a variety of pesticides and insecticides. Sulfur poisons insects, reptiles, fish, and mammals. It is also used on food crops as a crop fungicide and fertilizer.

So, the real question is does it avoid fungus?

The question is how sulfur stops diseases such as fungi? Sulfur is an element that occurs naturally in soil, plants, foods, and water and have antifungal and antibacterial properties to kill fungi.

Sulfur is present in some proteins in the form of amino acids and products as a natural fungicide that kills on contact. Sulfur is an essential component of plants. Pesticides containing sulfur are recommended and used by gardeners all over the world. Sulfur kill pathogens through direct contact or fumigation (sulfur vapors).

What are some examples that contain sulfur?

Specks of dust, fertilization liquids, and a few gas cartridges are examples of sulfur-containing items.

Field crops in agriculture, most of the tap and fibrous root crops, fruit-producing trees, indoor fruits and nuts, vegetables, etc., are among the crops that use sulfur and benefit from it. They are also beneficial for food and non-food crops, as well as in outdoor landscaping areas.

There are around 200 active sulfur-containing products on the market and several among these are a part of a beautiful garden.

So the real question is does sulfur kill fungus?

Some of the products are okay and fit for use in organic gardening. Non-pesticide sulfur-containing compounds are used as soil amendments or fertilizers.

How does it kill fungi?

Sulfur kills fungi when they come into touch with it.

Some specialists do believe that sulfur may react with plants or fungi to generate a dangerous poison. Sulphur kills the fungal disease-spreading spores by disrupting respiration within their cells. Insects can be dead by sulfur if they come into touch with it or consume it. It disrupts their natural biological systems, reducing their ability to generate energy.

Is this an effective fungicide for plants?

Sulfur is one of the effective pests when applied appropriately. It is an effective fungicide when used against soil-borne infections. It also protects against the vast majority of plant diseases. It can help prevent airborne illnesses like powdery mildew if used before symptoms emerge on the plant.

Sulfur is also advantageous in crop parts that are not in direct contact with the soil. This is because sulfur may spray it on plant leaves, which then convey it to the soil.

Is sulfur an effective fungicide?

Sulfur application as a fungicide

Sulfur may destroy infections like fungus by direct touch or fumigation with sulfur gases. As a result, use sulfur fungicides as frequently as a spray on plants. Here are some of the stages in the making of sulfur as a fungicide:

You first need to buy it and mix it with water. In general, three tablespoons of fungicide dust to one gallon of water is the mixing ratio. Mix thoroughly, but remember sulfur does not dissolve completely in water. Also for your comfort, there are already pre-mixes available in the market.

Sulfur application as a fungicide

Spray the sulfur on your plant’s leaves or stems. This fungicide will aid in the management and prevention of illnesses.

Some sulfur fungicide spray residue will remain on the plants. So no need to be panicking, since it implies your plants will be pest-free for a time after treatment. There’s also no need to be concerned about this residue washing into the soil and potentially harming the ecosystem as it is natural.

To keep your sulfur fungicide from washing away, spray it 10-14 days after rain.

Remember to have these things handy- water, the skin covering clothes, covered shoes, gloves, etc.

Considerations while using sulfur to kill fungus

Considerations while using sulfur to kill fungus

It is vital to monitor the conditions in which the sulfur fungicide is applied. If you live in a hot climate, for example, do not use it when the temperature exceeds 30 degrees Celsius otherwise your plants will soon turn dry.

It is totally safe to use it with a pesticide like neem oil. Give proper intervals between the reapplications.

Use care while applying sulfur to plants. Although it is only mildly toxic, it can be hazardous to humans and animals. As a result, when spraying, use protective equipment to avoid any air-related diseases. Keep your pets away from this solution after spraying as it is toxic for them.

Benefits of sulfur as it kills fungus

As we know how harmful pesticides are these days for both, the plant and our environment, however, sulfur is not hazardous to honeybees, birds, etc.  You don’t have to be concerned about organic sulfur plant fungicides harming pollinators or killing them, so you may use it with confidence in your garden.

Because sulfur occurs naturally in the environment, it is not a serious worry if it enters the soil. It will decay and rejoin the natural sulfur cycle of the Earth. However, water drainage is an issue while using sulfur, as it doesn’t dissolve readily.

 Sulphur Treatment – diseases and results

Sulfur fungicides are effective against a wide range of diseases in fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants. You can use it to treat Alternaria leaf spots, powdery mildew, rust, black rot, brown rot, scab, and blossom blight. Be cautious that if the plant already has rust, scab, rot, or leaf spot damage, it will not restore the damaged tissue, and you should definitely clip off any severely damaged leaves.

This can be challenging in the case of rot since you must remove the whole thing or at least five or six inches below the visible rot. Although it is still preferable to remove severely damaged leaves. Regardless of treatment, blossom blight usually causes the blossom to drop, however, the plant may flower again.

 Sulphur Treatment- diseases and results

So, to sum up, if you apply neem oil to your plants like roses in your gardens, wait at least two weeks before adding sulfur, or the two will combine to burn the leaves of your plants in a way similar to sunscald.

Although sulfur is safe for bees, birds and a few other animals it is dangerous to humans and pets! If you come into contact with it, it can irritate your eyes, and if you breathe it in, it can irritate your respiratory system.

What plants benefit from chicken manure?

Growing delicious fruits and vegetables is a passion project, and after emerging from the roots, your plants will want a nutrient-rich boost to assist support leaf development, bloom, and fruit formation. So, with so many alternatives available in the market, which is the best? People nowadays prefer chicken manure mostly, so is chicken manure the finest fertilizer option? Which plants benefit from chicken manure? All of these questions will find answer in this article!

