Quick alocasia plant care: Tips for growing alocasias

Quick caring steps for your beautiful Alocasia Plants

The Alocasia one of the elephant ear plants, which has some of the most exquisite leaves in the indoor plant world, is a growing favorite for collections of indoor plants because of its unmatched sculptural and aesthetic appeal. As we all know the alocasia plant is quite noticeable.

This plant draws you in and quickly adds simple beauty to any end table or bookshelf with its stunning look and unmistakable appeal. The distinctive, arrowhead-shaped leaves and long stems of alocasia plants make them stand out. Here you will find all about how to take care, alocasia plants needs and tips.

How to take care of your alocasia

There are more than 80 species of this brilliantly veined plant, which is unique to eastern Australia and subtropical Asia. Some plants have leaves that may grow as long as three feet.

Alocasia plants prefer the extra humidity that a kitchen or bathroom may offer. They are indigenous to the tropical parts of the South Pacific Islands, particularly the Philippines.

How to take care of Alocasia?

Care for the alocasia, like other indoor plants, will be easier to manage if you are more knowledgeable about its past. Eastern Australia and Asia are the native home of these subtropical plants.

Since alocasias naturally have larger leaves than other plants since they dwell in the wild under a canopy of trees, they have the edge over other plants when it comes to soaking up sunlight.

Certain alocasia species have the potential to grow into giant plants with massive leaves. If space is a concern, there are more manageable species that won’t overtake your home (Jewel Alocasias).

Expect to watch your alocasia grow throughout the warmer months. These houseplants with rapid growth may generate new leaves almost every week when they are actively growing.

In your home, find a cozy, well-lit location for these beautiful things. To care for these indoor plants, plant them carefully in bright indirect light.

Guidelines for your alocasia care

Guidelines for caring for your Alocasia

To care for an alocasia, adhere to the following instructions.

The needs for light, temperature, humidity, and any other care that an alocasia plant may need to thrive are covered in this article, along with instructions on how to water them.

Alocasias have a dilemma: although preferring somewhat drier soil, they require enough humidity to flourish. We suggest placing a pebble tray or humidifier below for your alocasia’s comfort.

Since humidity encourages the growth of these plants, it may also aid in the prevention of some of the spider mites, one of the most common pests of alocasia. Regular misting is also advised, and a nearby pebble tray can sustainably increase the humidity level around the plant.

Dust the leaves periodically and sometimes rotate your plant to preserve balanced development. This will aid in the plant’s efficient photosynthetic processes. When dusting the leaves, take the opportunity to inspect the undersides for pests.

Light Requirements for Alocasia

Due to their adaptability, alocasias can withstand a range of indirect light, from weak to strong. The amount of light a plant receives will determine how quickly it grows. If you want your alocasia to push out new leaves actively and produce the large leaves it is known for, make sure it is in an area where it can receive enough strong indirect light.

The plant will survive in an area with less light, but it won’t grow as quickly. If you bring your alocasia outside in the summer, put it somewhere that gets some shade. Direct sunlight will cause the leaves to burn so grow elephant ear in bright indirect light.

Light required

Soil needs 

Elephant’s ear leaves, alocasia plant may be planted in either loose, well-drained potting or crumbly, loamy soil. The traditional peat-based potting mix provides them with the slightly acidic soil they prefer.

Soil needs of alocasia

The ideal temperature for alocasias

As a subtropical plant, alocasia is more comfortable in warmer temperatures that mimic its original habitat. The temperature in the room should be greater than 60 °F/ 20-30 degree Celsius on average.

If you keep your alocasia on a patio or other outside area during the warmer months, make sure to bring it inside before the temperature falls below 50 degrees Fahrenheit/ 20 degree Celsius.

Avoid placing the plant near draughty windows, outside doors, or air conditioning or heating vents. These temperature changes might halt growth and possibly injure the leaves.

Keep in mind that alocasia will hibernate throughout the winter. It would be best if you kept them in somewhat colder temperatures so they can develop even though they won’t necessarily lose all of their leaves.

Suitable temperature for alocasia

How much water do alocasias need in the spring and summer?

In milder temperate climates, it is found that it’s easiest to allow the soil of potted alocasias partially dry up before watering them again. How much dryness you allow for will depend on how much light and heat you are working in. This will alter depending on where and when you care for your plants.

Even after plant care, alocasia still displays signs of distress in a more light-filled area indoors, it’s conceivable that overwatering is the actual issue. As you figure out what timetable works best for you, don’t be afraid to allow for additional soil dryness.

When watering, try to cover the entire plant. The plant will be cleansed as a result, and any potential pests will be controlled. You may also use a damp cloth to wipe the leaves and stems clean.

What winter/ fall care should you give an Alocasia?

Just give the plant a little extra warmth and intense light in your house. To do this, just put your plant in the brightest space you can locate. If you can get some direct sun, it will be very grateful! This will significantly increase how content your plant is.

Additionally, you must water your plant much less regularly to maintain its warmth. Try to preserve near-complete dryness for your Alocasia during the winter.

Please give them a little water every two to three weeks to keep them alive; otherwise, dry soil will do. They will be OK on dry soil since they won’t require as much water in the winter, and they will evaporate much more slowly.

Your dry soil will contain thousands of microscopic air pockets that will act as insulation, keeping the roots of your plants a little bit warmer during the winter.

Alocasias can use a small pot?

Did you know that your alocasia is a member of the same family (Araceae) as Monstera, Devil’s Ivy, and Philodendrons? This plant family is known for being content to grow in very tiny pots. Increasing the pot size is only sometimes necessary, and when it is, it should only be done in the late spring or early summer to give the plant enough time to adjust before winter.

The majority of alocasias will grow massively, even in a little container. Just re-pot the plant if you think it is becoming too top-heavy and is already properly root-bound. Increase the pot’s diameter by one to two inches.

Ideal pot for alocasia

Required fertilizers for alocasia

Alocasias can be heavy feeders, especially the larger types. Fertilize with liquid fertilizer once or twice a month; a 20-20-20 composition is suggested during the growing season.

Pruning Alocasia

Removing the wilting leaves from your alocasia makes pruning it easier. It is usual for leaves to wilt and die as new leaves arise.

Pruning the alocasia

What to do when leaves turn yellow?