Chicken manure has been used to nourish plants for decades, but part of what makes it so successful is also what makes it potentially damaging to plants. Fresh chicken manure is a wet, smelly mixture of faeces and ammonia-rich fluids.

It is the ammonia that may be broken down into nitrogen and is responsible for the odor of chicken dung. Nitrogen is required by all plants as a growth stimulant. Too much nitrogen in plants and trees promotes robust branch development at the price of flowering; hence there will be no fruits.

Using raw and uncomposted chicken manure to fertilize plants is, therefore, not a smart idea.

As the chicken manure rests for a while, microorganisms in the soil break it down into nutrients that our plants can absorb and use. During this remarkable composting process, some of the excess nitrogen evaporates as ammonia gas.

The compost must be churned several times, and experts advise waiting at least six months before planting fruit trees and plants.

Following composting, the chicken dung will include trace amounts of the three fundamental elements necessary by all plants: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K).

So, it appears that spreading a modest amount of composted chicken manure over the roots of your fruit trees has a lot to gain and little to lose for your garden.

Which plants benefit from chicken manure?

Which plants benefit from chicken manure?

As a result, the appropriate answer to the question “what plants benefit from chicken manure” is almost all flowering, fruiting, and vegetable plants.

It’s probable that grass trees won’t appreciate being treated with chicken manure.

This aversion originates from their inability to thrive in rich soils. Although grass trees are resistant, nutrient-rich soil might burn them or limit their development. Grass trees detest dealing with chicken manure because it improves soil quality.

Is chicken manure good for tomatoes?

People generally ask that is chicken manure good for tomatoes? Chicken dung fertilization benefits a wide range of plants. Among the most popular are tomatoes, chilies, eggplants, potatoes, cucumbers, and beans.

Fruit trees of citrus nature can benefit from chicken manure fertilization as well. Along with these common plants, you can use chicken manure on ornamental plants as well.

As a general rule, any plant that uses organic chicken manure or compost will gain from chicken manure.

Is chicken manure good for tomatoes?

Leafy vegetable plant gets benefits from manure.

Making chicken manure is suitable for cultivating leaves-only plants as it reduces dried leaves. Greens that we cook widely in soups and salads include kale, lettuce, and arugula. Manure provides the nitrogen for these plants.

These vegetables do not require a lot of food, and chicken manure encourages the growth of their leaves. Add chicken manure during planting and bloom time for ensuring green plants. Because you don’t need the blooms or fruit from these plants, you should concentrate on the healthy leaves that chicken manure compost provides.

Leafy vegetables benefit from chicken manure

Roses and other flowers benefit from chicken manure

The manure is helpful to roses for the outdoor gardener and flower admirer. Rose flowers demand a lot of nutrients in order to produce healthy blossoms. To suit their nutritional needs, one should use chicken manure as a top dressing.

When watered, this works well around the base of the bloom and seeps to the roots.

Flowers thrive when the plant as a whole thrives. If you don’t have enough manure when planting, use chicken manure as a top dressing. Along with roses, several other summer-blooming flowers benefit from chicken manure.

Roses and other flowers benefit from chicken manure

Indoor plants like chicken manure.

One of the reasons you are shying away from using manure is the odor. To reduce odors, brew manure “tea” for your indoor potted plants.

Liquefied manure aids plant nutrient absorption and has no side effects. Furthermore, your plants directly absorb it, and you may choose which plants want additional manure.

The size of the container governs the root system of indoor plants, which lowers manure waste. If you’= don’t know how to dispose of your chicken excretion, composting it and feeding it to your indoor plants is a terrific solution.

Indoor plants that get benefits by manure include the Chinese money plant, air plant, peace lily, etc.

Indoor plants likes chicken manure

How much shall you use chicken manure?

Chicken excrement can be in compost form or applied directly to the soil. The amount of chicken manure you should use in your garden depends on the type of plants you’re cultivating as well as the condition of your soil. However, in general, chicken excrement is best as a side or top dressing for vegetables. This suggests that you should use it on the soil around your plants rather than on the plants themselves.

Because raw manure can injure plant roots, it is vital to remember that chicken manure should be thoroughly composted before being applied to plants. If your soil is mainly sandy, you may need to apply less manure since too much may cause drainage concerns. In contrast, if your soil is mostly clay, you may need to use more manure.

The soil type and root structure of plants that enjoy chicken manure must be clear in your mind. This manure is great for fibrous and adventitious roots.

Taproot plants may not benefit significantly from chicken manure unless it is put as a top dressing for branch roots to obtain additional nutrients from the top soil.

Aged chicken manure

Aged chicken manure refers to chicken feces that have been allowed to decompose and age for a period of time, generally several months to a time or further. This process breaks down the organic matter in the manure, making it more stable and easier to handle, as well as reducing the situations of nitrogen and other nutrients that can burn or damage shops if applied in their raw form.

This manure is generally used as a natural fertilizers and soil correction in gardening and farming, as it contains a variety of nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as trace minerals and salutary microorganisms that can improve soil health and factory growth.

Fresh chicken manure

This manure refers to the excrement of chickens that has not experienced any significant decomposition or aging. It’s a high- nitrogen fertilizer that can be veritably salutary for shops, but it can also be veritably strong and potentially damaging if used inaptly.

This manure generally contains high levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as other trace minerals and organic matter. still, because it has not yet decomposed, it can also contain high levels of ammonia, which can be dangerous to plants and people if not duly handled.

To use fresh manure as a toxin, it should be composted or progressed for several months to allow the high ammonia situations to dissipate and the nutrients to come more stable.


Key Takeaways

You can use chicken manure to manage plant pests along with its elements that help in growing the plant. Plants that grow on chicken compost or manure are resistant to pests and common illnesses. This is a bonus because you won’t need pesticides in your garden. So why wait? Go get chicken manure from your local market or even order online.