Several factors might be at play if the leaves of your elephant’s ear turn yellow. Most likely, the problem is with how the leaves are watered; too much or too little watering might cause discoloured leaves. Up to several inches of water each week is consumed by elephant ears. You giving them less or more might be the reason for the yellowing.

Why do the leaves turn yellow?

Drooping or withered leaves

Due to excess or insufficient light or fertilizer, elephant ear leaves can droop or shrivel. Your plant will repay you with healthy leaves if you make the appropriate adjustments.

Recommended Pots for Alocasia

Alocasia produces its leaves from substantial underground tubers. Regular leaf shedding and regrowth occur. Alocasia might be a bit difficult to water because they like somewhat drier soil yet need a fair quantity of moisture.

This houseplant loves our self-watering containers since they let the alocasia drink whenever it gets thirsty. A small ceramic pot is recommended, for this beauty.

Pro tip: When watering your alocasia, rotate the pot once every quarter turn. This will guarantee that the plant gets consistent sunshine and stop it from growing upward and becoming top-heavy.

Fun Fact: Alocasia plants are bulb-growing plants; therefore, even if they lose all of their leaves, the energy they have stored in their bulbs will, given the right circumstances, allow them to produce new leaves.

We hope this article guided you well for alocasia care for gardening purpose.

How many years will daylilies bloom? How to grow Daylilies?

How many years will daylilies bloom? How to grow Daylilies For Beautiful Blooms

Daylilies are a great choice if you don’t feel your thumb is the greenest. Daylilies are a great choice for anyone who doesn’t want to take care of their flowers. These perennials are hardy and can be replanted for years. They also adapt to many soil types and climates. These beautiful flowers can be grown in USDA Hardiness Zones 3-9, so they are available to most people.

How many years will daylilies bloom? How to grow Daylilies For Beautiful Blooms

Daylilies can grow for many years with little attention. However, they will produce more flowers if they get divided every five years. This job can be done in the late summer after the plants have finished flowering.

Daylilies can grow up to a foot tall and several feet wide. However, their flowers only last for one day, so they are often called “Daylilies”! They have many flowers on each stem. Many varieties bloom for several weeks with peak seasons in July and August.

Over the years, thousands of cultivars (or cultivated varieties) have been created. Many of the newer varieties have double, frilly, or long, strappy petals. Some are also fragrant.

These flowers multiply quickly so you will have lots of them to plant in other areas in your garden, or even swap with another gardener. Here are some other things you need to know about growing daylilies.

When is the best time to plant daylilies?

Daylilies are best planted in spring and autumn when temperatures are lower and the rainfall is less frequent. These flowers can also be planted in the summer as long as they are kept hydrated. Daylilies can be planted in any climate once they are established.

What are the best ways to care for daylilies?

  • Daylilies require full sun. This means they need six hours or more of direct sunlight each day. Although they can tolerate a little shade, daylilies won’t flower as well in it.
  • Place the pots in a hole slightly larger than their container. As they become established, water them well for the first few weeks.
  • You don’t have to fertilize them, but it is fine if you want to do so.
  • In spring, use a general-purpose granular variety. You can also snap off dead flowers when they start to fade. However, it is not necessary. It just adds a little elegance.
  • If you don’t like their appearance, you can trim the stems. You can also leave it to be cleaned up next spring or in the fall after a winter frost.

However, deer will eat daylilies and will rip the buds. It’s best to not plant these beautiful perennials if you have frequent deer visitors. Instead, choose deer-resistant plants. You can also share your garden with them.

How do I divide daylilies?

Your plants will need to be divided when their flowering power starts to decline in a few years. This is easy and will result in many new plants. You can use a spade to cut off the edges of your gardening tools and then replant the plant elsewhere in your garden. You must water the plants well until they become established.

Where to put jade plant in the house? How to Grow Jade Plant?

Where to put jade plant in the house? How to Grow Jade Plant?

Where to put jade plant in the house? How to Grow Jade Plant?

This “lucky” succulent will thrive indoors for many years with a little love and very little watering. The jade plant, a native to South Africa is known for its tree-like appearance. The jade plant is a symbol of friendship, luck, and prosperity. Its oval-shaped, smooth leaves and woody stems make it one of the most popular Feng Shui houseplants to provide good energy.

The best place to put a jade plant is in bright indoor areas. You can either place the plant in a corner of your home or in a small pot on your windowsill, depending on its size. As long as they are kept indoors during winter and cold, jade plants can also be grown outdoors. This resistant houseplant will live up to 50 years if taken care of properly.

Jade plants are also known as crassula-ovata. They can be found in many different varieties. Among them:

  • crassula-ovata (“Gollum”) has red-tinted, tubular leaves;
  • crassula-ovata (“Hummel’s Sunset”) has yellow and red edges and
  • crassula-ovata (“Pink Beauty”) has pink clusters of star-shaped, star-shaped, which are filled with star-shaped, with pink, with star-shaped, and have-shaped, with clusters of stars-shaped, and a bunchesula-shaped, and ovata-shaped,

You can still care for jade plants the same way. Continue reading to find out how to care for this sun-loving succulent and how to grow more jade plants.

Notice: Consuming jade plants can be mildly toxic for humans, and extremely dangerous for dogs and cats.

Jade Plant Care Tips

Does jade plant need direct sunlight?

The amount of sun that they get is another important aspect of maintaining jade plants. To grow well, they need to get full sun. They may become leggy and stunted if they don’t get enough sun.

According to Almanac, your jade plants should be kept in bright light for at least six hours per day. Younger plants need a bright light that isn’t too direct. However, mature plants can tolerate direct sunlight. Your jade plant won’t grow if it doesn’t get enough sunlight.

What temperature is good for jade plant?

The room temperatures are ideal for jade plants. They can be kept between 65 and 75° Fahrenheit during the day. At night they prefer temperatures between 50 and 55 degrees Fahrenheit. It is important to keep your jade plant out of cold drafts and icy windows during winter. If you have a jade plant that is outside, you should keep it inside during colder temperatures.

How often should I water my jade plant?

According to Gardener Report, you should water your jade plants only after the soil has dried completely. To be certain, check the soil around the roots. A jade plant needs to be soaked about once every 14 days. However, the time it is watered will vary depending on the season. Jade plants require more water in summer than they do in winter.

Notice: Jade plants often die from insufficient watering.

But Jade Plants can develop yellowing leaves, leaf drops, and soft leaves if they are overwatered. Root rot will occur when the soil is too dry and the roots are waterlogged.

They can survive for up to 3 months without water. Indoor succulents will be less exposed to the elements outside – sunlight and wind outdoors tend to dry the soil out faster than indoors. The soil remains moist longer in cooler climates (fall and winter).

What do you feed a jade plant?

A standard liquid fertilizer should be used every few weeks throughout the growing season. To avoid damaging roots, the soil must be well-drained before fertilizer can be applied.

Your Jade plant should be fed with a diluted succulent fertilizer every week during spring and summer. A balanced 20-20-20 fertilizer should be used at one-quarter strength for mature Jade plants. Choose a fertilizer that contains less nitrogen for young Jade plants.

What kind of soil does a jade plant require?

Well-drained soil is essential for jade plants. recommends that you use a 2:1 ratio of cactus potting mixture, coarse sand, perlite, or pumice.

When should I repot my jade plant?

For young jade plants you should repot in two to three years. Adult plants should be repotted in the spring every four to five years. Remember that jade plants are happy to be root bound if they grow large enough.

Avoid Common Problems with Jade Plants – What to do with a dying jade plant?

A dying jade plant can be caused by too much moisture around its roots, which is often due to excessive watering or damp soil. Root rot is a condition whereby jade plants become yellowed and droopy. This can be caused by overwatering and poor drainage. Overwatering or underwatering can cause jade plants to lose their leaves.

what to do with a dying jade plant

What does yellow leaves on a jade plant mean?

Overwatering or poor drainage are the main causes of yellow leaves. Jade plants are sensitive to excessive moisture. Make sure the planter has drainage holes and that you empty any excess water from your saucer.

How do you fix a root rot jade plant?

Jade plants are susceptible to root rot. You should immediately repot your jade plants if you notice soggy soil and soft leaves.

Why are jade plant leaves wrinkled?

Underwatering symptoms Softened leaves and stems Shriveling of stems or leaves. The leaves turn brown and dry out. Dead leaves fall off the plant. Wrinkled leaves turn red or purple.

This could indicate either over-watering or under-watering. However, wrinkly or shriveled leaves may be the result of too much water. Give your plant some water if the soil has dried completely. The leaves will bounce back to normal.

Why are my jade leaves falling off?

Your Jade Plant will quickly drop its leaves if it doesn’t get enough water. Your Jade Plant’s lower leaves will start to shrivel up and then fall off. Your Jade Plant should be watered when the soil top inch (2.5cm) is dry.

Poor drainage or overwatering can cause leaves to drop. Any kind of stress on your plant can cause it. This could include a lack of sunlight or a sudden drop in temperature.

Pests Depending on the pest, you can use insecticidal soaps or Neem oil. However, you might also need to treat the plant manually, as per the Petal Republic.

How to propagate jade plant from cuttings?

How to propagate jade plant from cuttings?

The jade plant is an excellent place to start if you have never propagated plants before. You can either grow a plant from a cutting or one leaf.

To make a cutting, cut it at least 3 inches in length and let it dry for a few days in a dry, warm place. The cutting should be placed in a potting mix and water sparingly and the ground should not be wet.

You can lay healthy leaves on your potting mix if you prefer to use one leaf or if there isn’t a suitable cutting. The leaves will grow roots as they are watered sparingly. Soon, you’ll see tiny plants. You can pot your plant once there are visible plantlets.

How long do air plants live? Important Tips To Grow Air Plants

How long do air plants live? – Important Tips To Grow Air Plants

How long do air plants live? - Important Tips To Grow Air Plants

Air plants have tiny scales, known as trichomes or trichomes on their leaves that absorb water and nutrients from the air directly. The “roots” of the plants are there only for clinging, and they do not absorb nutrients or water like earthbound plants.

An air plant’s lifespan is between two and five years. They are perennials which means they can live more than two years. The Tillandsia species will influence their life expectancy and growth conditions (environment light, temperature, etc.).

Also, being among plants can be very beneficial in reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, and improving focus at work or home. You can use air plants in your bedroom. They release oxygen into the atmosphere while you sleep, because they photosynthesize at night, air plants make great plants for your bedroom.

Do air plants like sun or shade?

Do air plants like sun or shade?

  • A few hours of direct sunlight daily is enough for air plants to thrive.
  • Ideal placement is within 1 to 3ft of an east- or western-facing window or within a foot or so of an artificial lighting source.
  • They will enjoy more sun, heat, and exposure if they are kept well watered. If you cannot remember to rotate your plants every few days, avoid dimly lit areas.

How often should you water air plants?

Myths about Air Plants: They don’t require water! Although air plants are living, they require both routine and regular watering.

  • However, they are fussier than other houseplants. Depending on the heat and light in your area, you may need to submerge them for 15-20 minutes approximately every 1.5-2 weeks. You can also set a reminder or timer so you don’t forget. After removing them from the water, turn them upside-down and shake them well. This will prevent crown rot (a common problem).
  • Misting can be a great way to give your plants some extra moisture if they are feeling dry or if there is not much humidity.

How do I know if my air plant is healthy?

Your air plant’s appearance can help you decide how to care for it.

How do I know if my air plant is healthy?

  • Fuzzy leaves with feathery and silvery coatings signify xeric varieties that are from dry, sunny climates where rain is less frequent.
  • The trichomes on their pronounced heads capture maximum water from the ground and keep it dry. They require watering once to twice per week but can take more sun.
  • The most common mesic type of leaf is the smooth, glossy, and moist leaves that are found in shaded, humid rainforests or cloud forests where there is plenty of water. They are less protected from the sun and dryness and have fewer trichomes. They require more frequent watering.
  • Your preference and the location of your air plant will determine which watering method is best. You can use either room-temperature water or rainwater. However, softened water can cause damage to your plants.

Do you mist air plants every day?

Do you mist air plants every day?

Misting works well for plants in displays or globes, as well as for those who enjoy daily contact with their plants. You can mist your plants up to seven times per week depending on their type. Make sure to get all surfaces wet.

How long to dunk air plants?

Dunking works well for plants that have been attached to wood or are freestanding. It also works well with plants with curly or dense leaves that are difficult to mist completely. The whole plant should be dipped in water, or placed under a running tap. This can be done two to four times per day for mesic and once per week for xeric varieties.

You can water your air plants by placing them face down in the water. You can also immerse the plants in water and let them soak for 10-20 minutes. To prevent any rotting or damage, shake off excess water after soaking.

How long should air plants soak in water?

Soaking can revive dry plants. The whole plant should be submerged for between 1 and 3 hours. This can be done once per week or after a period of neglect.

Due to their versatility, air plants are able to be grown in many applications but not in soil. They can be hung, placed on top of the moss, or placed inside vestibules with crystals, decorative stones, etc.

Air plants can grow in a variety of ways, with some blooming more than others. Keep in mind, however, that they can be slow growers so don’t get discouraged.

How tall do pindo palms get? What is wrong with my Pindo Palm?

How tall do pindo palms get? – Pindo Palm Care – Tips For Growing Pindo Palm Trees

How tall do pindo palms get? What is wrong with my Pindo Palm?

Palm trees are the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Florida. Not all palm species are able to thrive in the colder areas of Florida, where temperatures can drop down to 5 degrees F (-15 C). Pindo palm trees (Butia capita) can tolerate colder temperatures. They are even found on the east coast, up to the Carolinas. Let’s learn how to care for a Pindo palm.

Pindo palms (also known as jelly palms) grow slowly to reach a mature height between 15 and 20 feet (4.5-6m). The trunk diameter is 1 to 1.5 feet (31 to 46 cm).

Red, yellow, and white flowers can all be found in groups that consist of one male flower and one female.

This graceful palm’s fruit is light orange to brownish-red and can be used for jelly. You can roast the seeds to make a substitute for coffee. Pindo palms are often used to attract wildlife and serve as specimen trees.

How to grow pindo palm?

Pindo palm trees can grow in any soil, as long as it’s moderately salt-tolerant and has good drainage. Pindo palms can fall fruit, which can cause a lot of damage.

It is best to plant them at least 10 feet (3m) away from patios, decks, and paved areas. These trees are slow growing so it is best to purchase at least three years old nursery stock trees unless you have patience.

How to Care for a Pindo Palm

Pindo palm care can be done easily. This tree is free from any insect or disease problems, except for the occasional micronutrient deficiency.

Regular fertilization is important to keep your pindo palm looking great. Pindo palms can withstand heat and wind, but it is best to keep the soil properly moist. To keep this Brazil native looking tidy, it needs to be pruned of any dead fronds.

What is wrong with my Pindo Palm? Common Problems With Pindo Palms

Do you think you can’t achieve that tropical look by planting palm trees in your cooler area? Try growing a pindo or pinta palm. Pindo palms are able to thrive in cooler climates and can withstand temperatures as low as 10 degrees F (-12 C).

Pindo palms can still be affected by the cold. Pindo palm problems can be caused by insects, diseases, or cultural factors. Let’s see the common problems with pindo palms and how to address them.

I. Environmental pindo palm problems and solutions

Environmental pindo palm problems and solutions

Pindo palms are remarkably resistant to almost all problems. However, you might encounter some issues with pindo trees – most often due to environmental factors or diseases.

  • Butia capitata pindo palms are upright, slow-growing, cold-tolerant trees that have blue-green to silver-colored, palm-shaped leaves. They unfurl into an open-crown form when they mature. These evergreens can be found in Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina, and Brazil. In spring, the trees bear showy white blossoms before producing yellow/orange fleshy fruits.
    • Pindo palms can tolerate cold and thrive in well-draining soils. However, they are not tolerant to “wet feet”, which can increase the chance of the trees contracting a disease. Salt spray is also a problem for pindo palms.
  • Like most palms they are susceptible to potassium deficiency. Low potassium can cause gray and necrotic leaf tips. Because of the grayish leaves, these may be more difficult to identify in a pindo than in other palms. Significant leaf drop is a better way to identify them.
  • A deficiency of manganese, which is less common in pindo palms, could also be an issue. Manganese deficiencies can be seen as necrotic tips on newly-emerged leaves, but also as basal leaflets.
  • Apply a controlled-release fertilizer containing micronutrients three to four times per year to treat deficiencies in pindo palms

II. Pindo Palm Diseases

Pindo palms can also be affected by fungal diseases.

Pindo Palm Diseases

Phytophthora – Why is my pindo palm turning brown?

Phytophthora, which rots roots as well as palm buds, is an example of such a disease.

This fungus is soil-borne and encouraged by rainy weather. Wind and rain move fungal spores through the palm, entering it through cuts. The infection results in young fronds becoming droopy and smelling foul-smelling, and decimating buds.

As the disease progresses, mature leaves also become affected and begin to droop, fall, and turn brown. Remove infected trees and burn them to treat phytophthora. If the disease is not severe, fungicidal treatments can be used.

Diamond scale – How to get rid of scale on palm trees?

Diamond scale, despite its name, is a fungal disease that is most common along the California coast. Although the disease is not usually a problem for healthy pindo palms, it can cause stress and lead to severe illness.

The symptoms appear as water-soaked, darkened lesions which, with time, turn into black, diamond-shaped fungal bodies on the stalks and fronds.

Diamond scale can be prevented by using a fungicide. Avoid overwatering and ensure that the pindo palm is planted in a well-draining location. A regular, high-nutrition diet is important to keep your plant healthy. Using horticultural oil, or a mixture of water and rubbing alcohol with some bleach-free dish detergent is a common treatment for palm scale.

Pink rot – How to treat pink rot in palms?

Pink rot is another fungal disease that affects stressed and weakened palms. This disease is especially dangerous for trees with poor drainage and inadequately fertilized.

The symptoms are most noticeable in younger fronds. The palm fronds will develop spots and wilt as the disease progresses. Pink spore masses can also develop on the trunk, sometimes along with the fronds.

If left untreated, the tree will become stunted and die from the fronds. You can treat pink rot with a combination of pruning and fungicidal treatment. Look for fungicide treatments containing thiophanate methyl and mancozeb.

Can you grow a philodendron from a cutting? How to Grow a Philodendron Plant?

Can you grow a philodendron from a cutting? How to Grow a Philodendron Plant?

Can you grow a philodendron from a cutting?

You can find many cool houseplants that are easy to care for! The easiest houseplants for beginners and experts alike are the philodendrons. Yes, Rooting philodendron stems can be done in a small container with potting soil or a cup of water. Use a sharp knife or garden scissors, to cut a length of about 3 to 6 inches from the stem and put it in water.

There are more than 400 species available. They come in all shapes and sizes, including vining plants as well as plants that can grow up to three feet in width. From the tropical rain forests to the native areas, philodendrons grow quickly and rarely have pest problems.

Many varieties are easy to propagate and inexpensive, which means you can have more easygoing houseplants that you can keep or share. Fiddle leaf fig is the perfect choice if you are tired of dealing with the daisies of the plant world. Philodendrons can be a great option for both novice and experienced plant parents.

Learn more about growing and caring for philodendrons.

Do philodendrons like sun or shade?

Do philodendrons like sun or shade?

A philodendron can be placed in bright windows with shaded curtains or direct light. While some philodendrons can tolerate low light levels, others will grow faster and look better when exposed to brighter light. They should be kept at 65-85 degrees.

How do I care for my Philodendron?

  • Wet feet are not good for your philodendron! To test the soil’s moisture, make sure that the pot has drainage holes. Allow the soil to dry before you water again. Next, drain any excess water from the saucer underneath the pot.
  • You can feed your houseplant any general fertilizer during the active growing season, which runs from spring through fall. You can also dust your plants occasionally or give them a bath in warm water.
  • For most philodendrons, a 20-20-20 liquid fertilizer is the best. You should be aware of possible changes in soil pH and other problems, especially if making your own fertilizer.
  • Slow growth and small leaves are signs that the plant isn’t getting enough fertilizer. The plant’s inability to grow new leaves and get enough calcium and magnesium are signs that it isn’t getting enough of these micronutrients.

What does an overwatered philodendron look like?

What does an overwatered philodendron look like?

Wilted leaves can be a sign of overwatering, even though the soil remains moist. The new leaves can turn brown or soft. A buildup of visible salts at the soil surface is another sign that you have overwatered. These salts appear as a crusty, white layer.

Poor soil moisture, and in particular overwatering, are the most common causes of yellowing leaves in Philodendron plants. Your Philodendron should only be watered when 25% of the soil is dry. The soil should be kept moist but not dry.

What is the best philodendron plant?

It is difficult to choose just one.

  • The heartleaf Philodendron is a great choice for a starter plant. It has heart-shaped leaves, is very easy to grow, and has very good care.
  • The non-climber ‘Birkin has dark green leaves that are variegated with creamy white pinstripes.
  • Red Congo has beautiful, shiny, mound-shaped leaves that turn deep green before turning to deep red.
  • The pretty, orange-colored leaves of ‘Princess Orange’ are an attractive choice.

How do propagate philodendrons in water?

How do propagate philodendrons in water?

You can easily propagate most types by cutting off a section of stem that is 2 to 3 inches long. Just make sure there are some brown nubs (called leaf nodes) on the branch.

To propagate philodendron, the first step is to place your cuttings into a clean container of water. Be sure to submerge the nodes. Place your cuttings in indirect light. You can then transplant the roots by changing the water every other day. Keep it in water until it sprouts roots. Then, transfer it into a regular pot with regular potting soil. Some varieties, like Birkin and Red Congo, can’t be rooted in this manner.

You should choose a hanging basket, plastic pot, or glazed ceramic pot that is at least 1 to 2 inches bigger than the plant’s root ball.

Is philodendron toxic to dogs or cats?

According to the ASPCA, all philodendrons can be toxic to pets. If ingested, they can cause vomiting, swelling of lips and tongues, oral pain, and swelling of the lips and tongue. Avoid giving this plant to your dog or cat if they are a nibbler. If you think your pet has eaten any of the plant’s contents, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Is Chinese money plant easy to grow? How to propagate chinese money plant?

Is Chinese money plant easy to grow? 

Is Chinese money plant easy to grow? 

Learn how to care for your Chinese money plants so that your Pilea Peperomioides grows in your home Chinese money is easy to care for and makes a great addition to any interior. They are easy to propagate and have gained popularity with their cheery, medallion-shaped leaves with these plant care tips.

Unsurprisingly, the Chinese money plant, also called Pilea piperomioides, is a member of the nettle family. They were originally from Southwest China where they were believed to bring luck to their owners. They are still exchanged today as gifts for new homeowners.

These houseplants are easy to care for and produce impressive results. They are also one of the most popular houseplants for beginners. Continue reading to learn how to care for your Chinese money plants.

How to care for your Chinese money plant

It is easy to take care of your Chinese money plant. It is important to water your Chinese money plant regularly and keep it in the sun. Richard Cheshire, a plant doctor at patch plants (opens in new tab): “Remember to turn the plant every few days to encourage even growing,”

How often should a chinese money plant be watered?How often should a chinese money plant be watered?

Give your money plant a drink whenever the soil feels dry. In summer, this will be every other week and in winter it will be every other week.

Liquid fertilizer should be given to your money every other month in summer. This will help it grow. If you are lucky, the plant might even produce a flower.

Like all other houseplants you have, make sure to clean your Chinese money plant leaves every once in a while, dust must be removed. This will allow your plant to photosynthesize.

How much light does chinese money plant need?

A Chinese money plant needs bright, indirect sunlight that is not too hot. Don’t place it near a west-facing window where it will receive the full brunt of the afternoon sun. But, do put it somewhere bright.

How to tell if money plant is dying?

This plant is easy to maintain because it will let you know when it needs more water.

  • The leaves begin to droop. Give it a good watering, and let the soil drain to ensure that the roots don’t sit in water. Don’t water again until the soil has dried out. This plant doesn’t need constant watering.
  • It could be that your Chinese money plants’ roots or leaves are becoming brownish and mushy. This is a sign you have overwatered them. Let the plant dry completely before you pot it in fresh soil.

Chinese money plants can live up to 15 years if they are well cared for and given the right advice.

How to propagate chinese money plant?

How to propagate chinese money plant?

  • Chinese money plants are one of the easiest houseplants you can propagate. They latch onto the water and grow roots in days.
  • Simply cut off the root or bark-like stem of the plant and place it in a small flute-shaped container. The greenery should peek out from the top. Once you have identified the white roots, it is time to plant your clippings in the soil.
  • It is not common to propagate a Chinese money plant from a leaf. Instead, it is best to obtain root clipping.
  • Chinese money plants can sometimes grow smaller plants in the same pot. These smaller plants can be pulled out and placed in water to propagate. This is without the need for complicated techniques such as air layering.

How long does it take to grow lemongrass? How to Grow Lemongrass?

How long does it take to grow lemongrass? How to Grow Lemongrass?

Gardeners who are passionate about Asian cuisine can grow their own lemongrass, which will add a fresh, citrusy flavor to soups, curries, or fish dishes. For Thai food lovers, here are some tips to help you grow lemongrass. It is unlikely to survive winters outside USDA. However, it can generally provide you with usable stalks prior to autumn frosts.

How long does it take to grow lemongrass? How to Grow Lemongrass?

You may also want to bring the grass indoors during the winter months. It will refresh the indoor air with its citrus aroma and enhance your cooking with its unique citrus flavor. Lemongrass needs full sun, well-drained soil rich in organic matter, and a lot of moisture. After sowing the seeds, plants will be ready for harvest within 75 to 100 days. This article will tell you plant care tips you need to know to grow lemongrass at your home.

Lemongrass Characteristics – Does lemongrass come back every year?

Lemongrass grows from rhizomes. It can grow up to 3 feet when grown as an annual, and up to 6 feet in favorable conditions. The width of its arching, serrated blue-green leaves is 1/2 to 1 inch. The rhizomes can survive winters up to USDA Zone 8b. However, it will not stay green in areas higher than 9.

Although “Evergreen” might not be the right description, the West Indian lemongrass leaves redden in winter and spring, while East Indian varieties have red stems and leaf sheaths all year. West Indian lemongrass seldom flowers. Lemongrasses, which are both insect-repellent and snake-repellent, are cultivated for their leaves.

Top Lemongrass Varieties – best lemongrass variety

  • Cymbopogon Citratus: This West Indian variety is the most popular and flavorful. According to Logee’s Greenhouses, it is “larger and more flavorful than” the East Indian species.
  • Cymbopogon flexuosus var. flexuosus var.: This East Indian variety of lemongrass is more seedy than the West Indian one, has red stems, leaf sheaths, as well as being more invasive in areas where it is hardy.
  • Cymbopogon flexuosus var. albescens is the “white” East Indian variety that lacks the ruddy coloring and is therefore considered less suitable for oil production.

Lemongrass planting time – When is the best time to plant lemongrass?

When is the best time to plant lemongrass?

Lemongrass can be planted in the garden, but it is not necessary. You can also keep it in a large container all year, if desired.

Lemongrass can be planted in the spring when nighttime temperatures rise above 40 degrees Fahrenheit. If you plan to move an indoor plant outside, slowly acclimate it to outdoor conditions. This means putting it in shade and then exposing it to more sunlight each day.

Where does lemongrass grow best?

Pick a spot in full sunlight with well-drained, fertile soil. The West Indian grass doesn’t need to be pickedy. It can grow in any type of soil with a pH between 5.8 and 8.4. East Indian lemongrass prefers acidic soil with pH between 5 to 5.8.

How to plant lemongrass?

You should always check your soil for any signs of insufficient fertility or excessive weight before you plant your plants.

  • Water the lemongrass, then remove it from the pot and plant it in the ground in the same depth as it grew in its pot.
  • Place more than one plant 3 feet apart.
  • You should water the plant until it is established.

Can you grow lemongrass in a container?

Can you grow lemongrass in a container?

Lemongrass can be grown in containers. Large plants will need a pot that is at least 1 foot wide. You can also use a 5-gallon bucket with drainage holes in the bottom. You can fill it with an organic compost potting mix.

  • Start with a small plant. Choose a smaller pot and then transfer the grass to the larger one after the container has filled up.
  • Lemongrass grown in containers will need more water than if it were growing in the ground. It is best to bring it inside before the autumn temperatures drop below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • It will be able to join other indoor plants on a south-facing windowsill that receives at least 6 hours of sunlight per day and temperatures above 60°F.

Watering Lemongrass – Does lemongrass need lots of water?

Lemongrass is native to hot and humid climates. It needs to be kept moist but not too wet. Plants in pots will need to be watered daily, while those in the ground may only require irrigation when it is raining. Regular misting is a great way to keep lemongrass happy when the humidity is low.

If you decide to move your plant indoors during winter, you’ll need to reduce the amount of water that you give it. Lower light conditions can lead to the rotting of the grass’s roots.

Fertilizing Lemongrass – Does lemongrass need fertilizer?

Your potted lemongrass will grow quickly if it is fed with a balanced liquid food like 10-10-10 at half strength or every 2 weeks at full strength. It is best to not fertilize it indoors in winter.

This will provide the plant with nitrogen. To meet its nitrogen needs, you can feed the in-ground lemongrass plants once a month during summer with a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 or 5-5-5 according to the label.

Pruning Lemongrass – Can you prune lemongrass in the fall?

Yes, Lemongrass grown outdoors should be cut down to 6 inches when it is dormant. This will encourage it to grow back stronger once the weather warms up again. If you keep your lemongrass indoors on a sunny windowsill, it is best to trim it to about 1 foot before moving it outside in spring. When trimming grass, or serrated leaves, gloves are recommended.

Propagating lemongrass in water, division and seeds

Propagating lemongrass in water, division and seeds

You can get inexpensive lemongrass plants by purchasing fresh stalks from the supermarket. Place them in a transparent glass jar or glass on your windowsill and add a few inches of water to cover their bases. They will root in about two weeks.

Alternatively, you can also divide plants you already own to create multiple plants by simply digging up the plant and separating the rhizomes. Each division should have its own roots.

Sprinkle the seeds on a moist and sterile seed starter mix, and then press them down into the mix. They will sprout in 5 to 21 days if they are kept at 68 to 70°F in a sunny location.

Safety Considerations – Is lemon grass toxic to dogs?

Lemongrass leaves have sharp serrations that can cut skin if they are not handled with care. It is best to use gloves to harvest your lemongrass. Lemongrass is edible for humans. However, it can cause digestive upset in pets and horses. Although it isn’t very common, it can cause death in horses. However, it is important to keep it away from your pastures.

Lemongrass pests and diseases – What’s wrong with my lemongrass?

What's wrong with my lemongrass?

  • Lemongrass can rust in humid climates. This is especially true if it’s grown close to other species. The small yellow spots on the leaves will eventually turn into brown spots or lesions. The best way to relieve the symptoms is to thin out your grass clump and spray it with a fungicide.
  • However, if plants are kept too dry, spider mites can cause yellowing or white-speckling to lemongrass leaves. You can kill them with strong water. To prevent them from returning, water and mist your lemongrass plants regularly.

Harvesting Lemongrass – When is lemongrass ready to harvest?

When your lemongrass has grown to at least one foot, you can trim it when you are ready to use it for cooking. Trim the outermost stalks when harvesting this herb.

If you don’t plan to keep your plant indoors in winter, you will want to harvest it all–as per the steps below–just before the first frost in fall. You can freeze the “scallions”, but you may also want to dry them for Asian recipes and teas.

If you don’t know the best way to collect it, instructions on growing lemongrass will not help.

  • A lemongrass stalk should be cut off at the bulb’s level.
  • Take out any leaves or woody sheaths. Keep the lower third of the stalk intact.
  • Cut the leaves into small pieces to preserve them. Then, dry them in a warm, dry place.

You can preserve lemongrass “scallions” by placing them in freezer bags right after harvest. Place the bag in the fridge for up to one month, or in the freezer for up to six months. Keep dried lemongrass leaves in a sealed container, inside a dark and cool cupboard.

How do you maintain a Boston fern? Can you overwinter a boston fern?

How do you maintain a Boston fern? Can you overwinter a boston fern?

The Victorians loved Boston ferns (Nephrolepisexaltata), and they’re still popular today, especially on Southern porches. Boston ferns are sometimes called sword ferns. They grow up to two- and three feet high and have bluish-green or green fronds that arch gracefully. Boston ferns can be grown outdoors in the shade of a sunny window or placed on a porch. These plants can live for many years if they are given the proper care and the following plant care tips. Success is dependent on the soil and air moisture.

Boston Fern Care – Does Boston ferns come back every year?

Do not let the name fool your eyes. Boston ferns don’t belong to the northeastern United States. They can grow up to seven feet in their natural habitat, which is tropical regions, swamps, and humid forests. These perennials can be overwintered in USDA Zones 10-12, but gardeners in cooler climates often treat them as annuals.

How do you prepare soil for ferns?

These ferns require fast-draining soil that is rich in organic material and a pH between 5 and 5.5. Make sure your Boston Fern container has drainage holes so that water doesn’t collect around the roots and cause them to rot.

The soil media should be moist but not soggy or dry for ferns. Encourage even aeration, moisture retention, and a well-drained soil media of perlite bark, peat moss and bark.

How much sun does a Boston fern require?

Boston ferns love the cool morning sun. They require at least two hours of direct, filtered, or bright sunlight each day. They can be burned by direct sunlight, but they will not grow in complete shade.

How often do you water a Boston fern?

To keep the soil moist and evenly distributed, water regularly or when soil is dry to the top. Outdoor plants dry out quicker than houseplants so it is important to water them in the morning and afternoon. Your fern may not recover if it is allowed to dry out.

Many homes are too dry to support Boston ferns. You can give them more humidity by setting up a room humidifier and placing their pots on top with pebbles in a tray with water. (Don’t let them touch the water). Keep them out of drafts and vents.

Can you overwinter a boston fern?

If you want to overwinter your Fern, place it in a dark, cool area where the temperature isn’t below 55 degrees F. (such as a basement). Reduce the frequency of watering to once per month. Cut off any dead fronds in the spring and bring the fern outside.

Different types of Boston Ferns – Are there different varieties of Boston ferns?

Different types of Boston Ferns - Are there different varieties of Boston ferns?

While some types of Boston Ferns are more difficult to find than others they are all easy to grow. You can check the plant tag to see if the hardiness zone is for your fern.

  • ‘Bostoniensis’ – This is the Boston fern. These fronds are light-to-medium green and can grow up to 4 feet in length.
  • ‘Florida Ruffle’ – Florida Ruffle is a medium-sized plant with feathery-looking leaves.
  • ‘Golden Boston’ – “Golden Boston” has golden-green fronds that brighten shady nooks and garden spots.
  • ‘Massii’ – Massii is darker than Bostoniensis and has a stronger cascading pattern.
  • ‘Rita’s Gold’ – “Rita’s Gold” is compact with golden to chartreuse fronds.
  • ‘Roosevelt’ – ‘Roosevelt has long, wide, lacy fronds and frilly leaves.
  • ‘Dallas’ – Compact and ruffled, ‘Dallas fern’ isn’t as susceptible to shedding as other Boston ferns.
  • ‘Teddy Junior’ – “Teddy Junior” is a compact fern that has light green leaves but is darker than the others.
  • ‘Lemon Buttons’ – The ‘Lemon Buttons,’ at less than 12 inches tall, is ideal for terrariums.
  • ‘Fluffy Ruffles’ – “Fluffy Ruffles” is known for its softly ruffled, delicate fronds.
  • ‘Tiger Fern’ – The attractive “striped” green and gold leaves of the Tiger Fern are appealing.

How to prune Boston Ferns – How do you make Boston ferns bushy?

Except for removing fronds with no leaves or dead, little pruning is necessary. Don’t cut to the top when pruning. To shape the plant, trim the sides fronds and trim the surrounding area. You can prune in spring, summer, or when you are repotting.

Instead, trim the fronds along the base. To encourage new growth, remove any old, discolored roots near the soil. Also, remove unsightly stems from the base. You can trim the rest of the plant along its outer edges until you achieve the desired shape.

How to Propagate Boston Ferns

A runner can be cut or pulled off of a Boston Fern to propagate it. You don’t need to worry if the roots aren’t formed. They will develop when the runners are placed in a pot with potting mix. Cover the pot with water and a plastic bag. It should be kept in direct sunlight at 60-70 degrees F. Take off the bag when you notice new growth.

A Boston fern can also be divided. Allow the plant to dry before removing it from its pot. The root ball should be cut into 1- to 2-inch pieces. Cut the roots into 1- to 2-inch sections and plant them in fresh potting soil. They should be kept moist in a sunny, warm place.

How to Repot or Pot Boston Ferns

Spring is the best season to pot or repot Boston ferns. A pot that is slightly larger than the root ball should have drainage holes. Place the fern in the new pot. To the top, add fresh potting mixture. Water thoroughly and firm the soil.

Common Problems Of Boston Ferns – What is wrong with my Boston fern?

What is wrong with my Boston fern?

  • Root rot and powdery mildew can affect Boston ferns. These diseases can be prevented by not overwatering or allowing the soil to remain soggy.
  • Dry, curled leaves are usually an indication that humidity is too low.
  • Too much sun can burn Boston ferns, turning the leaves to brown.
  • You can quarantine your Boston Fern until they are gone if you find pests such as mealybugs or spider mites. You can either spray them with Neem or horticultural oil to knock them off. You can spray them every week until they are gone.
  • Too much fertilizer can lead to browning of the edges and tips of the fronds. You can flush the soil with plenty of water, then wait six months before you feed again.
  • Repot container-grown plants in fresh potting mixture.

How do you keep the string of pearls happy? When should you repot your string of pearls?

How do you keep the string of pearls happy?

How do you keep the string of pearls happy?

You’ll get a healthy, attractive string of pearls plants if you know how to take care of them, the plant care tips. The leaves are small and spherical and look just like pearl beads. The tendrils can reach up to one meter in length if they are well cared for. This plant is also known by its Latin name Senecio Rowleyanus.

As you will see, this plant can shine indoors in bright spots if it is placed on one of our shelves or in a hanging plant holder.

It is a versatile and adaptable plant. You can grow it in your garden by carefully tending a string-of-pearls plant. It is actually one of the best hanging basket plants because it has a vivid green color that makes a great contrast to other colorful flowering plants.

What temp is too cold for string of pearls?

  • String of pearls plants can thrive if they get at least 6-8 hours of direct and bright sunlight per day. They thrive in temperatures of 72oF and can be grown indoors or outside.
  • The string is made from succulents and requires very little water. It thrives on neglect, in fact. They make pots look great with designs that have ‘faces.’

What does an overwatered string of pearls look like?

It is very easy to care for a string pearls plant. They will thrive as houseplants as long as they have enough light and are not overwatered.

Surprisingly, overwatering can cause leaves to shrivel in string of pearls. If you give your plants more water than they can handle, their leaves will burst and become mushy.

Favorable conditions for string of pearls

Understanding the origins of the plant and its growth habits in the wild will help you care for it. They naturally spread across the desert floors in Southern Africa where water is scarce and light and heat levels extremely high. They have developed thick, fleshy, pearl-like leaves to keep water from escaping their leaves.

The best conditions for a string pearls plant to flourish are:

  • The perfect cactus- and succulent compost is Spring and summer: Use a succulent to nourish your plants; They can tolerate temperatures as low as 50oF (10oC) but they need plenty of light and warmth.
  • Keep a string pearls plant out of a conservatory if you intend to grow them as a houseplant. The string of pearls is not a fan of low temperatures. They should be kept away from areas that might experience humidity, even for a short time, such as the bathroom or kitchen. A room with south-facing windows is ideal.
  • If conditions are favorable and temperatures stay above 55-61oF (13-16oC), then a string or pearls plant can produce small white flowers that have a unique cinnamon scent. Although the flowers are visible in spring, growers value the delicate tendrils of the leaves more than their small, insignificant blooms.

Does string of pearls need direct sun?

  • String of pearls plants requires regular sunlight every day. If they are placed in a dark corner, they will not thrive. 8 hours of indirect sun will give a better environment than full-on direct sunshine.
  • It’s difficult to find the right balance for this delicate plant. Photosynthesis is more difficult because of the string pearls’ thick and round leaves. It can only be done by a thin, pale window (also known as an epidermal window) on the beads.
  • The string of pearls must be exposed to direct sunlight for at least two hours (hitting the top and sides of both plant) when they are in their home. Hanging in a south-facing window would be ideal.

Are these plants able to withstand too much sun? If the string of pearls plants in your home starts to turn yellow it might be an indication that they are getting too much sunlight. Move your potted plant to a spot with less intense sunlight.

Does string of pearls need direct sun?

How often should I water string of pearls?

The string of pearls plants grows best in dry conditions. They don’t require watering more than once per fortnight. Also, be careful not over-water them. Pot-grown string pearls plants should be watered from below. This will allow them to absorb water from the bottom of the pot so that the delicate pearl leaves aren’t on wet compost.

  • If you have indoor plants that are house-grown, it is important to be sparing with watering. A string of pearls doesn’t need much water. Water them only once they’re completely dry. You can test it by putting your finger in the soil.
  • They’re used during long periods of drought so water only after the soil has dried all the way to the bottom of the pot or when the leaves are just beginning to shrivel.
  • Avoid getting your plant’s leaves wet while watering. This can lead to leaf spot disease. To keep your plant looking its best, remove any dead or wilted stems.

Growing string of pearls plant

String of pearls plants can be grown outdoors in bright, sunny areas with lots of light. They are a great choice for hanging baskets because of their textural leaves and unique spreading, trailing habits.

They will thrive outside if they are able to mimic the conditions in their natural Southern African desert habitat. Water your plants more frequently if it is really hot or dry outside.

Repotting string of pearls plant – When should you repot your string of pearls?

Repotting string of pearls plant - When should you repot your string of pearls?

Do string of pearls like shallow or deep pots? Because they have a shallow root base, string of pearls plants do not need to be repotted as often.

There are two signs that your string of pearls may be ready to upgrade. If the root-bound plant develops a circular growth pattern, and can even grow out of its pot. The plant may also lose its leaves and slow down in growth.

  • Use succulent and cactus compost that is free-draining to repot your plants.
  • Also, be sure to choose a ceramic or terracotta pot for drainage. Ceramic pots are more prone to becoming waterlogged.
  • It is important to place them in a low, wide pot to allow them to grow as they would in their natural environment.

A spring-of-pearls plant is repotted in spring but only if necessary. They thrive in small pots so they should be repotted only if the roots can be seen through drainage holes at the bottom. A pot should not be more than 2 inches in size from the current one and must have good drainage. After repotting, water thoroughly.

How to prune string of pearls plant – How do I make my string of pearls thicker?

A string of pearl plants requires very little pruning. However, it is important to monitor their condition and only prune when necessary. Remove any dead or wilted stem leaves as necessary to keep your plant looking its best.

To make your plants more vigorous, you should consider propagation. Place a 4-inch-long cut in water. Within 3-4 weeks, roots will develop and you’ll be able to either add another plant to your pot or start a new one.


String of pearls plants should be handled with care. The delicate bead stems are mildly toxic. They can easily fall off if moved, so it is best to keep these plants away from pets and children.